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Bab 5 Five

After our dinner in Aristocrats, we simply glance the view for a while, things were so fast like no other. It seems like yesterday that he was just courting me yet after everything that we felt such fears and pains but it isn’t a reason for us to give up at all.
The view is such a great opportunity to think deeper within everything. The view of the sea really works to feel the fresh air it really eases everything that gives you burden at all.
“Thank you for staying by my side, despite of all my overthinking moments. You didn’t leave me despite that often I tell you to leave my life but it seems your love was greater within the things I was saying to you.”
“I’ll never leave you nor make you in tears might be tears with happiness but not in pain as what I have promise to your parents when we are still courting each other.”
“Blessed morning, aunt is myrtle inside?”
“Yes, Alex she is in there with his sibling playing together.”
“Thank you, aunt.”
As I enter the passage of their house there isn’t a time that I am not amaze in this family and I am grateful that within many suitors of Myrtle I am the lucky one who she allow to enter his broken heart. Her past wasn’t as good as what it should be but thanks to thee Father. He didn’t allow Myrtle to give up easily no matter what she experience all along in the journey of this chaotic world.
“Chris, where’s your sister?” I immediately ask his brother after I saw him inside and seems like just finished doing something.
“Myrtle is in the kitchen, go ahead surprise her if you want.”
“Thanks Chris.”
After her brother told where she is, I immediately go in the kitchen that he said and once again I saw the lady who took my heart beat years ago and always been since we’ve met all along.
“Blessed morning, Myrtle.”
“What are you doing here right now?” She said surprisingly.
“Is that the proper way to greet someone, is it not obvious that I wanted to see you.”
“I love you, you know that neither when will you stop stopping my heart beat.”
“I’ll just stop putting a stop motion in your heart beat when we died already Ms.Zamier and soon to be Mrs. Beckhams”
Suddenly her father goes at the kitchen and get something. As she is her father was shocked that once again, I am right here in their house.
“What are you doing right now Alex?” He said curiously while getting the food he wants.
“I just can’t resist not to see your daughter uncle.”
“If you do, please make sure that she won’t cry enough already. You seem to know everything and I don’t want her to suffer from everything.”
“Yes, uncle I’ll do it but I won’t promise because often promises are meant to be broken all along.”
“I’ll better go, enjoy enough your stay but know your limitations.”
“Dad please stop right now in what you’ll say.” Myrtle said to her dad while pushing him away.
“Yeah, yeah I’ll do. But Alex you know what we’ve talked days ago.”
“Yes, uncle I know and I’ll always remember.”
When his father finally gets away from the kitchen. Her specialty cookies were finally done and as always it smells like no other. It is always filled with love and care within how she exerts time in it.”
“Let’s go, at my room after we eat. I’ll let you show my latest piece in my room.”
“Can’t wait to see it.”
Minutes after we’ve finish eating and immediately go at her room.
“Happy monthsarry as friendship, Alex you filled my heart once again all joy despite that I often doubt everything I does there isn’t a time that you didn’t put a smile on it.”
“Ack, I thought you’ll just let me see something.”
“Yes, I am wait for it.”
“His care”
There isn’t a time it was felt,
My heart often unexpectedly melts,
Heavy storms seem like nothing,
In how he tries everything.”
Broken piece slowly been fixed,
Slowly he makes it be healed,
Surely everything was treasurable,
Hoping that it wasn’t forgettable.
“This little piece is for you, Mr. Beckhams I hope you loved it.”
“I did thank you for your efforts.”
“You don’t have to, I am the one needed to thank you in how you are making everything like there is no end.”
*end of flashback*
Time is like a change since then you’ll never know when that it goes by so fast. It was always like the first time of everything.
“Let’s go home already, for sure you’ll still fix your piece for the event that will happen this weekend.”
“Yeah, I also think we better do it.”
When we arrive at our house. He immediately kissed me before going far from me. After that I run into my bed to take a nap before making everything.
I don’t know but it seems like everything was a dream. I don't know if this was because of all the things that happened way back then but I am finally healing after all and that’s the most important despite all the things they were saying.
Because now I know myself more than what they know and I accepted everything and will never be in front of them just to be justified in what I am.
There is still a time that everything goes back easily but it isn’t that much like before it seems like just a glimpse already. Despite that I still seldomly think that I was just putting myself into the society and it will never be enough all along.
No matter how hard not to think about it, still often I couldn’t bear not to think about it if it happens either if I am sleeping or just at an unexpected time of day. How I wish that it is just easy to not think and remember everything in an instance just as how they often told when that happens.

Komentar Buku (1025)

  • avatar
    Rafh Rolan Flores

    the fact that you think you will be home in about an hour or you can go to say something like that for sale in Florida and to say something like that for a while now and then we can talk about it later this week or next week or so and then we can go to the fact that I want to say something like that for a while now and then we can go to the fact that for a while now and then we can go to the fact that I want to say something like that for a while now and then we can go to the fact that I want t


  • avatar
    Alexjay Agosto

    so great


  • avatar
    Alya nyx

    Good book


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