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Chapter 6: The Demon in the School

Chapter 6: The Demon in the School
The morning sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon when the call came in. The Exorts were gathered in their headquarters, going over recent intel, when Priest Anthony’s phone buzzed urgently. He answered it, his face growing more serious with each word.
“We’ve got a situation,” Priest Anthony announced, hanging up the phone.
“A local high school is experiencing a series of possessions. Students are being controlled by a demon, and it’s turning deadly.”
Axel, Amanda, Blaze, Serena, and Techie all exchanged grim looks. The seriousness of the situation settled over them like a heavy fog.
“We need to get there, now,” Blaze said, his voice resolute.
Priest Anthony nodded. “Blaze, Serena, Techie, you’ll handle the perimeter and make sure no students leave the grounds. Amanda, Axel, you’re with me. We’re going inside.”
The team quickly gathered their gear. Axel grabbed Saber, feeling the familiar hum of energy, and followed Amanda and Priest Anthony to the car. The drive to the high school was tense, each of them mentally preparing for the battle ahead.
As they arrived, the school was in chaos. Police cars and ambulances were parked haphazardly around the entrance, lights flashing. Students and teachers were huddled outside, some crying, others in shock.
Blaze, Serena, and Techie immediately got to work, setting up barriers and calming the terrified crowd. Amanda, Axel, and Priest Anthony headed straight for the main entrance, where a frantic principal met them.
“Thank God you’re here!” Principal Turner exclaimed.
“It’s chaos in there. Students are attacking each other, some are unconscious... we don’t know what to do.”
“We’ll handle it,” Priest Anthony assured him. “Just keep everyone outside and safe.”
They entered the building, the air thick with a malevolent presence. Axel felt a chill run down his spine. It was clear that the demon was strong, and it had deeply embedded itself in the school.
“We need to find the source,” Amanda said, her voice steady.
“The demon is using the students as conduits, but there must be a central point where it’s focusing its energy.”
Priest Anthony nodded.
“Let’s start in the gym. That’s where the initial reports of possession came from.”
The gym was a scene of horror. Students lay unconscious on the floor, their bodies twitching unnaturally. Others were huddled in corners, whispering to themselves or staring blankly into space. The energy in the room was suffocating.
Amanda knelt beside one of the unconscious students, placing her hand on his forehead. “The demon’s energy is strong here. We’re close.”
Axel gripped Saber tightly, his eyes scanning the room.
“What do we do?”
Priest Anthony pulled out a small vial of holy water and a silver cross.
“We perform an exorcism. Amanda, you focus on locating the demon’s core. Axel, you and I will handle the exorcism.”
Amanda nodded, her aura glowing faintly as she began to concentrate. Axel and Priest Anthony moved to the center of the gym, where the air seemed thickest with dark energy.
“In the name of the Holy Light, we command you to reveal yourself!” Priest Anthony intoned, sprinkling the holy water in a wide arc.
The air crackled with energy, and a low growl echoed through the gym. A dark shadow began to coalesce in the center of the room, its form shifting and writhing.
“There it is!” Amanda called out, her eyes glowing with determination.
“It’s trying to manifest physically. We need to weaken it before it fully materializes.”
Axel felt Saber hum with energy, resonating with his own determination. He stepped forward, focusing his energy into the skateboard.
“Get ready, Priest Anthony. Here it comes.”
The shadow grew darker, more defined, and then, with a burst of dark energy, it took shape. The demon stood before them, a monstrous figure with glowing red eyes and twisted horns. It snarled, the sound reverberating through the gym.
“Fools!” the demon hissed, its voice like nails on a chalkboard. “You cannot stop me. I am Legion, and this school is mine!”
Priest Anthony raised his cross, his voice strong and unwavering. “By the power of the Holy Light, we command you to leave this place!”
Axel launched himself forward, using Saber to generate a shield of light. He circled the demon, drawing its attention away from the students.
The demon roared, lashing out with dark tendrils. Axel dodged and weaved, feeling the rush of energy coursing through him. “Amanda, now!”
Amanda stood, her hands glowing with energy. She focused her power, sending a beam of light straight at the demon. The creature howled in pain, its form flickering.
“Keep it up!” Priest Anthony shouted, continuing his exorcism rites. “We’re weakening it!”
Axel pushed harder, channeling his energy into Saber. He launched into the air, performing a series of acrobatic flips before delivering a powerful kick to the demon’s chest. The impact sent a shockwave through the gym, and the demon stumbled back, its form flickering more intensely.
“You will not win!” the demon shrieked, but its voice was weaker, its power waning.
Amanda intensified her beam of light, her face a mask of concentration. “Just a little more!”
Priest Anthony stepped forward, his cross glowing brightly. “In the name of the Holy Light, I banish you from this place! Return to the darkness from whence you came!”
With a final, agonized scream, the demon’s form disintegrated, the dark energy dissipating into the air. The gym fell silent, the oppressive presence lifting.
Axel landed smoothly, Saber humming with satisfaction. He looked around, seeing the unconscious students beginning to stir, their expressions peaceful.
“We did it,” Amanda said, her voice filled with relief. “The demon is gone.”
Priest Anthony nodded, lowering his cross. “But we must be vigilant. The Cube will not rest, and neither can we.”
Outside, the Exorts regrouped, their faces reflecting a mixture of relief and exhaustion. The police and paramedics moved in, tending to the students and teachers.
Blaze approached, his usual grin replaced by a serious expression. “How’s it looking in there?”
“Demon’s gone,” Axel replied, wiping sweat from his brow. “But it was close. Too close.”
Serena nodded, her eyes scanning the crowd. “We need to find out how the demon got in. There might be a breach in the city’s defenses.”
Techie tapped on his tablet, pulling up surveillance footage from the school. “I’ll start analyzing the data. We need to ensure this doesn’t happen again.”
Priest Anthony addressed the team, his voice steady and calm. “We’ve faced a great challenge today, and we’ve succeeded. But our work is far from over. We must continue to protect this city and its people from the darkness.”
As the sun began to set, casting long shadows over the city, Axel and Amanda found a quiet moment to sit on the school steps. The air was cool, a welcome relief after the intensity of the day.
“You were incredible in there,” Axel said, turning to Amanda. “I don’t know how we could have done it without you.”
Amanda smiled, her eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and determination. “We’re a team, Axel. We all have our part to play.”
Axel nodded, feeling a deep sense of connection and purpose. “Yeah, we do. And together, we’re unstoppable.”
The two of them sat in companionable silence, watching as the city lights flickered on. Despite the darkness they had faced, they knew that as long as they had each other and their team, they could overcome any challenge.
And with that, they stood, ready to face whatever new threats lay ahead. The Exorts were united, their resolve unbreakable, and their mission clear: to protect Verdantia and its people from the shadows that threatened to consume it.

Komentar Buku (88)

  • avatar
    Susana Consulta

    so very good 😊


  • avatar
    K Ayenn Paranal Turiano

    is beautiful stry


  • avatar
    Loudgg Silva



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