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Moni Sky (M.B.N)

Chapter One

Nina P.O.V
My name is Nina, I’m the First daughter and Child of my Mom and I have a little sister too.
I’m 20 years of age.
My Mom is a Fashion designer.
I, my little sis and Mom are relocating to our new home in New York city after Mom got a new contract in a Fashion Industry.
Mom earns lot of cash from that though.
But, what she doesn’t know is that the kids she gave birth to are totally assholes.
Yes, I meant what I just said. We are.
Gosh, I can’t fucking wait to get the hell outta here. I said while turning to my right and saw my Little sister grinning widely at her mobile phone.
“What are you smiling at ?” I asked Lena.
“I’m grinning at this scumbag of a boyfriend telling me some funny chats over the phone. But, he doesn’t freaking know that I’m breaking up with him tonight”.
“What the Fuck…You’re so heartless girl”.
“Oh yes big Sis, I am even dialing his digits right away to tell him the good news of the Break up”. Lena said to me.
I just rolled my eyes at her and turned over to the other side of the car and put on my Bluetooth to avoid hearing my Lil-sis and her break up news..
I slept off for awhile until I felt a hand tapping me up..
I groaned and opened my eyes. “Are we here already?” I asked looking at me sister “Shit... Nooo Sissy we are just descending to earth”. She said sarcastically while swearing the word Shit…and….Fuck.
I Immediately took off my shoe and spanked at her.
“Ouch..! Sis!...Mother!” She yelled while whining in pain.
“Don’t use a swear word at me kid.. I’m your older Sister you know”. I said while putting my shoes back on.
“Don’t involve me into this Lena”. I heard my mother say
My Sister ignored her and starting staring at me with weird looks.
I left her after giving her a face that says,” I don’t give a fuck” and walked over to the house.
It was a newly built house that is well furnished and decorated to our taste.
I turned to my Mom’s direction and asked,” Mom, where you the one that arranged this?”.
“Uhmm.. yep, isn’t it obvious”. She replied as she rolled her eyes at me and left to another part of the house.
Hehe, now you all now understand where I and my Lil-sis got our attitude from… My Mom is the master minder..
I rolled my eyes too and chuckled.
My little sister was already running around the house and ran upstairs to choose a room for herself, I guess.
“Gosh, weird family indeed” I groaned.
I went straight to the kitchen. ‘Cos I was already famished from the long journey.
“I opened the refrigerator and there was no food in it.
Argh.. good No freak’in water or drinks either. I sighed in disappointment.
I looked around once again and I must say, this house is way more comfortable than the recent one we relocated from. Well I would say, this is our first official apartment we have moved into after some many years.. ’Cos this house is sooo Big…
Probably, I could call it a Mansion.
I walked over to the front door heading outside the house and yelled, ”Mom I’m going out for a walk, will be back soon”.
I couldn’t wait for Mom to reply, I just took up my Black skinning Jacket.
I opened the front gate and started taking a stroll to god knows where.
I looked around the environment and saw a lot of houses surrounding my Place with a lot of beautiful natural scerenio around it too…
The Sun was shining mildly, the birds around were chirping and trees swaying.
And I literally, thought that it was gonna rain today but I’m out here tryna find a grocery store to find some food or junk foods to satisfy this hunger of Mine.. ‘Cos, I’m damn famished already.
Gosh, I think I’m gonna ask Mom to get me a license pretty soon.. It’s so damn hard to walk for so long especially, when you are so god damn Hungry.
And already, the mild sun is already leaving it’s rightful place and I thought so indeed
. “It’s gonna rain soon”. I said as I saw the clouds changing as black clouds were rolling in already.
I increased my pace feeling sad because of the hunger within me is not taking it likely with Me. As I walked passed a certain house close to the neighborhood, I heard a call from the other end of the house.
I turned around and saw a middle aged woman, I think she can be in her late 40s or so…I guess.
I waved a hand at her signifying the word Hello which indeed wasn’t audible..
She didn’t respond to that instead, she called me over to her. And I raised an eyebrow at that…But still approved her calling anyway..
You know I’m a gentle-girl but in a most jackass-weird way.
I slowly walked over towards her and greeted audibly this time.
“Good day Ma’am”. I said and gave her a light smile.
The middle-aged woman smiled back at me and said.
It’s seems you are new here, did you or your family moved in here recently huh..?” she asked.
I nodded my head in reply.
“Wow… that’s good, welcome to the neighborhood. Would you like to come in at least get something to eat?” The middle aged woman said with a smile.
Oh my, did she just say Food and Eat… That two words is NOT going to leave here without me devouring them.. I thought as I nodded my head in embrassment.
“Oh great, C’mon in then!” she cheered while pulling me to her. I looked around the interior of the house and I was like Woah…. It’s so beautiful.
Or I’m sorry, it’s a slip of the tongue… I mean to say, ”it’s so so heavenly, beautiful was an understatement ”. I said while fighting battle with brain and mind.

Komentar Buku (81)

  • avatar

    when would book 2 be published


  • avatar
    Alicia Fulo

    I love reading this


  • avatar
    TecsonMary ann

    it's a very very amazing 😻😻 from the start and to the end of the story. I hope have a book 2 because I'm not satisfied what is the happening in the story or what should do of Nina to take her back of his child's.


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