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Chapter 2

“My Lady, My lady are you awake?”
I heard Amber but I didn’t wake up. Because I was dreaming about him again kissing me.
“MY LADY! TIME TO GET UP!” Amber shouted that made me startled and get up.
“WHAT AM I THINKING?” I shouted back nervously.
I glared at Amber but she just smiled at me. Shit, I can’t even remember that man’s face, why did I dream about it?
“My Lady, Miss Elise gonna have her book signing today. If you are late, she’ll get angry!” Amber said that made me panick.
I get up from bed and hurriedly take a bath and change my clothes.
“You are right! Let’s go now!” I said
We hurriedly went outside in the mansion and went to Elise book signing. She’ll be furios if I’ll be late again, I almost can’t breathe.
“Amber, hurry up!” I said
I slightly run to make it faster but someone hit my shoulder that made me startled.
“Who is it?” I shout angrily
I turn my head to see who is it but I’m speechless when I saw his face.
Gosh, he’s gorgeous!
He looked at my blankly and wiped his shoulder that touches mine. Does he think I’m dirty? I looked at him annoyed.
“My Lady, what happened?” Amber said while runninga after me.

I didn’t wait for her and continue walking.
“A man was over there just now…” I stopped talking when I see the man is nowhere to be found when I turn around.
‘What the fuck! Where’s he?” I said “He didn’t even apologize for hitting me. Although he is handsome, he has no manners at all!”
I’m so annoyed that I ruined my mood. When I arrived at my destination, I saw a large crowd and there’s a sign at the top, that say’s MISS ELISE BOOK SIGNING.
“Wow! I finally got Miss Elise autograph.” one of the girl said happily looking at her book with Elise signature.
“Me too! I love her so much, I like all her books!” her companion said
I continue walking following Amber.
“My Lady, I observed here two days ago. This place is just opposite of the place of Miss Elise book signing.” she said while walking.
“That’s great Amber. Let’s begin!” I said looking in the window where you can see a bunch of people that wants to get Elise signature.
“Okay.” Amber replied.
I position my self and I made sure that Elise that easily see us.
Elise turn her heads towards us and she smiled widely when she saw me.
I waved my hands at her and she waved her hands too. “You are smart!” Elise shouted at me.
I giggled and he again out her attention to the people in front of her. I smiled looking at her and went outside, we just came here to support Elise in her book signing.
“It’s done Amber, go to Nlyx Restaurant for breakfast. We came here ealy without eating breakfast, I’m already starving now.”
I said that made Amber’s eyes sparkled in excitement.
“Awesome.” she said
We walked outside and went to the restaurant. The place is so busy today. When we arrived in the restaurant I looked for the staff.
“Hello, we want a private room on the second floor, please.” I said to the one of the staff.
He looked at me and smiled. “Oh, ladies. Please go upstairs, the best room is reserved for you.” he said.
We walked in the stairs and went to the room that is reserved for us.
While walking in the staircase I saw a familair figure in front of me, he’s going downstairs.
“It’s you again!” I said when I realize who is it.
He is the man who hit me earlier and left without saying sorry to me.
“It’s you again! You didn’t apologize for hitting me this morning.” I shouted at him
But he didn’t care and walked pass by me.
“Where are you going? Don’t you hear me?” I said angrily.
“Are you deaf? Apologize to me now! Do you hear me?” I shouted again.
I take stepped towards him but my feet suddenly lose strength for a moment that made me lose my balance and my body is going down.
I was so shocked and I looked towards the man and he suddenly looked at me.
I closed my eyes waiting for me to fall but it didn’t happened. Instead a soft and sweet thing is touching my lips, I slowly opened my eyes I was so shock of what happened.
I was kissing that man! I suddenly pushed him because of the shock.
“What….you…you…” I spoke nervously and shyly that I couldn’t even finished my words.
Gosh this is so embarrasing.
He looked at my blankly. “So nasty.” he said
Nasty? What the hell? What’s wrong with him? I’m nasty? How dare he?
“Excuse me? You are the nasty one!” I said angrily at him.
But he just stare at me.
“Your highness.” suddenly a man shouted and stand between me and him.
“How dare you offend my prince?” he said with his swords in his hand.
So, that nasty man is a prince?
“What are you gonna do to my lady?” Amber said running towards the man with a sword.
“You can’t go.” Amber said holding the man’s feet.
‘Hey! You are so annoying let go of me!” the man shouted at Amber.
“No, what are you gonna do to my lady? You can’t go!” Amber replied to the man almost crying.
I looked at them sighing. And I noticed the prince is going to left.
“Where are you going? It isn’t over where are you going?” I said while following him.
But suddenly a sword is put into my shoulder that made me stop walking, the prince continue walking and the man with a sword followed him.
I looked at their back annoyed.
“Sorry my lady, I failed to stop him.” Amber said
But I was so angry at them that I didn’t know how to ease it.
“No one has dared to treat me like him since I was a child! How dare he held the sword against me?” I shoured angrily looking at the man.
The man turn around and looked at me byt Amber hold my hand and dragged me inside.
“Get off me! Let me Go!” I said angrily
But she didn’t listen to me still dragging me inside.
“Calm down My Ladt, don’t be impulsive!” she said
She dragged me inside the restaurant.
“Your order is ready now, Miss.” the staff said
I looked at him annoyed. “Not in the mood! I have lost my appetite.” I said.
The staff looked confused.
“Amber, pay him and ask someone to give the food to the street children.’ I said and walked away.
“Wait for me My Lady.” Amber shouted.
But I was so annoyed that I didn’t wait for him instead I continue walking to change my mood.
“What a bad day!” I shouted

Komentar Buku (290)

  • avatar
    Vanessa Subrian

    the mind of how a feel about this situation in a the I know love while promoting the to thinking and engage be 💍 in to is and a good idea as well mwa for the material 💖 is also 💖 in a essential for exam purposes and the teacher should be extremely careful about what is going strong and the teacher should be extremely careful with your work in science and the teacher should be extremely careful about the material while promoting


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    Amirul Afzan

    i very" like this novel


  • avatar

    best storyline


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