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Chapter Six

Although my dad said those words, Messy Sippy is still curious, and it seems that the bruise on my face has hypnotized her. She only came back to her senses when Dad grabbed her hands and they took their leave.
I don't really know if that is the reason why this ghost is always giving me a spank. I must go now, because I don't want to be late to my class. But first, I need to know if Kiko's mind had changed and if he still wanted to come to our class today.
The door laughed as I closed and locked it. Because of the quiet that prevails, it seems that Kiko's house doesn't have any people. There's something wrong here, so I turned to leave when someone called my name.
"Ezekiel! Wait for me!" Kiko shouted.
He went out of their house. It seems that the wind blows inversely, because my friend is wearing his school uniform and carrying a blue backpack.
"Oh! I thought that you didn't want to attend."
"Shhh, I'm not such a moron as to abandon my studies. I know that I'll just waste my time lamenting, so I decided not to spoil my studies," Kiko replied.
"And you've made a good choice. Your mother will be happy to see you strong and fighting. Let's go now, so that our teacher will not punish us for being late."
While walking down the riotous street, we met two beautiful girls. No one else but Kate Choco and Liza Soberanio. I know that they are both going to school because they are not wearing swimsuits. What's more, it's more fun if they swim on the dusty street.
"Kiko?" Liza asked. "Good to see that you'll be attending our class today." Her smile is so—I really want to—nothing. I just can't describe what I felt for her; imagination takes me away.
"Perhaps Ezekiel had persuaded him," Kate commented.
"Of course not. I'll attend class today at my own decision. You know, I've realized that wasting some years doing nothing is inappropriate," Kiko replied.
"By the way, Kiko, Ezekiel told me about something wrong that was happening in your family. I'm sorry to tell you this. I know that you're still sad, but I just want to ask if you felt something was wrong," Kate said.
Hearing Chocokate, I remembered what I'd told her yesterday. I'm such an idiot. Perhaps it was just a lack of sleep. I don't know what came to my mind to tell her about ghosts. I'm sure they will just make fun of me.
"Hmm, nothing?" Kiko's words sound interrogative. "Why are you asking me that? Don't tell me that Ezekiel told you something about ghosts again, right?"
"Ezekiel told me?" Kate looked at my face. "No! We haven't had any conversation about that kind of thing," she lied, for my sake.
Liza had been immobile since we started drifting towards our school. For sure, she's thinking about someone, and that someone is not me. Speak to the devil, and he will come to you! Such a bombastic man!
"I've visited your house, but why didn't you wait for me?" Lawrence asked. He got Liza's knapsack and carried it by himself. He's pretending to be a gentleman, and I want to punch him in the face.
"I'm sorry Lawrence, I was just in a hurry because Kate was going to leave me alone if I would not join with them," Liza replied.
"Well, you don't need to. Don't leave me next time, because, you know, there are many bad people in the streets, and they may hurt you."
"You're so caring, but definitely, I can protect myself from those people who can do nothing in their lives. You also don't need to bother yourself with delivering me to school and home."
"Hey guys, can you just stop making us feel envious? I really hate these ants that are creeping in my jeans," Kate remarked.
"Kate, you don't need to be envious of them. Kiko told me that—" I was going to say something when my friend covered my mouth. It felt difficult to breathe, so I just remained silent.
"What did you say, Ezekiel? Did Kiko tell you something?"
"No—nothing; I didn't tell him anything, and nothing about you matters, right Ezekiel?" Kiko looked at me.
"A, e, I, o—yeah, he didn't tell me anything, especially about you. I just want you to know that you shouldn't be jealous of Liza and Lawrence because you can find your soon as well. Honestly, you don't need to search for that guy, because he's just—" What kind of—Kiko covered my mouth again, and I didn't know what he didn't want me to say.
"Ha!" I emit a sudden breath, getting rid of my friend's frightening palm. He's such a cowardly man who wants to hide his feelings forever. You're just lucky now, but I'll really grasp your neck later.
"Finally, see you after class, guys," Kate said as we entered the gate of our nerd school. Students here are not just nerds, but weird.
Separated again. I don't know why I'm so smart to be in the first section, and I don't know why Kiko and I are in the same section. I'm not saying that I'm sad that we're in the same section. What I'm saying is that I'm sad because we are just two.
Currently, I'm inside my classroom, turning the pages of this old science book, which sometimes makes me sneeze. Definitely, my belief about this thing is gradually changing. What's happening to me and my neighbors is certainly outside of science.
The door suddenly laughed, although it wasn't tickled. It's the teacher whom I really hate the most. I don't know why, but I just love to hate her. She's Marthe Foollyy Curtain. A lewd teacher who was known for looking for men to pay [sic] to scratch her back.
"Good morning miss Marthe," my classmates greeted, not me.
"Good morning class, today we will discuss something about your reproductive system and organs," she said like a fool while putting her bag on the table, which has a blooming flower design.
She opened the science book with a model of an unfastened big-abdomen man. It's written on the cover, "Male Reproductive System." I don't know, perhaps she loved reading that book and brought it wherever she went 
"Class, see this?" Marthe asked. "This is the mnchmnchmnch."
Certainly, nobody saw what she wanted us to see. We are all keeping an eye on our feet without knowing what she's doing there in the front. Some of my classmates even lock their ears.
Please don't get me involved here. Go back, go back, go back! I tried to mumble it loudly, but my voice couldn't stop our teacher's footsteps from going towards me. My heart beats fast, crimson blood, but I'm bloodless.
"Hi Ezekiel," Marthe whispered. "Can you name this organ?"
Gradually, I was forced to look up and saw in the book that she was introducing the inexplicable thing to me. It has many veinules but itself is the main veinule. I didn't know what to say, but I tried to whisper its name, and gradually came back to my feet.
"You've got ten points for answering me!" Marthe exclaimed, which made my classmates look up. Their quarrel shows that they disagreed. It's telling that our teacher is so unfair. Is that so?
"Why are you fighting with the class? Am I bias?" Marthe asked.
Everyone became silent. Perhaps they realized that there was nothing wrong with what she was doing. Especially since she just wants to teach. What! Did I defend her? She's such a lascivious teacher!
"Dude, for sure you'll be at the top of our class if it happens," Kiko complimented in a low voice. He's beside me most of the time, especially if we have a test. "So, is there something for me?"
"You!" I barked in a low voice. "Do keep quiet; I still want to listen to our teacher's discussion. Look! She's looking at us now."
Kiko looked at our teacher, and his eyes were stuck on Marthe's high, rounded boobs, which could almost come out of her chest. She's just wearing a purple bra. Erase, erase, erase—I don't know why she's just wearing flimsy skirts; her white legs attract every male's eye here. Oh please, stop, stop, stop.
"Hey, her boobs are going to drop," I told Kiko, which caused him to look at me, embarrassed and unaware of what he was doing, and he awoke from his reverie.
What the hell is this? I felt something grasping my—aw!—ears. For sure, it was the ghost again, but how come that even here she would follow me? I tried to catch her hands, but I touched nothing but the untouchable air. I really wanted to catch her, so I stood up and forgot that I was in the classroom.
She pulled me out, and so I followed her, because I didn't want her to get my ears. Fortunately, my teacher didn't notice me because she was busy writing something on the rough blackboard.
It brought me many meters away from our classroom. On the riverbank, below the shade of trees, where there is a long bench, so, I did nothing but sit down on it, waiting for the ghost to say something.
"Hey, what are you doing here below the shades of trees?" Kiko asked. "I saw you go out of our classroom just a while ago. It made me curious, so I followed you, and that's not just the only thing I witnessed, I—" also covered his mouth.
"Silence, silence. Hmm... I know that I can trust you, dude, but I'm just afraid that people may bring me to the mental hospital. So please don't tell them what I'm going to tell you," I said.
"Why, what's that? Is there something wrong?" He sounded worried.
"Have you remembered Kate's question? She asked you if you felt something was wrong in your house. And the matter is related to that—" (Kringgggggggggg!) I was going to say it when the bell continuously rang.
"Just tell me later, we must go to our next subject for now."
We walked along the concrete path towards the next classroom for our next subject. It's normal, but not anymore. Before, I wasn't just making fun of those ghosts, but making fools of them. It might be karma, because I didn't respect them.
I have to visit a paranormal expert if it happens, because I'm not what I was thinking. I'm not so good at this thing. I was just deceiving people to earn money, but I don't want to think seriously about that. It wasn't me who believed in those entities, but they.
Goddammit, even the chair didn't want me to sit on it. It was avoiding me for an unknown reason. Certainly, it wasn't the chair that moved, but the ghost that loves playing me. Something inexplicable was forcing me to shout, but someone covered my mouth.
"Don't shout; now it's clear to me what you wanted to say. I'm not chicken-hearted like you, but it's a bit terrifying. I've never seen this kind of thing before," Kiko told me.
Mom! I can no longer endure living in this abnormal world! Please take me with you! I really wanted to shout, but I was preventing myself so that I couldn't bother my classmates in this classroom. They didn't notice that I was panicking because of something they couldn't see, and that favored me because I didn't want them to think that I was crazy.

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    Kin-aik Gersaba



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    Formanes De Guzman Jeanelyn

    Nice story


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    wonderful ❤️


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