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“Looks like I'm doing too much to Freesia.” Mother laughed at what I said and interfered with what I was doing. “Mother!”
Mother kicked me on the ass. “It's like you're new to this, Lia. It's a win-win situation right now.”
I just looked at the orb to see what was happening to Ahrina. After Ahrina, Freesia, and Marina met, the six of them got together.
I don’t know if I’ll laugh, be sad, or be surprised at what Crimson and Ahrina will answer. In my twelve years of studying at Schiz Academy, only Ahrina dared to meet Crimson. They both speak rudely and don’t seem to think about what they’re saying.
“What are we going to do?” Ahrina suddenly asked.
“Maybe we'll stare.” See?
“Okay, let's do it. They might suddenly become humans like Casper.”
I don't even know who is that Casper she's talking about. After all, Ahrina is from Earth.
If I could just record what I see, I did. Except for the funny thing, their teamwork is excellent. Though Ahrina's just watching. It is reasonable because you are the one who is suddenly taken to a world full of powerful creatures.
I stopped breathing when I saw the ice dome Freesia made suddenly break. Especially what Ahrina did.
“C-Celeste!” I immediately shouted.
Celeste immediately ran towards me. When she looked at my orb, she couldn't believe it either.
Ahrina. Fire came out of his left palm while light came out on his right. Which is very magical. Isn't wind her power? Also, the ability mimicry does not cover the magic itself.
“We have a problem!” my sister Lilac shouted. We all looked at him. “Ahrina's body, it's starting to move!”
I was the first to run onto the grounds. I immediately stopped when I saw Ahrina's body moving. Her whole body was shaking, and her scythe-caused wound was starting to show. I peeked into the orb.
Ahrina's body suddenly fell to the ground, so they immediately went to Mother to take her to the healing area. Even in the illusionary ward, Ahrina also lost consciousness. Just a few seconds later, she disappeared there.
“What happened?” That's also my question, Marina.
This is the first time that this thing happened.
“Lia!” I turned to Celeste. “Leave your work to Lilac. We need to talk.”
“Yes.” I confronted Lilac and passed the orb to her. “Finish it, Lilac.” She nodded. I flew towards Celeste. I went down to the front door of the castle and walked inwards. “Celeste…” I uttered as I entered her office.
Celeste is the head witch of the whole Thalia, and she is the cousin of Lilly, my mother. Celeste is also the oldest witch. Believe it or not, she was sixteen years old when the Enchanted War happened. Yes, she was 116 years old, but her appearance remained the same as when she was eighteen.
Celeste pulled out a book and handed it to me. “This is…”
“Ahrina is the one referred to in that book.”
My eyes widened at what Celeste said. “I-I mean, she's Geminid's granddaughter.” She nodded. “Governess Regalia. She's the daughter of Geminid, the Queen of Fertility?”
“Once the necromancers find out, the Enchanted War could start again. But this time, it's more bloody.” Celeste tapped me on the shoulder. “Open your house. That's where the Mystic Princess and your friends will stay.”
I immediately nodded. “I will, Celeste.”
Our first night here in Thalia. We shouldn't stay here until tonight, but Aunt Calla herself ordered that we return to school tomorrow. We were all surprised by Aunt's decision because we didn't have any extra clothes.
The six of us stayed at Lia's house. They also prepared things for us to use tonight, such as clothes and the room where we would sleep.
I remember everything that happened to me earlier in the illusion. But I still can't believe it. Who am I? Why did that happen?
“Ahrina…” I turned to Lilac and stood up. He handed me what was folded purple. I accepted that. “Mother told me to tell you to get ready because dinner time is close.”
I smiled and nodded. “All right. Thanks, Lilac.”
I entered room six and saw Freesia wearing a long dress. The green color suits her complexion. “You better get dressed.”
What's wrong with them?
Okay, fine, I shouldn’t think about them in the meantime. I took a shower because I had no confidence in what had happened to my body earlier while we were in illusion. After that, I put on the dress that Lilac gave me.
I looked at myself at the mirror. A purple velvet floor-length dress was given to me. Unlike Freesia's long-sleeve, mine has a sleeve, but it's a flutter sleeve made of chiffon. Fortunately, the style of its neckline is an illusion because if it was just a spaghetti strap, I might use a blanket as a cloak.
I laid the clothes I was wearing earlier and then left the room on my bed. When I arrived in the living room of Lia's house, I saw them talking. Lilac looked at me first and was still applauded.
“Ahrina, you're beautiful!”
I winced. I am not used to praising my natural beauty. "You’re flattering me." Lilac just laughed and patted her side, so I sat there. “What to do?”
“We're just waiting for you.” Marina smiled. “You're beautiful.”
“I don't have twenty peso bill.” They were all confused. “Nevermind. So what is it?”
Lia responded, “Let's just wait for Mother, then we'll go to the castle.”
My cellphone has a low battery. Annoying! Don't they have a charger here?
“Let's go.” They stood up, so I stood up as well. That's probably Lia's mother. She looked at me as she walked. “Is your wound healed?”
“How did you know?”
He smiled. “I'm Lilly, Lia's mother. The one who treated you was Celeste, my cousin.” That explains.
I nodded. “My wound is completely healed.”
We went quietly to the castle. Lia has a dining area, but why does the castle need to eat? To welcome us, right? But, how many times have they come here? Other than what happened to me earlier, is there anything else to add?
Wait, I shouldn't overthink anything. Marina might get depressed because of me.
Suddenly someone slapped my arm. Si Marina. I immediately sneezed, “Can't do anything else?”
“You should just stop thinking about it because you might be the cause of my death.” I held back a laugh. She’s so OA. “I'm not OA!” Yes, that's right.
Wow. We’re really at Hogwarts.
Just kidding. Maybe we just traveled back to the Medieval era. Because I swear, the interior of their castle is beautiful. It's ancient-fashioned. Then there are the paintings. Maybe the leaders here in Thalia.
“Not only that.” Marina is here again. “Here on the right are the rulers of Thalia, and here on the left are the other rulers, including the kings and queens.” Okay, not that bad either. “You're still going to complain.”
“Why do I think you always read?” I asked her.
“Because you're the only one new here.” Oh. Is it like that? “Yes.” Hotdog.
She stance to punch me, so Lia came to the rescue. “Try to fight. I'll stab you two myself.” Is that a to the rescue? She seems to have made the situation worse.
When we entered a large room with five tables more extended than the table with the advertisement for Joy dishwashing liquid, everyone looked at us. Tita Lilly and Lilac parted ways with us, probably because the locals had a separate table from students like us.
I just followed Freesia because I might look stupid here again. And we’ll really occupy the front part, huh. What is this, with a reservation?
When Lia sat down, she tapped the chair to her left. “Sit down,” he whispered.
I just nodded and was about to pull up the chair when Thoreau did that earlier. Blake, Marina, Lia, and Freesia smiled. Crimson Ul*l? As usual, he barely cares.
Thoreau carefully pushed up the chair and sat down to my left. “Thank you.”
“Always.” That's why Freesia admires you.
Freesia cleared her throat. “Someone’s jealous.” I stopped laughing at what Lia said. I am accurate. “She's never been close to Thoreau.”
“Weak.” Lia laughed yet stopped when Freesia glared at her.
We heard the door open again. Celeste entered and was accompanied by two women and three men. One of them looks the same age as Lia. Maybe that's Celeste's daughter.
They went to the front, where there was a small table and five chairs. That's the purpose of it. In the middle stood Celeste. To her left is a man and to her right is probably her daughter. At each end is maybe a secretary.
Does every witch and warlock have a secretary?
“Good evening, everyone. I have decided to invite everyone to share dinner with the students of Schiz Academy. This is the first time that such a gathering has happened in the entire history of Thalia, so I hope that all of you will have a good time.” Everyone applauded. “Everyone can eat now.”
Fortunately, I'm used to attending formal occasions, so I know the trend. That's it. I'm not sure if the proper table manners are the same on Earth and in Thalia.
“Are you okay?”
I turned to Lia and nodded. “It’s my first time here.”
He laughed. “Eat up. Just imagine you're at a usual formal event.”
It's just the same. Okay, I’ll eat now.
After dinner at the castle, we went straight to Lia's house. But I can't be bothered. I want to roam around.
I just don't know if it's true or not. But it is said that when your foot itches, you have an athlete's foot. Just kidding. I mean, you want to roam. I just heard that at my old school. Again, I just don't know if that's true or not. There is no scientific explanation, except for the part where you have nausea when your feet itch.
So here I am, walking a walk. There is a lake here that separates Thalia and the Townland, so that's where I'm going now. Maybe there is a portal back to Earth. Just a joke, I don't want to leave Mommy here alone.
I arrived at the lake. The reflection of the full moon is reflecting on its crystal clear water. It's a good thing that the lake here isn't polluted.
Is there a tuna or milkfish here? With the water so clear here, the megalodon may be able to live here again. Oh, my bad. It's a lake, not an ocean.
But honestly, I prefer to live here. It's polluted on Earth. Those cars here don’t use gas. Moreover, they preserve the beauty of nature as beautiful as I do.
I probably won't die, will I? Nothing terrible will happen to me and everyone. Not all prophecies come true. Sometimes they just misunderstood.
Okay, this is serious. I'm not mad to kill. I know the essence of life. I know how to respect everything. Yes, I could hurt a man and let him taste the pain he made me feel. But I will kill? I can't imagine myself doing that.
I felt something behind me. The aura is familiar, but I can't say who. They were three men. When I turned around, they suddenly disappeared. Like teleporting—wait. Teleport, huh? Those three snakes will cry to me later.
“Ahrina Tantiana Regalia.” I confronted the person who called me. This b*tch again. Can I drown her in the lake? Perhaps with the pristine water here in the lake, she is aware of the mania of her life. “A student considered a Royalty who uses her mother for her own sake.”
I laughed and stood up. “I'm sorry, I don't argue with kindergarten students like you. Excuse me.” I was about to leave, but suddenly she grabbed my arm and pushed me away.
Look, I don't want to fight with an immature. My saliva and time are just wasted. Because whatever your explanation is, what his perspective is, that's his perspective. There is nothing you can do. That is why there is a saying that uneducated people use their mouths more than their brains.
“Kindergarten student?” Again and Again, Julianna? “You called me a kindergarten student without knowing that I am Julianna Sutton, the succeeding governess of Antheia!"
“Before you spit words, ask me first if I ask for your opinion, huh? You look stupid.”
“What did you just say!”
“Do you still want me to repeat what I said before? One more thing, I don't care if you own or rule the entire Magic World. Even if everyone kneels down to you, I'm the only one who will remain to stand and continue to mock your existence,” I gritted to this witch. “Now, if you have anything more to say, say it because I don't have time for your nonsensical words.”
I was just surprised when she suddenly strangled me. Especially when I gradually felt the heat in my neck. This woman will kill me not because of suffocation but because of the heat. Wait, that's great. I can still breathe well even though she is choking me.
“Let her go, Julianna!” I diverted my attention to the person who yelled and saw three little boys and Freesia, Lia, and Marina.
I turned my gaze back to Julianna. “You can't get me through your physical pains, Julianna. You're only showing how ill-mannered you are.”
After hoping that she would be more pissed, I mentally smirked as she did it. However, I still can breathe very fine.
Her henchmen suddenly fell to the ground a few meters away from us. Maybe it was Blake's work. He's also a wind mage.
Julianna glared at me even worse, which made me feel bad because of the heat. My skin feels like it's being burned.
“Ms. Julianna Sutton!” I sat down on the floor after Julianna let go of me. My neck’s incredibly hot.
“Ahrina!” I nodded to Freesia. She caressed my neck, and I could already feel the cold from her hand.
They helped me stand up, and I saw that the teachers, some witches, Celeste, and students were also around. “Do you know what you're doing, Ms. Sutton!” cried Aunt Calla. “My niece is the one you’re hurting!”
Everyone looked at me. Seriously, guys, I'm just a niece, not a child. Goodness. Julianna, too, turned to me in shock. I'm not really a niece. Mommy and Aunt Calla are friends, and the latter is just acting as my second mom.
But wait, maybe they're really siblings! As the headmistress, Aunt Calla should be wise in everything. Not too rational, not too emotional. Just balanced. When a person is angry, he loses control and can no longer think clearly, as far as I know. That's all I know.
“Who was initiated the fight, Celeste?” she asked calmly.
Celeste pointed at Julianna. “She called Ahrina flirty.” She lowered her hand. “Yes, I saw it all.”
Ha! Told yah, Julianna. You're just a kindergarten student. Your brain and your behavior.
“I'm ashamed I have a student like you, Ms. Sutton.” Oops. Even Aunt Calla doesn't want you anymore. “Tomorrow morning, I will call a meeting to discuss your punishment.” She turned to those around us. “Go back to your rooms and rest. Everyone will wake up early tomorrow to have breakfast and get ready to leave in Thalia.”
Everyone followed what Aunt Calla said. All that was left here were the seven of us, Julianna and her five henchmen, and the teachers and warlocks and witches.
“I don't want this to happen again, Julianna. I'm giving you a warning,” Aunt Calla warned, then she faced us seven. “Go back to your room and rest.” She looked at me directly. “We'll talk tomorrow, Ahrina.”
I took a deep breath and nodded as I avoided her gaze. “Yes, Headmistress Mildred.” This is so f*cking embarrassing! I didn't kill people! I just pissed off a kindergarten student!
We quietly returned to our room. Lia has a room, and Lilac is with her. I first shook the skirt of my dress to remove the dirt before sitting on my bed.
We all feel who will speak first. Crimson? He was lying on his bed just to my left. We have one bed here, three on each side. Mine is at the end, opposite of Freesia.
In just a few minutes, I decided to speak. “Let's go to sleep. We must wake up early tomorrow. Good night to you.” No one said a word, so I got up to lie down properly because I was sitting on the edge of the bed.
The light has gone out. I don't know if Marina made it or if all the lights here in Lia's house have a breaker.
I laid down well and put on a blanket. Even though I'm wearing a gown, I still can't sleep well without a blanket. So, every time Mommy and I had an overnight trip back then, I would forget about everything except the cellphone, charger, and earphones, not just the blanket.
I guess I'm the only one who hasn't slept yet. I can hear their tiny snores, except for the one next to me, who is probably quiet when sleeping.
So, annoying. I can't sleep. I haven't done anything yet. Back in our house on Earth because I just listen to music or read a book when I can't sleep. In this case, I don’t have a book here, and my cellphone has a low battery.
I turned to my left, hoping that I could fall asleep, and my eyes met Crimson's since he was facing me. Okay, I don’t want to be assuming, but he’s really staring at me!
Not going to deny it, I felt comfortable with his stare. Though even though he seems angry, I just feel okay. I tried to smile at him, but his eyes squinted more. Does he see anything else?
“Are you not yet sleepy?” I asked him. “It’s too late.”
“Not yet. You?” I nodded. “You should sleep.”
“How can I sleep if someone is staring at me?” Gotcha, Crimson Ul*l. “I thought you were asleep too.”
He chuckled. "Can't sleep too. Something's bugging me." Eh? "How's your neck, by the way?”
I smiled at his question. This is entirely new. "I think you have a fever, Crimson. You suddenly became concerned." And he glared at me! I'm just teasing you! "It's just a joke. I'm fine. Freesia has already regulated the temperature though I feel like it left a mark.”
“There really is.” Haha, I'm right again. “You should sleep now, Ahrina. Like you said earlier, we all have to wake up early.”
There is something else in this monkey. “Yes. I'm going to sleep. But I can only do that if you face Blake there, okay?” He nodded once. “Good night, Crimson.”
I turned to my right and closed my eyes. I heard him speak. “Good night too, Ahrina.”
I automatically smiled. I do not know why. After all, Crimson and I were constantly arguing. Why not become a truce, for now, right?
Well, it looks like our first night here went well. Although bad things happened this whole day, especially to me, there were still good experiences to treasure. Not bad, honestly.

Komentar Buku (358)

  • avatar
    Andrelene Ortega

    I recommend you guys this story it’s very nice and you can gain a lot of knowledge


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    daebak !


  • avatar
    Angel Padua



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