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Kabanata 06

Lauren makes a trip to the top deck after she finishes organizing the luggage to her designated cabin. She only brought a handbag and one suitcase that had enough clothes for her during a one-week trip on the cruise ship.
Soon enough, the cruise ship set sail.

Lauren tucked some stray hair behind her ears and stared at the sea. Watching the fiery sun moving towards the sea. The sky horizon turned into a brilliant blue, consisting of mixed colors of red, orange, and yellow. The breeze hummed in silence and in harmony with the waves that gently hit the cruise ship. The waters below reflect the breathtaking scenery.

Lauren silently admires the scene as her hair sways as if it’s going with the flow of the wind. She felt a sudden ease in her mind and body. These past few days she felt empty inside, but as soon as she stepped on this ship… the exhaustion she felt was gone like a bubble that popped into the air. In contrast to what she felt in their house, the pain and abuse she endured. Lauren taught that after her mother died, she could never be at peace.

Today, she's at peace and she doesn't care anymore. From now on she will live as happily and peacefully as she can. If possible she will do everything to avoid them and she's firm with that decision.

Lauren could save some money as long as she has the job. And when she returns after her vacation, she will find an apartment, because who knows what will happen to her. She wouldn't be surprised if they drive her out and she would end up living on the streets.

Lauren was busy sight-seeing when a man not far from her, caught her attention. He was busy reading a pile of papers while the other man standing beside him was talking.

Lauren was sure that the man beside him was his assistant. She always encountered someone like them while working at the resort. Though, the assistant looks more troubled than his boss who looks like he doesn't care about what’s going on.

She was busy watching them when she heard the grumble of her stomach. She was about to leave when she saw a woman approaching the man. She’s not fond of gossip, but isn’t it fun when you’re bored and waste your time on it once in a while? She suddenly realizes how boring her life was.

Lauren noticed the deep frown on the man's face due to the sudden appearance of the woman beside him. She’s clinging to his arm as soon as she sits beside him. Clearly, she wants to get his attention. However, his assistant was somewhat troubled and did not know what to do with the girl.

Lauren was sure that the man can't afford to lose his job, but he also can't afford to offend the woman. He picked up the paper that the man put on the table. He just whispered something to his boss and then left the two alone.

In years of working at a resort, she has seen such scenes happen several times. Thus, it's not new to her seeing that kind of scene.

Obviously, the man doesn't like the girl, but she still insists on him. Lauren had nothing to do with them, so she decided to ignore it after a few minutes of observation. She also does not have a habit of meddling in the lives of others.

Lauren turned her attention back to the sea to spend another few minutes there before going down to eat. Hence, when she goes down to the food hall, it’s the right time for dinner, so that she does not feel hungry in the middle of the night.

The scenery caught her attention for the second time. It only happens to her once in a lifetime, so she would enjoy it while it lasts.

Unknown to Lauren, she caught the attention of the man. His cold dark eyes were looking at her right now. He knows that she's watching them a while ago, but changed her gaze as if she didn't see them at all. She ignored him.

"Don't make a fuss. I told you that I'm here for a private business, not for you. I'm not interested in you and I already have a girlfriend, so back off." He coldly stated with a hint of irritation in his voice.

He already rejected her a long time ago, but she keeps on clinging and pestering him.

"No. I don't believe what you said. I know you're lying. You don't have any woman by your side nor see one, so why are you keep on pushing me away. Why aren't you interested in me?"

The woman tightens her grip on Kaizer's arm and glares at him.

Why isn't he interested in her? Wasn't she charming? Beautiful? She doesn't understand why he's refusing her like she was a disgusting living thing. As if she's not suitable for him. Thinking about it, her blood boils.

Kaizer didn't like the way she was clinging to him. Even the way she's looking at him, he's annoyed. Was she a fool for not understanding what he meant? That he is not interested in her. He wants to go home so he could scold his family for doing something like this.

They set him up again and clearly, he's not enjoying it. Rather than that, he's annoyed and they are wasting his time. Why can't they understand for once that he doesn't want to be in a commitment right now?

"It's true that I'm meeting with someone." He nonchalantly lied. He wants to get rid of this woman. He won't be wasting any more time with her.

"You are lying! It's just your reason to get rid of me!" The woman yelled.

She clenched her fist and gritted her teeth. Looking at her eyes that are on the verge of crying.

“I'm secretly meeting her because I want my love life private. Could you please let go?”

Kaizer was losing his patience. His assistant left them and he could only handle the woman alone. It's good that there were only a few people at the deck at that time so they didn’t gather that much attention. His ears couldn't take her ranting anymore. He picked up his cellphone on the table and looked somewhere.

What caught his attention was the woman who was looking at them a while ago. She's busy looking at the scenery now.

She was wearing a khaki olive sweatshirt, ripped denim pants, and a camouflage print sneaker to complete her outfit. Her long wavy hair swayed as the ocean breeze hit her body. He could only see the back of the woman, but just by looking at that, he could tell that she has a great body posture. He’s certain that the girl spends time in the gym just to maintain such a body.

In annoyance and desperation to get rid of the woman who's clinging to him. He decided to make a plan. He didn't want her presence anymore and that woman surely can help him.

He feels insane right now, for him to get rid of one woman he’s asking for help for another woman. On top of that, he’s not sure if he will be safe after this because what if it was a trap he’s heading to. But he will agree to anything she would ask in return, as long as he could do it and wouldn't destroy his principles.

Kaizer stood up and walked towards where Lauren was. The woman annoyingly follows him.

"There you are, my love." Lauren was frozen on her spot as the man she's watching a while ago walked toward her.

He gave her a light peck on her cheek and put his hand on her waist. Shocked was written on Lauren's expression. As if a cold bucket of ice was poured into her head.

He even drew her closer to him. Kaizer's warm breath tickled the side of her face as he whispered to her ear. "Miss, could you please help me."

Lauren easily understood what he meant. She doesn't want to meddle in their matter, but it seems she can't help it anymore. Although his presence screams power and wealth, it wouldn’t change the fact that he’s asking her help right now.

She wants her life to be peaceful, but why does it look like she’s a magnet that all she could attract was problems? Lauren could only do a facepalm in her mind because of what was happening. The quiet and peaceful vacation she had in mind seemed to be slowly fading away.
'Farewell, peaceful vacation!'

Komentar Buku (21)

  • avatar

    I was attracted by the book cover and title but the blurb gives me chill 😍🤍 Super interesting ng story, cannot wait ng mabasa po ito ng buo 😊🤍 hihi


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