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I woke up because of a call on my cellphone. Mommy missed a call to me three times, and then I also received three texts, still from her.
How are you, daughter?
Congratulations to you. I am so proud of you.
Btw, it's late. All right, you just slept soundly, child. Good night.
I replied immediately.
I'm okay, Mommy. Thank you. Promise I'll be fine. I’m a Regalia, so I shouldn’t be defeated. Sleep as well now, Mom. I miss you.
I haven't slept well for two nights, so I've been in class all day. I was bullied by Julianna Sutton's henchmen. She was the youngest daughter of the governor of Antheia, which is why the students treated her like that, and she treated us like that.
Tss, she's so proud. Just because she's the governor's daughter, she will act like that? It would have been better if she was the daughter of a king and queen, but no.
“Stop," Marina stated. “You have a point, but we can't do anything.”
Yup, Marina’s right. Also, we're just in the same state as that Sutton b*tch. She is the youngest daughter of the governor of Antheia while I am the daughter of the governess of Aurora. Our only difference is that she grew up here while I was on Earth. Let her try to fool me. I'll flatten her nose.
Marina laughed all of a sudden, and we three looked at her. “You really can't be stopped from ranting, huh?”
“It's annoying!” my defense and just eat again. “Who is she to brag? We're just the same.”
Lia and Freesia are both clueless, so Marina told them. “She's ranting about that girl.”
They both nodded as if they got it. “You're really the same. We're all the same,” Lia explained. “We're just the same students studying our magic and abilities. Though, our social hierarchy and race are different.”
“Even though we have different races or positions in the social hierarchy, only clothes to be washed should be separated.”
Freesia agreed to my statement, “Bet! We're all superhumans.”
We were returning to our dorm when a butler-like man approached us. He bowed and said, “Miss Regalia, Headmistress Calla is calling you.”
“Me?” The three glared at me. “All right.”
The three of us went to the Office of the Academy Headmistress, and the butler accompanied me inside. But to greet us, men and women fighting. It wasn't a fierce fight. It seemed like Aunt Calla was just annoyed than the man just laughed.
“Get out of my office, Carob!”
“No way!” Then the guy, most probably, Aunt Calla pertained to as Carob, laughed.
We looked at the butler. He cleared his throat to get their attention. “Headmistress, Headmaster, Miss Regalia is here.”
“Are they always like that?” I whispered to the butler.
“When the Headmaster is not busy, yes,” the butler answered lowly. “When the Headmaster is busy, the Headmistress is harassing him.”
Ay. That's why.
“Ahrina Tantiana Regalia?” The Headmaster exclaimed and nodded. “My godchild! You’re a grown-up lady now!”
Huh? Godchild?
“Carob Mildred!” Aunt Calla shouted loudly at the Headmaster. “Stay away from Ahrina. I don't want to make you a tree!”
The headmaster patted my head and grinned. “You take care of my sister Calla. I still have work to do in my office, okay? Bye-bye!” He vanished suddenly, and Tita Calla calmed down as well.
“Please be patient with my brother.” I nodded to Tita Calla. “By the way, has Collin already told you about going to Thalia tomorrow?”
“Yes.” She nodded and sat in her chair. “Why did you call me?”
“Your ability has come out, Ahrina. In three days. Your magic is wind. Wind magic is one of the elemental magic, so your name has been added to the high-ranking magicians. As a high-ranking mage, you need to train right away. Did Collin tell you that too?”
I nodded. “Yes. Crimson seems to be my training partner.” Maybe I can request him to change my partner. “Uh, Aunt Calla, maybe Freesia—"
“No way, Ahrina. Maybe you've already been told that Ms. Davis is a subtype mage and Mr. Torren is like you as an elemental mage. Also, Mr. Torren is the strongest of all elemental mages in the entire Academy. so you can learn more from him.”
“But Aunt—"
“That's what's better for you, Ahrina.” She smiled. “I want you to prepare for what will happen tomorrow. Prepare yourself because your training will start the next day.”
I nodded. “All right, Aunt.”
“Amber called me earlier, and I told her everything. She was a little angry because she asked why I let you get hurt, but I said that was part of your training. You used all your strength too much that you made lose consciousness,” she added and gazed at my pendant. “How's that?”
“This?” I touched my pendant and showed it to her. “It's okay.”
“Didn't it glow?” I shook my head. “Your true magic hasn't come out yet.”
“Huh?” I heard, yes, but I never got his point. What does he mean by my true magic yet to come out? Isn't wind magic enough? Does this pendant glow?
She shook her head and smiled. “Hide that. That's all I want to tell you.”
I obeyed what she said and smiled as well. “All right. I'm leaving.”
Before finally getting out, I heard Tita call the butler and order it again. “Bring Crimson Torren and Collin Shallows here. I want to talk to them right now.” For what reason? What can there be?
“How are you?” Lia asked. “Because the ward is high here in the Headmistress's office, Freesia can't hear anything.”
“It's okay. Mommy just greeted me. The Headmistress also told me that my training will start after the trip tomorrow to Thalia.” I didn't mention my pendant because I didn't get it either. Besides, they will be even more curious. I will be affected for sure. Though I've only been with them for a while, I think they're very curious about everything.
Marina nodded. “Okay. Let's go back to the dorm.”
We changed our clothes, and I just hung out here in Lia and I's room. I avoid thinking about things as much as possible because Marina might find out. But I have something I can’t help but think of.
I am an elemental mage, and the wind is my magic. My ability mimicry is the rarest ability among mages and common among sorcerers and sorceresses. But why is that? I feel it’s not my magic and ability. I feel like this is not really what I have yet. I feel like there is another part of me that I have not yet discovered.
All students except witches and warlocks have already boarded the Academy’s school buses. They were Lia because they left first to prepare for our arrival. Lia's ability is illusionary magic, so she is one of the ones who will test us whatever when we get there in Thalia.
Thalia is in the northwest part of Antheia, and it is a two-hour drive to get there. Freesia slapped earphones on her ear because she said she would be dizzy if she heard many voices while on the trip. Marina is asleep. She was in front of us and had a girl next to her who was also our classmate.
Our bus had started, and we were on our way to Thalia. I would have liked to sleep case, I didn't want to myself, so I peeked out the window. We went through a lot, but I only noticed one. Even though we are in the Magic World, it is as if I am still on Earth because of the majority's actions and their industries.
I was amazed at Thalia’s place. Like, are we at Hogwarts? It’s so breathtaking here. Maybe I'm just dreaming. Or perhaps we're just on the set of Harry Potter movies?
We got off the bus, and a witch greeted us. Their outfits seem to have been left behind in the Medieval era. “Welcome to the land of witches and warlocks, young magicians. You know what will probably happen now that you're here in Thalia, don't you?”
No. Please tell me.
“So, good luck to all of you, young magicians.”
All I heard was a snap, and everything went black.
I woke up when I fell to the ground. Like wow, how did they do that?
I was the only one in this forest, so I would instead move than wait. “Freesia! Marina!” Sh*t, can I do what I did the other day?
I was stopped by a white wolf to greet me. I thought it would grab me, but it just passed by me!
I just walk around even though I don't know where I'm going.
I met another white wolf, but the wolf was staring at me and salivating, unlike before. Gosh, don't tell me that this dog wants to eat me.
Suddenly the wolf ran at me, so I ran to the side. He stopped when I stopped. And don't, he even had a staring contest with me. Whoever wins, the loser will be eaten. Just kidding. I’m not a cannibal. ‘Cause I’m too beautiful to be one.
Ay, why cannibal? A wolf is an animal.
“Ah, sh*t! Shoo!” I shouted, and the wolf tried to go near me. I was just surprised when I suddenly heard crying and then it was as if someone had hit a tree. When I opened my eyes, I saw the wolf hit the tree. He just left. “Bye-bye! You're cute but too wild!”
“Ahrina!” I looked in the direction where I heard the shout, and I saw Freesia. “Oh my god, you are Ahrina!” Freesia hurried to me and hugged me tightly. What, a decade of not seeing each other? “Are you okay? Aren't you hurt?”
“No, Mom.” She laughed. “I'm okay, you?”
We started heading somewhere. “I'm okay too. I just got into a small fight and saw you when the wind suddenly blew hard.”
I nodded. "Are we all under an illusion?" She nodded too. “How are they doing that?”
“It's just like what you did to Julianna. It's just that our bodies are steady, and our minds are just working. Though our faces show reactions, that's all.” Wow.
We stopped to hear tree movements and shouts. “I'm having so many problems, you ugly ones! Ah, this is annoying! I'll really make Lia bald later!” We heard a tree uprooting and another hit. “I hate you!”
Freesia turned to me and smiled sarcastically. “Marina.”
We went to Marina and helped her kill a battalion of—what is this? Half-blood? Half Slenderman, half shrimp on the ground?
They don't die in the air, so Freesia used her magic. And it was effective, so what the three of us did, Marina would kill first, then I would combine these ugly ones, and then Freesia would turn them into ice.
The three of us hugged each other and left. We're going somewhere again. We pass wild animals that are also cross-bred, and they are easy to kill. Marina will just use her telekinesis and stab the animal. Or Freesia, who will make sharp ice and will do what Marina did. Or I will float the animal and then drop it suddenly and repeat until it dies.
It's just an illusion because it's okay. What’s worse is if this happens in real life. I might not be able to get out of here alive. I'm really dead.
“Wait.” The three of us stopped, and Freesia just stopped next to us. “I hear something.”
“You probably have ears.” I immediately dodged before Freesia could hit me. “So what do you hear, Ms. Davis? My voice?”
She smiled and looked at Marina and me. “Except for your horrid voice, they're just close to us.” Here we are again. I'll see that Crimson Ul*l again.
We heard a loud explosion, and we looked where that sound was coming from. The three of them are together. Crimson Ul*l, Blake, and Thoreau. “I think necromancers are their opponents.” Freesia looked at Marina as I took a closer look at what the necromancers looked like.
I was surprised, as if my vision zoomed. “Woah. Great! My eyes became like camera lenses.” I looked at each of the necromancers. They have a black hood, and then the inside looks like black smoke. “So what are they? Ghouls?”
“Literally.” I looked at Freesia, and my vision improved. “Anyways, what do you mean when you say your eyes look like a camera lens?”
I grinned. “My eyes zoomed in as I looked at each of the necromancers. And you know, your Thoreau has a wound.” I turned to Marina. “Even Blake.”
I immediately covered my ears before the two shouted. “What! They have a wound?”
I stared at them. “No, nothing. I'm the one with the wound, not them.” They also stared at me. “Look, over and over? They do have a wound. Besides, you can shout like I'm three mountains away from you.”
Marina laughed and hugged me from the right. “I'm sorry. We were just surprised, of course. We crushed the wounded one.”
“Yes. So what are your plans?”
Calling the attention of the Norse god of mischief Loki, screw you to h*ll. After all, these two women took me here with Crimson Ul*l. A necromancer even rushed at Freesia. Fortunately, she made a block of enormous ice right away.
“Tss, why are you here?”
“Because we're not there?” Crimson Ul*l stared at me, so I stared at him too. “And at least I answered your question, Ul*l.”
“What did you say?” he shouted angrily. Oops, I slipped. Lots of red floor wax.
“Stop annoying him,” Marina whispered. “I think Lia's illusionary magic has a side effect on Ahrina. I beg your pardon.”
We all looked around. There were only six of us, but our opponents, a battalion of ghosts in a cape. Ghost version 2.0. Alas, cults are not ghosts. “What are we going to do?” I asked them.
“Maybe we'll stare,” Crimson replied lazily.
“Okay, let's do it. They might suddenly become humans like Casper.” He looked at me again, so I did the same to him. None of us blinked. I’ve never been beaten, and yes, I’m pretty prideful.
“Come on, guys! Can't you argue later?” Freesia yelled. “They keep on increasing!”
Blake built a smoke wall for our defense. On the other hand, Marina used her ability to swallow some necromances. He did, in case they all really increase.
Crimson Ul*l made two pitch-black balls in both of his palms. With one finger, Thoreau both touched the two balls, and it was as if a nimbus cloud with lightning around was in Crimson's palms now. He aimed it at both sides and exploded like a bomb.
Thanks to Blake's smoke wall, we weren't affected. Thoreau continues to be a real-life Pikachu because of his lightning bolts. On the other hand, Freesia turns each necromancer into ice and melts it into water.
Honestly, I was the only one staring. I don't know what to do. I don’t know how I’m going to move.
“Lia Edwards!” Freesia's annoyingly cry. “Don't show even your shadow to me! I’ll really freeze the h*ll of you!” Marina and I laughed at Freesia. “I told you not to be harsh! But what are you doing? You cheaters!”
“There's nothing you can do about shouting because they're just laughing at you,” Blake stated and gazed at me. “Are you just going to stare?”
“What am I going to do?”
Crimson Ul*l interrupted our conversation. “There goes you nonstop blah blah, but you can just do nothing.”
“Excuse me, Ul*l. You may have forgotten that I lived on Earth for seventeen years. One more thing, I don't even know how to control this magic.”
Blake asked me again. “Then how did you end up beating Julianna?”
I glanced at Thoreau. “He told me, let me do what I saw. So, I let my mind do that.”
He nodded. “She told me that she saw what would happen that time. Knowing that she had not enough knowledge about everything, I just told her to do what she saw.”
“Precognition, my ass,” Crimson Ul*l mumbled.
Suddenly, necromancers are banging on the smoke wall. On the other hand, Blake was also struggling, so they organized the attack even more. Gosh, what am I going to do here? Say hello to every necromancer and tell them to subscribe to my channel?
“I can’t anymore,” Blake told us all. “They’re also above us.” I looked up, and there they were.
Freesia said, “Take it off, Blake. I'll do it. On the count of three.”
“Three.” Nice.
Blake has already removed the smoke wall, and Freesia has built an ice dome. Case, the one above was suddenly broken because of the scythe of a necromancer. What are they, fanatics of Grim Reaper?
I was just surprised that one was going to Freesia. “Freesia!” I shouted and quickly approached her. I placed my left palm on the five necromancers, and I was surprised no air came out. Even the five of them looked at me because of what I did.
My right palm moved automatically when the entire ice dome shattered, and a seemingly light beam emerged from it. Everyone is hit by fire, and the light turns them to ashes.
I went back to the reality of feeling the burn on my left hand, and I was also weakening. “I can not take it anymore!” I shouted, and the fire got louder on the left.
My eye caught that Crimson Ul*l was the first to move to kill the other necromancers, and the others followed. Gradually the fire and light disappeared in my palms, and I just sat on the floor. The heat is in both of my hands.
But the question now is, how? How did I do that? How did two different magic come out of my two palms? Is my subconscious mind in control?
I slowly stood up, and Marina supported me. Right in front of me, to my right, a scythe struck my thigh. But more surprisingly, I felt no pain. My right palm spontaneously moved again and melted a group of necromancers using only the light.
I felt the pain of losing the scythe. The pain, put*ena. I can not do this. The pain of my whole body. It was as if I had worked straight and without sleep or rest for a year.
I woke up to feel something wrapped around my thigh. I immediately sat down and took a deep breath as a woman was in front of me. “You're awake, the woman in prophecy.” Prophecy? “I am Celeste, and I am the leader of all witches.”
I adjusted my seat, and she continued to place the cloth around my thigh. Some leaves are also wrapped, and they are violet in color. Maybe sweet potato leaves. But it's too wide that it can cover my whole thigh. “What do you mean by prophecy?”
“A woman will come after the two hundredth full moon. She has extraordinary strength and power. During the first five days, she will know what she can do. When the two hundredth full moon comes, she will know who he is. Two months later, she will perish. In the third month, the people of Dreich will sow evil and prepare everything for it. When the second full moon arrives in the fifth month, the Enchanted War will begin again. She will lead the fight. And the woman is the Mystic Princess, the granddaughter of Geminid Schiz.”
She looked at me and stopped wrapping the cloth. “You are the one referred to in the prophecy, Ahrina. You are the one who will start and end everything. You will bring mess, yet you will also fix it. You will be the weakest, but you will be the strongest. You will kill, you will die.”

Komentar Buku (359)

  • avatar
    Andrelene Ortega

    I recommend you guys this story it’s very nice and you can gain a lot of knowledge


  • avatar
    Jovhen E Alcantara

    what i do?


  • avatar

    daebak !


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