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I'm Still In Love with my Ex

I'm Still In Love with my Ex



Sun is already up when Georgina Alvarez wakes up. The white and pink theme room, which shows her girl's side, gives a beautiful vibrance as the sunlight came inside. It's wide with own study table, bookshelves and a big walk-in closet. She yawn while hugging her human size bear before she gets up. It's a new hectic morning for her again. Two weeks past, since the school year starts again. She's the new Student Council President, one of the reason she always feels tired. If she ever know this was difficult, she wouldn't run last election. Well, she doesn't have any reason to run, but her friends tried to pursue her many times. They expected a year without restriction, but it's not the case though. Georgina is stricter than the former Student Council President.
One of her rules inside the school grounds is, it's not allowed to flirt in the hallway or inside the classroom, no one should stay outside the classroom if the class start, no fights and so on and so forth. A typical rule and regulations, but the most hated part of all students. It's not like she decide for it alone, all members of Student Council agreed on it. All they want is to give a good example to those students, discipline those who broke the rules and give a better surrounding to them.
After stretching for a few seconds, Georgina stand-up and do her morning rituals inside the bathroom before going down.
Inside the dining room, it already prepared her breakfast on the table. She looks around to find Warren, her brother who's only three years younger, but even a shadow is not here. An old lady came out inside the kitchen, which is the room next to where she was now. It's connected so, it's easy for her to bring the food on the table.
"Auntie Sita, where's Warren?" She asked her while pulling the chair.
"Ma'am Gina, he left early. He has some important thing to do in his school." She answers. Georgina nod her head and eat.
Auntie Sita was the longest maid of her family. Rather than a maid, she can call her a part of their family. The person they trusted the most.
"Warren is not a good liar," she said, that made the old lady chuckle.
"Why don't you ask him about the girl he's dating, then?"
"I want to tease him more," she laughs.
After the conversation, they didn't talk again and finish her food quietly. It's been a week since she notices Warren's change of attitude rather than a video game. He's always on his phone and giggling alone. Sometimes he's calling someone late at night and every weekend he often goes outside the house. Those acts only prove that he's dating someone, Georgina knows it well than anyone.
Half an hour before the class starts, Georgina came to St. Luke High School without a problem. Every student she passes by greets her with a smile on their faces. Most of them wear their proper uniform unlike on a first week of class, they have punished many students for not following the basic rules. On her way to Student Council Office, Maila and Janna pop-out in front. It made her stop but give them a 'what are you doing?' look, though it didn't surprise her anymore. Since her two best friends keep going on and off the scene way back in their first year of senior high.
"Gina, what took you so long? Our eyes are about to turn white here," Janna said with irritated tone, as if it's real.
Georgina sigh. "As if you wait for me. Based on what I know, the two of you are just waiting for a handsome student to come," she utter in sarcastic way. "I didn't tell you to wait for me."
The two women flinch and laugh awkwardly. "We're just kidding Ms. President." Maila cling to her arms as they continue to walk.
Amidst of their silence, she notices some group of woman talking in the hallway, some giggle and the rest looks flutter. Now, she realized it, there's a student before who looks suspicious.
"Did you know the news? There's a new student here. All of them say he's handsome. Like in an anime character." Janna broke the silence.
"I only have a glimpse of him, but he's good-looking at any angle." Maila added.
Georgina stops from walking and turn to them with those force smile. "The two of you, I don't care who is the new transfer student, even if it looks like Leonardo D'Carpio or Lee Min Ho or whatever anime characters you know, I will not give a damn. Did you get it?"
"Well, we don't know why our Ms. President here is super bitter about this matter," Maila mumble but she glare at them.
Although she knows what Maila says is true, it can't change her mind. Bitter or not, love is the only words she doesn't know if it's true or illusion.
"Maila, I don't want to argue with you so, better shut your mouth. I have something to do. Go to our classroom first."
After they both nod their head, she heads straight to the SC Office to check if there's some work to do there. But as soon as she enters inside, those serious looks on their faces welcome her. It looks like they just finish talking to each other without her presence. Student Council Office is not a big room, it's only a small one with a few tables for a single person and in the middle there's a meeting table for them.
All of them stare at her while she walks towards her table. It looks like what they are talking about before is not something she should hear. Few seconds of silence and awkwardness lingers inside the room. Georgina clear her voice before looking back at them again.
"Continue your conversation. Do I need to leave first?" She asked.
"Gina, are you okay?" Joshua asked out of nowhere. He's the Vice President of Student Council. A tall with black wavy hair, wears a nerd glass but a handsome man.
"O-of course, what kind of question is that?"
Georgina force a laugh again and arranges some papers in front of her table. Those papers are all list of request from other students and club presidents for the upcoming events. Her job is to check every detail and confirm the request if it's eligible before she'll pass it to the higher ups for signature. It's only one of her job as a Student Council President. Whenever an event will come, their schedule is more hectic.
"He's handsome in personal," Lea came inside the room giggling.
"I'm more handsome than him." Louie protested.
"What? You're not even in a half of his handsomeness. He's like a prince and you're a frog."
They have disrupted the long awkward silence as the two members of Student Council came. Both of them didn't change, always bickers on each other even in a simple thing. Georgina put down all the papers and stares at them. Lea and Louie's eyes get wide when their gazes met. She feels something is off here, the way all of them got shock as soon as they see her seems not right. On their usual day, to lessen the fatigue and work, someone from them will enlighten the mood, but today is different. All of them avoid her gaze.
"So, tell me what's going on? Am I not part of this group? Don't reason out, it will not work." She said, propped her right hand under the chin.
"W-what are you saying, Gina? It's all goo—"
"Kathy, tell me what's going on?" She asked Kathy, the Student Council Secretary. She's an introvert, but honest and smart.
Her eyes tries looks troubled. As if convincing herself to lie, but in the end, a sigh escapes her mouth. "We heard that the transfer student requested to the Principal to let you guide him for a week until he gets used to this school."
"W-what? Did you say requested for me?" She asked in surprise.
"Actually, we insist on taking the touring, but the transferee don't want it. I know how much you hated this job, but the Principal is waiting for you in her office." Joshua answer her question.
She heaves a sigh while massage her temple, tries to calm herself. "A special request? How great is that transferee to seek for my presence?" She stand-up and looks at them again. "I'll let this pass this time, but no next time again. I won't accept this tour job, even id the transferee is the child of our country President."
"Understood," they all said in unison and watch her walk outside the room.
In front of the Principal's Office, she saw the door was half open. From her distance, she can see the Principal inside. She composes herself before she knocks three times.
"Good morning, ma'am," she greets with a genuine smile.
"Good, you're right in time, Ms. Alvarez. Sit down and wait for Mr. Javier to come." The Principal sign the chair in front of her table on the left side.
It took a few minutes before the door opens. She didn't glance back, rather wait for this conversation to end as soon as possible since the class was about to start too.
"Sorry, I have some urgent call from home." Georgina flinch when she notices his voice sounds familiar, but it's impossible to be him.
"It's alright Mr. Javier, please sit down." The Principal insisted, so he did. "Anyway, it looks like you already know Ms. Alvarez since you requested it yourself. She's the new Student Council President, the one who'll tour you on this school while you're still not familiar. Is it fine for you, Ms. Alvarez?"
"Of course, ma'am, it's not like there's a choice left. Am I right Mr. Ja—" she didn't finish her words when their gaze met. It's not an illusion or a dream. Both eyes get wide out of instinct. "V-van?" She mumbles.

Komentar Buku (161)

  • avatar
    Ronnie Moya



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    Paah Nxbihx

    the best


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    Mary Jane Enales

    good 👍


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