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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events, and everything that concerns a living and non-living thing on Earth are all a product of the Author's wild imagination. Any resemblance to an actual person, living and dead is purely coincidental.
Any typos, grammatical errors, or any kinds of errors you may encounter in this book are off of your concern as I am writing not to please everyone but to share my wild and different ideas to create something you can relate to as well as to help others to find peace and healing while reading the story.
"Hey . . . ," I looked at his eyes as it was my favorite to do so whenever I talked to him. The second our eyes met, I could see the lies in his words. It tells all the truth behind because eyes are the window of our soul.
Now, those eyes contained pain, sorry, and regret. What are those emotions for? I asked myself. Why was he in pain? Why was he sorry? What regrets were hidden beyond those emotional eyes of his?
"How are you?" I asked him because maybe that was what he needed. To have someone who can ask if he was okay; if he was in trouble because he couldn't voice it out. Someone who could understand his silence.
Some people were like that. They only needed to be asked, to be understood.
Some say, they were only acting, hungry for attention, but they didn't know . . . the reason behind that was, all things happened for a reason.
It may be deep or shallow for others, they have reasons for it.
Looking at him this time around, I knew we were bound to break even without him saying it. His eyes were enough. All I was asking for, what was his reason?
"I'm fine," A smile formed on my lips as I pulled him to have a seat beside me.
"Do you have something to say?" I asked to make him stop thinking for a while and just answer my question.
"I have to go somewhere," he slowly and softly told me as his eyes became restless. He couldn't meet mine.
"Hmm, where will you go? How many days will you stay there?" I softly asked him as I played with his soft hair.
"A week or so?" My smile dropped for a second but before he could see that, I let out a soft laugh.
"That's surely an important event, huh?" He lets out a sigh as if it was also hard for him.
'I will miss you Raze,' I wanted to add. I just wanted to know his reason. I may be concluding things but I knew him so well.
So well that it hurts seeing him having a hard time. 
"Take care, okay?"
"I will, you too Kad,"
I closed my eyes and stared at my ceiling.
Raze went home. He just informed me that he'll be away for a week or so and now that I was alone in my unit, I felt like I needed to be used, living like this. Without him.
I wanted to hug him before . . . before losing my grip on him and lose him forever. But only that, he couldn't even give me the chance to do so. How cruel, right?
He didn't even ask if I wanted to go with him. He just decided to go without me. Can I even ask him that?
No. Because the moment I looked into his eyes, he was already firmed with his decision.
I . . . I didn't have the means to stop him. Am I a coward? Maybe. No one knows.
Right to what he said, he was away for a week. I looked like a cat waiting for its owner to come home. Only to be disappointed because no one comes home.
He didn't.
Instead of him going home, a piece of news replaced him.
I wished I had the courage to face it. I was just blinded and deaf to accept it. For me not to hear nor see heartbreaking news, I swallowed my fear. I wanted him to hug and comfort me. I wanted his presence to assure me. His hands, holding me still. I wanted him to console me.
Yet, he only gave me his piece of information to break the last thread I was holding onto. 
"Heiress of Locran Group of Companies, Shariz Locran and Raze Villadeza of Villadeza Empire announced the date of their engagement,"
Freaking engagement!
I looked up to stop my tears from getting out of its cage. Why does it hurt so much? I wanted to hear his reason. Yet, I received nothing but his silence.
What a jerk.
AN//: Updates soon! Currently editing the previous chapters since I noticed how my writing lacks emphasis and yea a lot of errors in the long run. Thank you! I hope I'll get to finish this ASAP so I can introduce a new yet refreshing story in the future. Happy reading! 

Komentar Buku (1233)

  • avatar

    it's Vary amazing


  • avatar
    Farid Adzal



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    Jaymar Hinumla

    thank you


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