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Bab 7 Seven

At the time I stepped onto our balcony, I saw him waiting and leaning on the Acazia Tree of my mom wearing his polo partnered with black shoes and pants together with his watch that I gave him in one of our monthsary together.
“Blessed Morning.” I said while hugging him.
He immediately kissed my forehead before opening the door of the car he owns and letting me in. “Blessed Morning, before we go to University, we will first have a take out of our favorite food in Ariztocrats due it seems like you are not yet eating breakfast. I won’t allow you to enter the class today if you won’t eat even a little part don’t be a miserable and annoying brat for quite some time.”
“K, fine, as if I could do anything if you already told me that I would do it, as if I would win you.”
“Good that you remember and also it is for you not for my health.”
“I love you, thank you for everything, but please stop already and you might as well forget that you are driving right now.”
“Don’t worry, looking at you will not be a hindrance because you're my world.”
When we arrived at university, we were not late enough. At the start of the class, he let me go to the education building. Professor Azure was just next to us as we walked into the hallway of our department. Alexandrius went right away to his way in the Engineering department.
“Blessed morning, Class, as the winter break is nearing, I would like to take the opportunity to announce that we will be having our camp week at the end of next month. After that, two weeks later, is our Winter party at the Zechariah’s Hotel and resort. But before all of that winter, we still have another event that will happen this coming Saturday. It is the Annual Spoken Poetry. Ms.Zamier together with Ms. Penelope will be our representative.” After the announcements, Professor Azure quickly started the class.
When the bell rang, as it symbolizes that the class had ended already, I immediately go to the nearest comfort room to change and fix myself, as I felt some irritation once again. Minutes later, while I am still fixing myself, there is an unexpected opening of the comfort room’s door and, shockingly, it is the group of Penelope.
“Myrtle Zamier, I know you’re in there. Could you please stop pretending that you weren’t there, stop hiding or else I will do much more this time, as your shining armor is busy with his varsity agendas.” She said as she looked at Kathryn and Reziah, where it symbolizes that their plan for me will instantly start already.
“Could you stop what you are planning!”
“Don’t dare to talk, I don’t need to hear your voice, do you think you can please anyone around you well, don’t you, we won’t be intrigued by your innocent style at all! If you can, then not us.”
“Kat, tie her hands tightly. Reziah secured the door and made sure no one would come or else you'd see what you would gain after then” Pen continued and started grabbing my hair tightly like there was no tomorrow to face. After leaving my face in front of the sink, after that, Kat immediately opened the faucet.
“Aaaahhhh! Stop, I didn’t do anything. Why would you do this to me.” I pleaded so badly, as hard as I could, but it seemed she didn’t hear anything. She continued everything she wanted that afternoon.
“Here you go once again. You didn’t do anything. For once, don’t play your innocent game. It will not succeed for me. For quite some time I am pleasing Professor Azure, but it seems like I am always a second option to you. I don’t know what’s with you to have all of them even Alexandrius was amazed by you. Since we were young, I had tried to reach him, but you came into our lives and everything changed so easily.”
“I do not mean everything that happens to you, Pen. If only I could do anything, but I couldn't hold their minds at all if they wanted at all.” I said with a lower voice as my head seemed to be spinning while water from the faucet was falling within me. Luckily, I still have clothes and plastic in my bag as it didn’t become wet at all during Kat and Pen's witchy actions.
“I’m done for this day. Make sure you know what to say properly once someone sees you or else I will do much more than what you’ve got today.” After that Penelope, together with Kat, went out already.
Once they were out of my sight, my vision slowly faded due to the slap and something happening in the faucet as I tried to call Alexandrius but I failed. Everything becomes darker. I couldn’t feel my whole system already. Hours later, I barely recognized what had happened but I saw Alexander beside me holding my left hand. It seemed like we were in the university clinic. It was full of white.
“Myre, what happened? Are you hurt?”
“It’s nothing Lex, I still can but I can’t remember what happened earlier.” I stated slowly but my tears fell immediately and he instantly held my hand.
“Ssshh, you won’t be alone facing this journey already, I am right here for you. I’m sorry if I am not right there due to our unexpected practice a while ago for the upcoming tournament week from now.” He sincerely said
“You don’t need to apologize as always. I do understand you and I still can. I am not yet dead nor giving up. I will still prove to them that they were wrong at all.”
“Sshh you’re not alone, I am here. Don't mind those things that much. I won’t leave you each time you think that this chaotic world is behind you.”
Despite that I’ve told him that I am fine, he still chooses to go for a while to the nearest hospital to make sure we are truly fine. Truly, I am blessed to be with this man no matter what. He doesn’t let anything happen as long as I am with Him.
After the immediate check on my vitals, he drove to the nearest food stall so that we could even have some bites. After all what happened this day, I wasn’t sure about what would happen next, but I won’t easily give up at all. Soon they’ll see what they did wasn’t right at all.
“Always remember you will never be alone and I can’t take it once it happens to you.” He once again reassured me and kissed my hands as we were waiting for the food he ordered.
“Thank you. Don’t think too much. I still can and I will always be after all. I've also survived all the things before you came, so reassured that I can do everything more than before.” I said firmly just better time better that his order came and we immediately ate. So much for today’s happening like no one could imagine and it seems to be a repeated scenario always and each time I become braver to face them.

Komentar Buku (1025)

  • avatar
    Rafh Rolan Flores

    the fact that you think you will be home in about an hour or you can go to say something like that for sale in Florida and to say something like that for a while now and then we can talk about it later this week or next week or so and then we can go to the fact that I want to say something like that for a while now and then we can go to the fact that for a while now and then we can go to the fact that I want to say something like that for a while now and then we can go to the fact that I want t


  • avatar
    Alexjay Agosto

    so great


  • avatar
    Alya nyx

    Good book


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