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Chapter 5

"Good morning, darling." said mom when I went downstairs, wearing my school uniform.
"Good morning, mom." I said then went towards the kitchen to drink some water.
"Come here when you're already done there." mom shouted, she's probably in the dinning area.
I went towards the refrigerator then I opened it. I took the pitcher with a cold water then I pour it to the glass I am holding then drank it. I consumed all of the water in the glass then I went to our dinning area.
"Come, sit here, darling. Eat your breakfast now." Mom invited so I sat beside her.
"You had a good sleep last night so I didn't bother to wake you up for dinner. You must be hungry now." she said while putting a huge amount of foods in my plate.
"Just a bit." I answered then I started to eat.
We were busy eating when Mom suddenly spoke.
"Miel, about your tranferee classmate whom you are with yesterday. Is he a boy?" Mom asked that made choke.
I cough for a second so I took the glass of water in my right then drank it.
"Hey, are you okay, darling?" She asked.
"Yup. I'm sorry. Yes mom he's a guy." I answered. I continue eating again while not looking straight to her eyes. She'll ask many questions, I know.
"Really? Oh my God. My DorIel is sinking." She suddenly said that made me look at her.
"Mom!" I hissed when she mentioned the loveteam name that she made for me and Theodore, my childhood friend.
"What? There's a possibility that you'll like that guy. My bestie needs to know this." She said then she took her phone to message tita Thea.
"Here we go again." I said then I shook my head. If I'll stay here long, she will tease me with Theodore and she will insist that I should choose him as my partner so I finished my food hurriedly. "I'm leaving, Mom." I announced after consuming the foods in my plate. I kissed her in her cheek then I immediately ran towards the door to leave.
"That early? Hey! wait up!" I heard her calling me but I didn't went back. She will just tease me for sure.
"Mang Jose, let's go now." I said to my driver which he immediately followed.
We we're in the middle of the road when our car suddenly stopped.
"Mang Jose, What happened?" I asked.
"I don't know, ma'am. The engine's not starting. Kindly wait here, ma'am I'll check what's wrong." He said then he went out. He opened the hood of the car. Minutes passed and I became bored inside so I went outside to look at what Mang Jose is doing.
"What happened, Mang Jose?" I asked when I reached him.
"I'm sorry, ma'am but it needs some repair. I'll call your mother's driver so you won't be late." he said then he took his phone to make a call.
"Why are you so unlucky, Miel?" I said to myself. I was about to enter again when a car stopped in front of me.
"I thought you're just calling Mom's driver, Mang Jose?" I asked my driver.
"Yes, ma'am. I don't know whose car is that." He answered.
"Really? Then who is this----"Come inside, Miel. I'll give you a ride." Matthew interrupted. He's the owner and the driver of the car.
"Are you following us?" I suddenly asked.
"Of course not." I'm from the subdivision next to yours. "Don't assume things, Miel. Go and come here inside." he said.
"No thanks, my mother's driver is coming." I said.
"Yeah but he may takes time to arrive here and it's already 6;30 in the morning. I bet you don't want to be late." He said.
"What?" I said then I looked at my watch. It's really 6:30 in the morning already.
"Come on." He said, persuading me.
"Fine." I said that made him laugh. He opened the door of the passenger's seat and told me to get inside.
I look at Mang Jose and told him that I'll go with Matthew which he agreed because waiting for the other driver may really result for me being late.
"Thank you." I'll told Mang Jose before getting inside Matthew's car.
"Do you have a liscence?" I asked.
"Of course." I won't be driving this if I don't have." He answered.
"Okay. Thank you---" I wasn't able to continue what I was saying when he went closer to me. "W-hat are you doing?" I asked, stuttering.
But he did not answer me. Instead, he went closer again till he's just 1 inc away from me. He looked at my lips then in my eyes again. What is he doing? Is he going to kissed me? I swallowed hard in the thought of him kissing me. I don't know what to do so I just closed my eyes.
Minutes passed but I felt nothing nor heard anything.
"I won't kiss you, Miel." He suddenly said then I heard a clicking sound, He just fixed my seatbelt.
I slowly opened my eyes then look away which made him laugh.
"Who told you that I'm thinking that way? I-I. Y-your'e too close and it makes me feel dizzy so I closed my eyes." I said while looking in the window.
"Is that's so?" He said then he laugh again.
"Yes. So shut up now and just drive. I don't want to be late." I said, still not looking at him.
"Okay. Be ready." He said that made me confuse.
"What? You're just going to drive why would I get ready----AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" I shouted when he suddenly drove so fast.
"Jesus! Slow down, Matthew!" I shouted but he just laughed.
"Matthew! Slow down!" I shouted again.
"But it's still slow for me." He said that made my mouth wide open.
"Slow down, Matthew! I swear I will never ride in your car again!!" I shouted that made him laugh hard. This man! I was just holding tightly in the handle above the windw of the passenger's seat while screaming the entire ride.
"We're here." Matthew announced and I wasn't able to talk because I was still in trauma. "Hey." he called me while laughing.
"You jerk!" I shouted then I hit his arm.
"Why? we're on a hurry right?" he said while still laughing.
"Nevermind. I'm not gonna say thank you. This is hell." I said then I went outside. But my vision suddenly darkened. I was about to lose my balance, thankfully, I was able to hold on to Matthew's car.
"Hey. Are you okay?" Matthew asked. He's already outside.
"Yeah." I answered then I stand up properly.
"Yow, bro! Ahliya's in the Science park alone. It's your time to shine!" I heard Angelo said. "But dude Why are you with her? Don't tell me you're----"Oh Shut up. I just gave her a ride. Her car was stuck in the middle of the road and is in need of repair. I just helped her." Matthew interrupted Sean.
"Oh. okay. Easy bro. I know that you're head over heels with Ahliya so it's impossible. Now go to the science park. You might miss your chance to be with her, ALONE." Angelo said, emphasizing the word alone. I looked at Carl and he's just standing there beside Angelo, not saying any word.
"Seems like I'm lucky today, huh." Matthew said then he walk towards the way to the science park.
"Nerd, you're still here. We're going in our clasroom, you can come with us." Angelo invited.
"No thanks. I can go there on my own and by the way, my name is Miel and not nerd." I said then I walk towards our building, leaving them there.

Komentar Buku (1114)

  • avatar
    Famat Charlene

    it's so nice


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  • avatar
    Khey Dnd

    thankyou for this story 🥰


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