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Bab 7 Worried Heart vs. Confused Heart

Stefani's eyebrows were furrowed as she sat at the edge of her bed; her hair a mess, her dark circles were darker than usual, and she was wearing a white sleeping dress, if anyone saw her they would probably think she was a ghost or a mental patient.
"Young Miss, I've arranged your things you'll be needing for your trip tomorrow. You should go to bed, it's past ten," Rose called out but the younger didn't respond. Her mind was too preoccupied; she couldn't get what Rose was talking about.
Rose sighed then turned to head out, but was stopped abruptly by Stefani.
"Wait! U-Um.. Is Dad- Is Dad still awake?"
"Yes, Young Miss. Why?" Rose was half smiling as she turned to look at the little kid. Whenever Stefani was sitting at the edge of her bed, staring at the floor with eyebrows furrowed, it only meant one thing: she was having a serious debate inside her mind.
Stefani looked hesitant but then stood up and balled her fists. Without a word, she headed out and strode her way to her father's study and there, she did the most unexpected thing ever.
The following day.
Stefani stared at the door in front of her.
She then glanced down at the paper she was holding between her fingers.
1463 :)
The smiley was added by his stupid father along with 6 other digits which he said to be the pass code.
Stefani had to show another disgusted face before she sighed then pulled a determined face and gripped on the bag she was holding, now ready to do this crazy thing they called "barging in someone else's property." Stefani forgot she was actually an expert in doing this kind of action.
While she was thinking deeply, her phone suddenly rang. Frowning, Stefani pulled out her phone and read the message from her annoying friend.
From: Christina
Where are you at? We're in your room rn. Rose said you went somewhere. What are we going to do with our project?
Rolling her eyes, Stefani quickly typed a reply then placed her phone back inside her pocket. She could already imagine the girls lying on her bed or any corner of her room, chewing gums with thick lipsticks, and flipping magazine pages like they clearly didn't have anything better to do in their lives. She didn't need any of her stupid friends' annoying messages right now. What she needed was a winner for the battle that has been going on inside her mind since the time she woke up this morning.
Stefani took a deep breath and was about to type the door's pass code when it suddenly opened and hit her forehead. Like a slow-motion that only occurs in the movies with a dramatic background music, Stefani was pushed back by the door opening straight on her face.
"Oh my god, are you all ri...- Lady Stefani?! Ah! You're Mr. Hernandez's daughter, Stefani Hernandez!" The woman who had opened the door, asked, surprised after helping Stefani get up from the floor, which was immediately rejected by Stefani. "I'm so sorry I didn't see you there! Gosh, are you okay?"
"I'm fine!" Stefani angrily said with an extremely embarrassed face.
Suddenly, Stefani couldn't move from her place. Her legs seemed to be stuck on the floor where she stood. Why was this woman here? Stefani often saw this woman in her father's building. Short hair, small body with a unique beauty that resembled some Asian movies she had watched with her friends. If she could remember it right, this person was also an important person and had a high position in their company. She was always present whenever there was a big occasion regarding the HE Group.
But did she... Did she just come out from Jonathan's unit?
"Are you alright?" Jonathan asked faintly, then coughed hard making Stefani frown. 
Does this monkey have a serious illness or something? What if he dies because of this?
The short haired lady made her move and assisted Jonathan who was struggling to stand, her hands about to touch Jonathan when Jonathan and the lady sensed a dark aura around them. It was as if ghosts were whispering curses at the short haired lady.
"I'm fine, Ari. You can go now," Jonathan said weakly. The goose bumps around his body were still there as Stefani continued to glare at him.
"But you're not yet fine... And why is Mr. Hernandez's daughter here?" Ari asked innocently.
"Well, I guess you have someone to take care of you. I'll be going now then," Stefani declared as she ignored Ari and with a heavy heart, turned her body to leave but was stopped by Jonathan's hand.
Jonathan stared at Stefani with a serious look, then gazed down where he noticed Stefani's white bag.
"Is that for me?" Jonathan asked. He didn't know why but his heart made a loud thud just by looking at Stefani's meal bag. 
Stefani hid the bag behind her and looked away. "No it's not! Stop making things up... I'm going." She took a step away but was again caught by Jonathan's hand.
"Ari, you can go now," Jonathan told the other woman. 
Stefani was still whining and sending death glares at Jonathan when Jonathan waved Ari a goodbye and pulled Stefani inside. The resisting kid was then pushed to the door when it finally closed. Stefani's eyes widened, her body jumped in surprise. Where did Jonathan find the strength to pull and push her in the state he was in?
"Stop sending me glares," Jonathan ordered like he was a boss and Stefani, being the bossy type she was too, glared even more at Jonathan.
She was about to shout at Jonathan when Jonathan suddenly coughed loud and hard again, looking as if he was about to faint. Stefani's heart quickened and immediately assisted Jonathan to his room, and even gently tucked Jonathan in his bed.
"Don't move or I'll kill you!" Stefani commanded and Jonathan stopped moving. A smile formed on Jonathan's face in between his coughs.
"Are you crazy? Who smiles when they cough? Don't move! Even smiling is not allowed!" Stefani ordered which made Jonathan smile even more. He didn't know why but just having Stefani's presence made him feel better inside. It was as if he was inside a dream though Stefani was still frowning and that was what made it real.
This was Stefani Hernandez, the person who hated Jonathan the most and the same person who just entered Jonathan's bedroom in her own will.
Then, suddenly, Jonathan realized something. He looked at Stefani and asked faintly, "Why are you here?... Shouldn't you be on your school trip?"
Stefani blushed hard and looked away. "W-Well, i-it's not that I'm worried about you or anything! I just thought it's better to see a monkey up close than with such a distance they have in a zoo!" Stefani countered, teasing Jonathan with a forced smug face.
And it should make Jonathan frown, but to his surprise, his heart swelled even more in delight. Because now he could understand Stefani's words and actions a bit. This brat who was always throwing him insults and bad names and casually telling him she hated Jonathan - was here, at the moment, visiting a sick Jonathan. 
Jonathan couldn't help but stare at Stefani even more, silently admiring her. He then realized that Stefani had suddenly fallen into silence, too. Her eyes were casted down at Jonathan's covers, her hands were balled to fists, guilt heavily expressed on her face. 
Jonathan sighed and weakly spoke,  "It's okay. It's not your fault. I've been stressed out because of work lately so it's fine. You didn't do any-"
"I did ask you for a morning run...." Stefani uttered then looked away, shame and guilt written all over her face. Even after fainting, Jonathan still managed to persuade Mr. Hernandez to let Stefani go to the trip before refusing Mr. Hernandez's advice to be checked by their family doctor and just went back to his unit alone.
Stefani's eyes looked at Jonathan, almost glistening in complete shame for what she had done. It was the first time Jonathan saw this kind of expression from Stefani.
"I haven't been eating properly and getting enough sleep the past weeks, that's why I fainted yesterday. I think my body has reached its limit. So it's not your fault. Don't over think," Jonathan calmly said as he began to close his eyes. 
The rest he had last night wasn't enough, and the sudden visit of Ari made it hard for him to rest even more. Ari told him it was related to work and so Jonathan let her in. But the next second, he found Ari pulling out some medicine and food. Jonathan remembered how she once tried to flirt with him in his office and made a mess after accidentally (or purposely) staining Jonathan's clothes and paper works with a coffee. For Jonathan who was a total neat freak, that action was a complete turn off.
"That woman..." Stefani suddenly mumbled with a frown, eyes still looking at Jonathan's covers. Jonathan unconsciously smiled softly at his fiancée. 
"Is just a coworker. Don't get upset by it," Jonathan reassured with eyes closed. Women really were dangerous. He will never let a woman enter his unit again... Well, except the person by his side at this moment, that was.
"O-Okay. I'll put the food in a bowl. I-I also have the medicines... And towel... where's the towel," Stefani began to talk to herself making the corners of Jonathan's lips lift up.
"Don't stress yourself," Jonathan said as he opened his eyes and saw how Stefani was beginning to sweat.
"Y-You don't have to tell me that! Just go to sleep and rest!" Stefani exclaimed, hiding her embarrassment.
Jonathan didn't know why but surprisingly, he felt better and better after that. He, Jonathan Gonzalez, who didn't let anyone in his property unless it was related to work, felt at ease by having someone who hated him in his unit, even more, in his bedroom. 
Indeed, what a surprise.
Who would've thought the idea that used to make him cringe, would give him a total opposite effect? 

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