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Chapter 6: Praised

Esmeralda's Point Of View
'Gosh! How embarrassing was that!' Almost all of our guests saw their manager falling down the stairs. But I think from their expressions, they didn't get disappointed but more likely fascinated.
'Ahhh! I can't believe it! This has never happened to me before! Why now?! Why?!'
I bet my brother is going to mock me all day if he saw that. How unlucky of him that he didn't.
"Ma'am are you really alright?" Rhia doubtingly asked again for the thousand times.
I'm grateful for her care yet it doesn't need to be so much. Because people said, in this life, everything must be in balance. Not too much and not too little. There will be a problem if one is very high. Hence why Rhia is being troublesome right now.
"We can just go to the hospital to check if you have some broken bones over there ma'am." Cyrus added as he also starts to reanalyze my body. Looking up and down with scrutinizing eyes that can be easily startled just by one snap.
Standing from my seat, I grabbed my blazer and wore it back. "I am fine both of you. But thank you, I appreciate your too much help. You should get back to pack your bag, it's already 5 and you need to get ready. The night shifters will also be here later on." I assured myself as I slowly dragged my feet away.
Before going back home, I went back to arrange some of the wooden chairs. That fall of mine can't stop me from working.
*After half an hour*
Getting down from my small truck with a bad mood, as my first day of managing the lodge was unsuccessful, I went straight to the kitchen to find something to ease my disappointment. Now I understand why my dad always comes right to the kitchen after work.
"Mmmmm.. The sweet aroma of hot chocolate! Wait! Mom, I don't suppose you made this knowing that I would come back in a bad mood, did you?" If she said yes then I'm really grateful to have her as my mother. Even if her I believe that her descendants are clowns.
Yet while peacefully drinking my coffee. My sister's sudden echoing burst of laugh startled me. "Ahahahah!!! Hi sissy!"
Gosh, it's so sudden and mocking that I almost choke from my coffee.
"What's 'gotten into you? You look like you've just woken up after enjoying a dream from your own clown world." I retorted while raising my eyebrow. If she only knew how stressful my day went.
"You're right Miss CHAIR girl! I did come after watching a very amusing stage play from my PHONE." She even prolonged the word 'chair' and 'phone' which made me tense and this time, I completely choked.
"W-what on Earth are you talking about?"
She didn't respond but widened her mocking grin and sat next to me. I followed her every move as I started to panic while thoroughly scanning her from head to toe to confirm my assumption.
"Relax sis... You have just become the topic on the internet. That fall was what you really call epic, you know." Upon hearing this, I immediately rushed to open my bag and find my phone.
"What's going on?" Mom asked with a worried tone but I didn't have the time to answer so my sister replied but because of my marching heartbeats, I couldn't understand her.
After confirming that my fall was really posted by some random guest of ours with over a hundred views, my world fell down. I could also feel tears forming from my eyes as I staggered to find a seat.
'Why didn't I think about this? Now, how am I supposed to bring th-
"Esmy dear, what's wrong?" I heard mom whisper-asked while gently rubbing my back. I wanted to talk but I don't have the energy to. I sensed my sister joined us but I remained silent.
"Hey sis... Don't worry, you were not mocked in the comments. You should see how they praised you as the most beautiful and diligent manager." Smiling as nicely as she could, my sister spoke, closing her face in front of me. Her mouth and eyes are so big that I unconsciously chuckled at the sight.
"Now that's what you call an epic clown." I teased while pushing her face away.
Mom is already watching my video so I just joined her. She kept checking me with her motherly concerned eyes but I insisted that I'm fine.
But when we started reading the comments, her worried eyes were replaced with amused one. Sighing, I realised that my attention is more drawn to her expressions than mine.
'What a way to enlighten me.'
After a minute of calming, I lightly punched my sister's back, in which she hastily tried to return but failed.
"You!" She exclaimed and before she could try another round for swinging her fist, I hurriedly went to arrange our plates as I spoke."Let's just eat guys, stop worrying about that. The people unexpectedly seemed to take it positively, so I hope that is an advantage to the hotel."
Despite Alatheia trying hard to chase me, she couldn't resist the salivating aroma of our dishes.
'See, I'm hundred percent correct. Food is the right saviour.'
We took our time to enjoy our food while listening to each other's narration of how their day went. My sister is still a college student so I can feel how pressuring those days are, especially if you're a topnotcher, people are always expecting something awesome from you. I'm just really thankful that my father is always there to raise his eyebrows whenever he sees me in a dejected mood. His gaze alone encourages my hopes.
Hanging my towel back to the bathroom,I went back to my room then turned my laptop on. I searched for other possible techniques to enhance our hotel. I took my time reading for an hour before checking how our guests are doing. My father's secretary, Mike, assured me that everything is going smoothly.
'Well,my father trusted him so who am I to doubt, right? I'm sure nothing's wrong. Even though I am feeling a little uncertain.'
Dismissing these bad thoughts, I started to massage my head with my eyes shut. Until I am lost into another world again.
Again with my lively dancing alarm clock, my senses awoke wide open as I checked my phone....
'Ma'am since you didn't answer my calls, I assume you're still in a deep rest. If you read this, sorry for bothering your morning but one of our guests, Samantha Ching from Hong Kong to be precise,was rushed to the hospital just this 5 a.m. because of her constant vomiting and diarrhea. But I'm hoping she's already fine so you don't need to worry that much ma'am.' The massage that welcomed my eyes, and the cause of my sudden shouts, stated.

Komentar Buku (137)

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    Fritz Ahl Rubio



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    muito bom


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    Bne drisYoussfe



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