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"Can you have a catholic boyfriend?" I curiously asks Karyll. When Kuya told me about Luigi's religion, I stressed myself to the point that I have to call my bestfriend to have a dinner date with me.
We are currently eating at our favorite street food Chao fan. I burp making Karyll look at me slowly.
I can't help but to smile cutely at her before giving her a peace sign.
Karyll roll her eyes. "You know that We can't." I sigh. Gosh... why do I even think about this topic in the first place?
As that moment. Karyll throw a question at me making my eyes to open big. "Are you into someone right now?"
I cannot lie to my bestfriend. She will found out eventually so I just shrug and eat quietly without opening a topic.
A moment of silence embrace us not until Karyll panicky tap me in my shoulder. I look at her confuse. "What? Any problem?"
She shake her head before grinning at me. "Remember this spot? We used to eat here while you keep on texting Enrich." And then she laughs.
I look at her and roll my eyes. "Don't remind me of that shitty days, baby. That's bad."
She just laugh at me. Hmm, Do I make you too happy with my wrong decision baby?
"It still bothered me. I mean even a boyfriend or a girlfriend? You can't?" I ask her again.
Karyll look at me suspicious. "Why do you keep on asking that huh?"
I averted my eyes out of her sight and eat my rice. "Nah, I'm just wondering... who knows one day I might give you to a catholic boy?" I jokingly said making us laugh.
"Girl, As if you don't know..." She said trailing off. I frown at her and realizing what she was trying to say. "Oh, the baguio boy..."
I smirk when she glare at me. "Let's not bring him up in this topic!" I just laugh.
"Yeah, let's not bring that up. This is our last time enjoying the vacation. Once we are back in school. We will start practicing non stop for the upcoming school events!" I exclaimed. Gosh. Being a student is so exhausting!
My phone beep. And when I open it, I saw a message from Luigi. I instantly smile when I saw his name on my phone.
"Gorl, you are smiling. Are you inlove?" Karyll tseked making me frown.
Oh gosh, What's with her question? And why do I smile whenever I'm talking to this boy?
"It's nothing... I think??"
Friday came and the exhausting thing about Friday is today is the day for our final grades in Physical education.
Well, I'm not a dancer but for my grade I'm willing to dance.
There's a lot of student right now since everyone is preparing for the competition.
"Girl, Let's go!" I look at Rohanie and nod. My nose wrinkled when we walk with a pool of students.
"Should we tie our hair? Like pigtails?" Niña ask. I frown at her.
"Girl, just do this kind of brade. Tell them I told you to do this hair style." Well, I'm not the calss president. That title is for Niña and I'm her bestfriend.
Sometimes I can't help but to get bossy and tell my classmates what to do. Ugh! Me and my attitude...
"Let's find the others." Rohanie said. I shrug before looking at my phone when I felt it beep.
Luigi: I see you...
What the fuck?! My nose crinkled as I look at the photo that was taken by Luigi.
The photo is taken while I'm talking to Niña. I look like I wanted to poop so badly. Ugh!
I was looking for the place where the photo is taken. Right now We are in the middle of the cover court so this shot might be taken in the right side.
"Oh? What is wrong with the way you look at your surrounding?" Niña ask while we are on the way to our designated location.
"I forgot to wear my glasses and my contact." The competition makes me busy while helping Niña and Rohanie to help our classmates with their props.
I almost forgot to send a massage to Luigi because of Niña. I don't want to help her but she threatened me.
Allison: shiz! Hahaha
Allison: So where are you?
I was putting a little bit of make up at my classmate's cheeks when Luigi replied to me.
Luigi: try to find me.
I just laugh as I try looking for him. But I'm hopeless! I can't find him. So I chatted back.
Allison: which bench?
I ask.
I pout before typing. "Give me some clue."
Seconds past and finally! The answer to my question finally arrived.
I pale when the clue arrives. It's a picture of me and Niña taken at---
Shit! My heartbeat starts to beating so damn fast while trying my best not to look at the back.
I suddenly became concuss with my face. I'm sure I look like a mess. I was in the library earlier since I have to serve as the club's President.
The picture is me and Niña. I was smiling at Niña. In fairness, I like the shot. I look beautiful. I save the picture before whispering to Niña's ears.
"Pst! Have you seen Luigi?" I ask her. Oh, It's like I'm shouting in her ears since the crowd is too noisy.
My eyes widened when Niña point her pointing finger at Luigi's place.
"Shutaks! Are you crazy?! Put down your hand!" I want to bite her finger, gosh!
Niña rolled her eyes at me. "Duh? What's the deal?"
I just shake my head. The contest is almost stating that's why Niña needs to monitor our classmates.
I inhale before simply turn my head at his direction. There he is... the guy that I'm having fun for a weeks now.
I feel my heartbeat increased and then a sudden flash came into my cheeks. I ready my phone to take a picture of him in secret
I smile when I saw in the camera what kind of books he's reading. Alamat ng gubat by Bob ong. A silly story but full learning. I sent him the picture before putting my phone in my pocket.
I like his chinito eyes. I grinned. His hair looks like a pineapple three. Then suddenly I stop smiling when I realized something...
Oh gosh...
I was zooning for a moment when I suddenly heard our section being called. In the corner of my eyes, I saw Luigi looking at me. With my dumminh kind of chest, I gather all my strength and go to his place.
I smile at him before showing my fist for a fost bumb.
"Goodluck to the both of us." I laugh slightly. He did it. We did it. A fist bomb!
My heart is strumming when I finally run in the stage.
The competition is over and every section is just waiting for the result.
Finally! I saw Rohanie and Niña. We are finally together. I smile at them.
"Uy! I finally saw him!" I don't want to sound so excited while telling them that...but I sound so excited.
"Who? Luigi?" Rohanie ask. I was smiling when I nod my head. I bite my lips so hard to stop myself smiling like an idiot.
"Oh, there he is!" Niña and I look puzzled when Rohanie suddenly go to Luigi. He is with his friends.
I frown. "What the heck?! What is she doing?" I ask Niña.
Niña just shrugs. I almost stop breathing when I saw Rohanie and luigi walking towards us.
"Oy! Alli! This is it!" I look at her surprise. Rohanie is pulling Luigi while the people around us started shouting.
I uneasily smile. But I think it's more like a grimace. What the heck?! What is this?! Ehe~ I suddenly felt hot for no reason...or maybe for a reason.
You freaking Rohanie!
I try so hard not to smile. Luigi is talking to his friends while they are pushing Luigi slightly.
"Hey, they say Let's take a picture." He laugh slightly. Ow sheeeettt...
"Oh, hahaha... Alright..." i shyly said. I made a piece sign. Luigi look so serious while we are taking a picture.
"Oh, look over here!" Rohanie shout making me and luigit to look at her.
I smile tightly. I want to slap Rohanie's head. I'm not ready for this! I felt like I was having a bad oily face.
I made another piece sign while Luigi is standing straight.
"Yiiiiee~ sanaol~" i try my best to ignored the noise of the people.
When we are finally done with the picture. Luigi call my name.
"Hey, let's go home together. Later." Luigi give me a loop sided grin. I smile at him before nodding my head.

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    Dana Katrisha Palatino Ornado



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