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Are they serious about what they said?
“Are you alright?” I turned to Freesia. “It's as if heaven and earth have fallen on you in your appearance.”
“It's like I've been hit by a black hole, Freesia.” They winced at what I said. Pretty much…OA. “I'm serious.” Nah. “Just a joke.”
I immediately ran into Freesia, and I's room before all the objects they could throw landed at me. But I'm really serious about what I'm saying. But I don't want to show or make it public to them. I've only been here for a month, and this is what will happen? How about if it takes longer? More severe?
I was lying on my soft bed after taking a shower. The door opened as I stared at the ceiling, and three witches entered. “Hey, girl! Tell me a story!” Lia shouted.
Freesia's hand flew around her nape while Marina just laughed. “It should be Lady Ahrina should.”
“Shut up. I'm going to sleep.” Marina suddenly pulled my leg, so I had no choice. “Yeah, I said just a moment!” I sat down and put my foot on the side of the bed. “I just have a question. What do you call the successors of each city or province here?”
“It depends on the place,” Lia answered as they sat on Freesia's bed. “But when it comes to Six Cities, we call it lord when it's a man and lady when it's a woman.”
Marina agreed. “For example, Crimson. The people of Hesperia call him Lord Crimson. In Julianna's case, it’s Lady Julianna.”
“Eh? How about Thalia?”
“In Thalia's case, nothing.” Eh? “Since Celeste took over Thalia, she has removed the successor system.”
“Who will be the next leader when she dies?”
“Tweddia,” Freesia answered. "Do you remember the woman with Celeste, who has the same age as Lia?" I nodded. So, Tweddia is her name. Sounds fancy and rare. "She's Thalia's only next leader." Wow. "You, Lady Ahrina?"
“Freesia!” The three of them laughed. “Please, don't call me by that title. I don't want to.”
I prayed to kick Marina when she hit my left foot. “You're so lucky! Just kidding, you're the sole successor of Aurora. Be thankful, Ahrina!”
“What's the big deal there?”
“I'll bite your foot,” Freesia teased. “Duh! Crimson has two sisters, and not because he’s a man, he will be automatically the next governor of Hesperia. The same goes for Julianna! She has an older sister, and they're vying for the throne of being the next governess of Antheia.”
I rolled my eyes. “Why fight when Julianna can be the vice governess? There's nothing to lose.”
“That's not the point, Ahrina,” Lia added. “The point here is the power. The power of a governor or governess is greater than that of a vice governor or vice governess. Also, it is easier for a governor or governess to access the Royal Palace of Demetria because they are always the king and queen talking. In Antheia's case, a governor has a more significant advantage because he heads the capital.”
Tsk. “Because of that?”
"You want us to punch you?" exclaimed Marina. “Not just because of that, Ahrina. Spending time with the king and queen of Demetria is already a huge deal! Imagine the connection you have. Especially if you're close with the whole Royal Family! Just go to sleep!”
“Sleep well! Good night to you!”
“Okay! Get out of our room!” Freesia shouted at the two. “Good night, girls!”
When Lia and Marina got out, Freesia immediately locked the door and faced me. “Annually, a ceremony takes place at the Royal Palace of Demetria. There the successors of each city or province are introduced. For example, the Torren siblings. Since they are the three successors, they will be sent to the Royal Palace and introduced to the entire Demetria community.” What the? “This year, the Royal Palace has not yet released an announcement on when that will occur. So prepare yourself, Ahrina. All of a sudden, they are sending invitations to each successor. That's all, good night.”
“Hmm. Good night too.” Freesia turned off the lights and laid down on her bed. A few seconds later, I could hear her little snores.
Goodness. I want to go back to Earth. I don't like it anymore. I don't want to be a magician any more.
I already wore my bathing uniform. Since I am aware that I have the ability to mimicry, I will just teleport to the classroom. Before that, I will leave a note first. They might beat me. You know, girls and their love for each other.
I put the note on the nightstand between Freesia and me's bed and left the room. I was about to teleport when there was a knock on the door. And when I opened, the same four butlers exposed themselves to me. “Lady Ahrina, Sir Collin is searching for you.”
“Ah, alright, thanks for telling.” I left the room and was about to walk when I remembered something. “You probably won't go there with me, will you?”
“Headmistress Mildred just ordered us to call you, so it's up to you to decide if we will accompany you or not.”
“Maybe you're still doing something, so I'll go alone. Besides, I already know where Sir Collin's office is.”
They all bowed to me, which I was a bit surprised. I have to get used to it because they will always follow me wherever I am called. “Lady Ahrina has to walk first. We can't get ahead of our master."
"I-Is that so? All right, I-I'll go first." Gosh! Awkward!
They were behind me until we reached the school building, so students looked at me. Upon entering, they faced me and bowed. I also bowed down, and they left. God, so embarrassing!
While walking, all the students were talking about me and my connection to Aunt Calla. One even asked the other if Mom and Aunt Calla were sisters.
And yeah, a student answered, “As far as I know.”
So, is my aunt really Aunt Calla? So my uncle is also Uncle Carob. I mean, Sir Collin and I are cousins? Oh my god. I'm lucky again.
Before I could knock on Sir Collin's office door, I heard him. “Come in.” Clear and loud. So I went in. “You arrived on time, Ms. Regalia.”
I immediately closed the door and stood opposite him. “Uhm, what's up?”
He shook his head and lifted his sight to me. “Nothing. I just want to know how your first day of training with Mr. Torren was.”
Very bad! “He's okay, Sir. He's a good teacher.”
“Is it true?” He grinned as if he knew I was lying. “Hmm?”
"He's really okay, Sir. A little annoying, but he's cool.”
"That's not what I want to hear." I do not get it. "It's annoying to teach her, Sir. Cowardly, very lazy, talkative, and impulsive. How can I bear to teach her if she's so lazy?"
My eyes widened. What the actual f*ck! Cowardly, too lazy, talkative, impulsive, and lazy? “How can I not be like that to him, Sir? He is so arrogant that you think he is the best in all of history. He is not good at teaching, crooked! He is also impulsive and ruthless! Hello, I am new to such things. My knowledge is limited. I'm just being careful, Sir!”
Sir laughed out loud, and it was only then that I realized that I had hit his desk. “I-I'm sorry.”
“I didn't make a mistake that I paired you two. You'll get along even better.” What the f*ck! “Anyways, that's all I want to know. You may now leave.”
“Sir, I have a question.”
“Go on. Except if you're attempting to make me change your partner.”
“If it's possible, Sir, I've done it before,” I replied. “Are Mommy and Aunt Calla siblings?”
To my surprise, he nodded! “They're half-sisters, maternal siblings. Governess Regalia is older than Headmistress Mildred.”
“T-Then, Sir, we’re cousins?”
He nodded once again. “You knew earlier than we expected. That's great.” Oh my god! We are cousins! “In informal situations, you may address me to my name since our gap is just seven years.”
“Then, Sir, do you know who’s my father?”
In a snap, his mood changed. Did I say something wrong? I just asked who my father was. “You may go to you—”
I cut his words. “Sir Collin, please.”
He opened his book and spoke. “You will know soon. You may leave my office now.”
I just left his office. I wonder why his reaction changed at the speed of light. Mom never told me who my father was, neither Aunt Calla nor Uncle Carob, so after knowing that Sir Collin is my cousin, I thought of that immediately. By the way, he also can't give a good answer.
Okay, fine, whatever. I still have a long life. As Sir Collin said, I will know soon. I will make sure that I will know who my father is before I die.
In the middle of the hallway, I met Julianna. Her eyes are swelling, indicating that she cried badly overnight and clenched her fists. “You're shameless, Ahrina. Because of you, I no longer have magic and ability!” All the students around looked at us. With the strength of Julianna's shout, how could no one hear?
“I don't know —”
“As Julianna's father, I want her to realize that what she's doing is wrong. I ask you to give her three days of Magic and Ability Nullification. I think three days is enough for her to learn.”
“B-But please—”
“I agree with Governor Sutton's request. Lady Julianna's abusing her power as a successor is completely wrong. We have to take action.”
End of the flashback…
“You don't know? Who are you kidding, huh?”
“Don't blame me if that happened to you, Julianna Sutton. Governor Sutton himself begged Headmaster and Headmistress Mildred to impose Magic and Ability Nullification on you. They decided your punishment, so you have no right to blame me.”
She approached me and suddenly threatened me. “If it weren't for you, it wouldn't have happened to me, so I can blame you, Regalia.” I sat down on the floor after she pushed me so hard that I could no longer avoid it.
Julianna was about to speak when a voice echoed throughout the hallway. “Halt!” It was a female voice, but it wasn't Mommy, Aunt Calla, Freesia, Lia, or Marina. But I feel I’ve heard that. “Nullification has taken over, still not learning. You are no longer the Julianna Sutton we knew.”
Julianna's eyes widen, and she stands up straight. “S-Scarlet…”
I slowly stood up and faced the Scarlet she was referring to. My eyes widened when I confronted her. She’s Crimson’s elder sister. The one I met at Thalia yesterday.
She stopped walking next to me, and their younger sister was by her side. “You are aware of the bullying you are doing, but you didn't stop. Do you want me to report this to the Headmistress and Governor Sutton? If that happens, Jade will be the sole successor of Antheia, and I know you don't want that to happen.”
“W-What are you doing here?”
“Nothing, Merlot and I just passed by here.” Weh? I feel like that's not the real reason. She glanced at me. "Are you okay, Tantiana?”
Did she just addressed me on my second name? “A-Ah, yes, I'm fine. I’ll go ahead.”
“Wait, Tanny!” Tanny?
“Let her, Merlot. Let's just invite her next time. All right, Tantiana, you may go to your room.”
Okay, I forgot to ask Sir Collins about the Torren sisters.
This day’s completely messed up because of Julianna!
At lunch, the four of us ate together. They even talked about the scene that happened earlier in the hallway. “Are we close to Crimson's family?”
“Why are you asking us that?” Lia replied. “Why don't you ask Aunt Amber or Headmistress Mildred?”
Point taken. “Do I have amnesia? I don't remember ever being here before, but why do they know me?”
Freesia laughed. “In your situation, we wouldn't be surprised if even King Malachi and Queen Rosewell knew you.”
“Maybe.” Marina almost choked out of the blue, and Lia immediately gave her water. "What happened? Are you okay?”
He nodded after he drank. “What kind of response is that, Ahrina? It means there's a possibility that Freesia's prediction is true!”
“I don't know, okay? I don't remember ever meeting a magician before.”
“What do you just remember?” Lia asked me.
“I grew up on Earth. I went to a normal elementary school, graduated with awards and salutatorian, went to a normal private secondary school, and moved here. In short, I grew up a normal person, a normal child,” I replied and proceeded to eat.
“I doubt that.” I glanced at Lia. “Yes, you grew up normally but not your whole life. It's possible you were born here, but because of the chaos going on, that's where you lived on Earth with Aunt Amber.”
That's right. It's possible I was born here. It is also possible that Governor and Vice Governess Torren took care of me. All of that would be possible if I were born here. I need immediate confirmation. There are four people I can approach here inside the school: Crimson Ul*lens, Sir Collin, Aunt Calla, and Uncle Carob. Five if Scarlet Torren is still here.
“I'll see you in the dorm later,” I told them and teleported. I appeared opposite the Office of the Academy Headmistress and quickly knocked. I saw Tita Calla and Tito Carob talking about something serious when I opened it. “Can I interrupt?” I temporarily have to remove the shame from my body.
“Ahri!” Uncle Carob exclaimed. “Sure! Come in.” And so, I did. “What's the matter?”
“Was I born here?” They immediately looked at each other. “I don't remember ever being here in Demetria, so I wonder why the Torrens know me.”
Tito Carob cleared his throat and looked at me. “This isn't ours to tell, Ahrina. It's better if you ask Amber about that.”
“Who is my father? Is he also a magician? Is he close—”
“Ahrina.” Aunt Calla seriously looked at me. “We suggest that you should ask Amber about this. Again, this isn't our story to tell. I will contact the Chamber of Light—”
“Auntie, please.”
Tito Carob stood up and patted my shoulder. “Ahrina, just listen and follow, okay? Calm yourself. Too many emotions can harm you.”
I could do nothing but obey. I only got one answer from the three of them, what about Crimson or Mom?
Uncle Carob confronted me after leaving Aunt Calla's office. “You will know all of the answers to your questions at the right time, Ahrina. Don't rush things. For now, you have to focus on honing your magic and ability.”
I nodded. “I understand, Uncle Carob.”
“That's good. I'll take you to your classroom.”
“No, Uncle. I can do this on my own. All right, thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.” I walked away from the office.
I want to find Crimson, but I felt an immediate call from the ocean. I suddenly felt nervous when I was in front of the door of the CR. It was as if something terrible was going to happen when I entered.
I went inside the very first cubicle and immediately peed. When I flushed, the door opened, and I saw five pairs of legs in the space under the cubicle door. And if I base it on their voice, it's Julianna. Good luck to me.
"Lock the door." I told you!
I need to teleport, but why can’t I? I did it before!
The door opened with a loud thud, and the smiling Julianna greeted. Two of her henchmen approached me and dragged me away. “Finally, I'm spending time with you too.”
“What else do you want, Julianna?”
“I want to know who you really are, Ahrina. I want to know what you really are in the life of the Torrens. I want to know how to kill you.” Is she a fool? She’ll kill me? As if she could! “This is only going to be short. I don't want to lay a hand on you because you might report me again.”
“Say what you want because you're wasting my time.”
There was nothing funny about what I said, but she laughed aloud. “Brave Regalia. Let's see how long your courage will last.” She approached me and threatened me. “Tonight, let's meet at the back of the Academy. Bring your friends, so you're not alone. 9 PM.” The back of the Academy is the South Woods. If she wants me to go there, she will severely do something to me. “If you don't show up, expect that you'll be famous all over Demetria tomorrow. When that happens, I doubt you'll be able to stay here long. Remember that, Regalia.”
I was violently pushed by the two holding me, but fortunately, I was immediately grabbed by the counter because otherwise, my ass would be flattened again.
She wants a fight, huh? Fine, I'll give it to her. In the South Woods or anywhere, I will not turn her down. Let's just see how long she will last in this world.
“Are you crazy already?” Freesia exclaimed to me. “We've already told you, Ahrina. It's dangerous in the South Woods!”
“Then, what do you want me to do? My identity and dignity are at stake here, Freesia. I know it's dangerous in the South Woods, but I have no choice!”
“Tell it to Headmistress!” Lia shouted. “Ahrina, we can't go there. You know that.”
“Ahrina, we're just worried about the possibilities,” Marina stated calmly. “Yes, you're already one of the high-ranking mages, but that doesn't mean you're in a hurry with your decision. Tell the Headmistress.”
“Then, what? We all know what Julianna is capable of. So we better just show up. One more thing, I have my ace here. I won't be harmed if she lets me in. South Woods.”
The three of them looked at each other and sighed simultaneously. I know it's dangerous, but this is the only way I can think of to stop it all.
Lia nodded and stood up. “Let's get dressed.”
I wore a turtleneck top, shorts, and black rubber shoes. I'd better wear it like this because it's comfortable. I removed my black princess coat from the hanger and put it on. This is the only coat I have so even if it looks a bit ugly because I'm wearing shoes, I have to wear it because it's cold here at night.
I went out and saw the three of them in the living room. Freesia turned to me and held me on both shoulders. “Ahrina, we can just ignore Julianna's threat to you.”
I shook my head and patted both of her hands. “I'm fine, Freesia. I won't let myself be in danger. Come on, it's nine o'clock.”
As I walked down the hallway, I could feel the fear and apprehension of the three of them toward me. But that's not a big deal here. I feel something strange about myself.

We were a few meters away from the mouth of the South Woods, but I could already hear them. My whole class and Julianna's class were there.
“I don't think she’ll arrive, Julie.”
“Maybe she chickened out.” They laughed at the same time.
“Stop this, Julianna.” That voice was Blake. “Stop it before you regret it all.”
“Regret? I have no regrets about it, Blake. That woman should repent. She's to blame for all this.”
When I stepped on the ground, I immediately spoke. “I'm not a coward, Lady Julianna." They all turned to me. I continued walking until I could get close to her. “Now that I'm here say what you want to say.”
She grinned and laughed. “You're arrogant, Regalia. Let's just see.” She pointed to the woods. “In the middle of the South Woods, there is a jewel tree. Take a red diamond fruit and give it to me.”
I looked at South Woods, and surprisingly I saw the whole forest. “May I know what you're referring to looks like?”
“Ahrina, there's no such tree there!” Lia shouted. “Julianna is just lying to you!”
Julianna ignored Lia's warning and smirked. “That tree has white trunk and branches and black leaves.”
I nodded and smiled at her. “I'll take all the tree's fruit you say is for you.” Instead of rejoicing, she was dismayed. “Can I go inside now?”
“What! Are you really crazy, Ahrina?” Blake exclaimed at me.
I turned to Freesia and removed my coat. I handed it to him as well as the watch I was wearing. “In two hours, when I'm not out, tell Tita Calla and Tito Carob about it.”
I cut off what Thoreau had to say. “I'm egoistic, so I'll stand on my decision. If you're worried, do what I said.” I confronted Julianna, who is still disgusted today. “Two hours, Julianna. You’ll see me carrying different kinds and colors of gemstones, including the red diamond you say.”
“Let's just see, Regalia.”
I looked into the South Woods, took a deep breath, and then high into the forbidden forest.
There's no such tree? I will make her one, so she can stop her mania.

Komentar Buku (358)

  • avatar
    Andrelene Ortega

    I recommend you guys this story it’s very nice and you can gain a lot of knowledge


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    daebak !


  • avatar
    Angel Padua



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