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Bab 4 Drowning

*Season's P.O.V.*
Everyone's wearing black at the course of the funeral and I watched as the toughest man I've ever known looked so vulnerable as he looked at his little angel for the last time. Tears rolled down my cheeks as well. Little Shawn was the reason why I flew here after all and I only got to bond with him for how many hours before that creature killed him right in front of me.
"No need to worry little one, I burried her way before you." I whispered as I dropped the white rose to his casket which was already lowered to the pit. The whole family surely grieved at his death and I was no different.
The drive back to the house was silent. Nobody spoke a word. Sean and Eden went straight to their room when we arrived and I decided to help mama in the kitchen. After my return in the house, it's like my anxiety level rose because of the things that happened recently and even the faintest of noise would alarm me. Like, what if it's another aswang? Or engkanto? Although the later is not at all scary, something just doesn't sit well with me.
I was chopping the carrots for mama's menudo when I felt a presence behind me. I turned to look who it was, but the kitchen is empty. Where did mama go? "Ma!" I called out and that's when she emerged from the backdoor.
"O? I just took out the trash and all. Are you done there?" She responded as she washed her hands.
"Almost." I smiled. I can't help but wonder what that feeling was all about earlier though. Damn Season Tarver, you're a star martial artist at school since you're young, you can't be freaking out all the time now. Just stop thinking about things. "Damn!"
"Dear?" Mama asked. Oh...
"Nothing ma, I was just uhh, really stressed about these carrots- I mean..." I stammered with my words and she just smiled at me.
"I got this dear, you go back to your room now." She assured and I just nodded. Not that it'd help me much if I'd be by myself but, I guess I probably need to rest. So I went upstairs and sat on my bed, looking out the relaxing view from the window. So peaceful. So different from my hometown where you'd see more buildings and less nature when you look out the window. I do fancy looking at the trees with their green leaves and the birds hanging out on the branches with a-
"What?" I suddenly murmured. On one of the biggest branches of the manggo tree he sat, with his gorgeously built body leaning on the trunk, his golden locks flowing by the breeze, and his piercing blue eyes staring right at me. I immediately look away. Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! What is he doing here? Damn! Just freaking leave me alone! But really, I don't know if I'm complaining because Kaloy is not like me, who ummm, shows himself to me or that, I'm complaining because his features are making me blush. This is ridiculous! I turned around to shout at him because I really am frustrated after knowing what he really is and for what he did to me, which caused me to disappear for three days but when I did, he's not there anymore. "Are you playing tricks on me?" I might need a doctor now.
I spent a few nights wondering if I'm crazy until Sean knocked on my door one fine morning. "Season?"
"Yes, I'm up." I yawned as I opened the door, not caring if I look disheveled, he'd seen me this way one too many times. "Yeah?"
"I had a call from Mr. Perez last night. We talked about the resort that I had wanted to buy a few months ago and as I delve in this business trip, I thought of bringing you with me cause... I did promise you a tour. Despite everything that happened life goes on, we know that." My brother declared and a huge smile immediately painted my face. He's the best!
"Good morning to you too Sean! Yes, I'd love that! When would we be leaving?" I responded, excitement evident in my tone. He smiled a knowing smile too.
"Later this afternoon." With that, he went downstairs. Finally! I'd get to go to a vacation! Asian style. Gosh! I'm so excited that I sang my way to breakfast and hummed all the way after that as I prepared a backpack to bring for the trip.
"I'm here!" I said as I rushed to the living room when Sean called me out on the afternoon.
"Good luck to you two, have fun." Eden and mama bid us as we got in the car. I gave them both a hug and waved until I am not able to see them and the house anymore.
"So, why is Eden not coming with us?" I asked later on as we drove to wherever this resort is.
"She's going back to police duties." Sean answered. Oh yeah, did I mention she's a cop? She's really amazing you know. I just nodded to his answer and once again marveled on the beauty of the passing sceneries as I did the first time I arrived here.
We parked infront of a lavish building full of ornaments and plants that beautifies the entrance area and I smiled broadly as I saw happy and welcoming people all around. I followed Sean on the pathways and saw the entrance sign "G and E Beach Resort", and as soon as the scent of saltwater and the sound of gentle waves rolling on the shore hit me, my eyes fixed on the sparkling blue waters filled with merry people here and there. Wow! It's parade.
"Season?" I snapped out of my trance and looked at my brother who is conversing with an older looking man.
"I'm sorry, I was just amazed." I smiled shyly and they smiled at me too.
"That's fine." The man said.
"By the way, Mr. Fernando Perez this is Season Tarver, my sister." Sean introduced.
"Hi Mr. Perez." I greeted as we shook hands. There's something so homie about Mr. Perez and I know Sean picked himself a reasonable business partner.
"Hello to you too dear, shall I show you to your room?" He offered and we agreed. Whilst they are talking about business which I could care less about, I trailed behind them admiring the design of the hotel and the view from the huge windows. There's so many wonders in the Philippines that can't even be justified by the photos posted on the internet.
"Wow..." I exclaimed as I entered my room which is on the fourth floor and has a very nice view fronting the blue waters and the beach.
"Glad you like it, I hope you'd also try out the activities here." Mr. Perez said as he and Sean stopped by the door.
"I sure will." I excitedly said.
"We'll see you later sis!"
Here we go paradise! I'm so gonna check you out! I arranged my things in the room and changed into a black sleeveless top and some red shorts that compliments my hair. I also put on some sunscreen and my black slippers. After brushing my wavy red locks, I grabbed my shades and my purse and walked out of the room, feeling like a beach day model. Cause why not?
As soon as I stepped out of the hotel, I looked around the stands nearby and debated on what I should try first. I could go swimming but it's 11 o'clock so, I could just try out some food here.
Sean's so good for letting me wonder on my own, he knows how bored I am on business meetings so yeah. He's such a cool brother. Anyways, I spotted a burger stand and decided to grab a light lunch. A burger precisely. I walked past the tables and into the stand where three teens are waiting in line before me. So apparently I bought a large cheese burger and a glass of lemonade, as I sat on one of the tables just observing the people around me.
"Hi miss ganda." A passerby said and I just smiled at him. His group of friends laughed at him and he was like, "Sorry that was just a dare." Okay? No big deal. He seems to be younger than me anyway. As I was munching on the burger, I saw a sign board that reads "Scuba Diving" and I knew immediately that that's what I'm gonna try. After I have this lunch.
An hour later, I walked in the little shop on Scuba diving and inquired about the price and the time.
"Yes miss this is 500 pesos, good for two hours of driving." The guy explained about the diving apparatus.
"That's cool, I'm paying for that." I said as I handed him the cash.
"Do you know what you're supposed to do miss or do you need a brief orientation?" He asked as it is mandatory to inquire such a thing.
"Done that a couple times so, I'd be fine." I replied. So he lets me change into the black overall diving clothing that I rented and after that, he assissted me on putting on the apparatus as another one led me to the little row boat where two people are already present, the three of us sat on our places as the driver got in and started rowing us to the diving sight. So awesome!
"Okay nandito na po tayo, here we are, just follow the caution signs placed underwater and you'd do fine, enjoy po kayo!" The driver proclaimed when we reached a reasonable distance from the shore. I looked at the clear blue waters and saw majestic coral formation and a lot of fishes that excites me so I put on the goggles and diving mask and without wasting another second, jumped into the cool waters.
So refreshing!
I waved at my fellow divers as they waved at me too before I was totally consumed by the underwater beauty around me. There were so many coral formations and school of fishes and other underwater creatures that entertained my eyes. "Wow..." This is the second time that I had to say that. I started moving around the marvelous underwater kingdom, taking photos of interesting landscapes and creatures and all that, while still taking caution of course. I love how I can see a whole new world from down here plus I can also see the others, swimming or kayaking on the surface. I could live like this forever, not that I want to little mermaid or what. But I could sure pass as a little mermaid, you know with my red hair and all.
Maybe I was thirty minutes into the dive when I felt a different aura in the water along with the abundance of stingrays and squids around me. I'm seeing more ripples as if someone from nearby is strongly kicking. I looked around me and my eyes widened at what I saw. Just a few meters to my right I saw my fellow diver being pulled by a greenish human-like creature that doesn't look quite human actually. He's like a huge fish or lizard, what with his scaly body and webbed feet. I can tell that he's harming my co-diver as he's pulling her away from the safe zone.
Though completely bewildered by what I saw, I followed them, hiding behind the corals, trying not to be seen. I saw how the diver is trying to break loose of the creature's hold but is failing to do so. It was when I saw her breathing apparatus sink that I knew she's in great trouble and perhaps I if I followed them because I wanted to help her, now would be the right time. So I caught the sinking oxygen tank as I swam towards them and with all my might, threw it towards the greenish creature. As it felt the impact of my throw, it spun around to face me and let me tell you, this is the most abominable creature that I've ever seen in the ocean!
It looks like a grotesque alien, the once shown in movies. It has a human-like form like how I described it earlier but its face barely resembles that of a human. It must be a he you know because it looks male but I don't have time to assess its features more as he lets go of my co-diver and swam towards me. Oh! He's a fast swimmer! So I grabbed a coral near me, sorry beautiful formation, and threw it at its face which made it even angrier. Uh oh...
I swam in a circle so I can help my co-diver to surface as I noticed that we're somehow near a land area, a cliff! Not good but not bad, I noticed the alien looking creature have gills so we'll be safe on land. Good thing I know some rescue swimming cause if not we'd never gonna make it. I made sure she's on dry land and was about to climb up when I felt a strong pull on my leg. Damnit!
"Humawak ka!" She said, although I didn't understand her, I took the hand she offered but the monster's pull is so strong.
"No! Let go and go seek for help!" That's the last thing I said as I let go of her hand and hoped that I'm doing the right thing. I dove to the water again, thanking the heavens that nothing happened to my breathing apparatus and tried to get my leg free from the scaly, web-like hands that caught it. I started kicking and all but it's no use.
Season Tarver, try to remember your martial arts water training! I kept begging myself that as I flipped the creature, slamming him to to the cliff side, wow, that worked. Not for long though as it regained its stance and went straight for me. This time I wasn't able to dodge because of the stingrays and the squids around me and it caught my throat. Oh gosh! It squeezed my throat really hard and with its other hand peeled off my breathing apparatus. Shit! There goes my only hope of not drowning. Holding my breath as best as I could though, I used my hands and delivered a punch which made him roar on the water. Such an ugly beast he is! I started kicking real hard as I felt him digging his webbed fingers to my neck and very sharp teeth was seen as he opened his mouth. I thought that was gonna be the end of me but I heared a searing voice that made strong ripples, strong enough to peel off the creature from me. Oh my...
My neck started to sting and red liquid floated around me. Blood, my blood. With all the strength left in me, I swam my way to the surface to breathe. Gosh! Gosh! Gosh! I looked left and right for the cliff where I placed my co-diver to safety and once I spotted it, I swam towards it, not minding the pain that I'm feeling but of course I wasn't able to reach there because the alien-like creature pulled me again. This time when I dove to the water there's another person fighting the alien thing. Well I thought it was a person until I saw a fishtail connected to its upper body. A mermaid! No a merman! Because it's a male. It pulled my leg off from the ugly sea creature, and I took that opportunity to surface again. This time, I saw a speed boat coming my way with my co-diver on it.
"Help!" I called and they immediately spotted me. I looked back one last time to the ripples below me, where the horrible sea monster is being fought by that mighty looking merman, before I was pulled out of there by the crew.
"Are you okay?" My co-diver asked, she must've noticed by now that I'm a foreigner, though she's almost on a state like mine.
"Yes." I said as one of the crew in the speed boat gave me a first aid treatment.
We were then brought to the resort's clinic and I took a deep breath when the nurse left us for awhile. "Thank you, for saving me. Salamat." I looked to my co-diver when she spoke and smiled.
"No problem. But what was that creature that attacked us?" I asked. She looked hesitant but she swallowed the lump on her throat to answer to my question.
"I believe that was a... Siyokoy, which I didn't really know existed. I thought it's only on myths." She said.
Myths. A mythical creature once again. To be honest, I don't know what's sinking deep in my inner being right now, the fact that I'm almost drowned by that ugly Siyokoy, or the fact that my consecutive encounters with mythical creatures are drowning me to insanity.

Komentar Buku (429)

  • avatar
    Jomari Ababat

    its a nice story❤️i love it


  • avatar

    highly recommended! a very interesting story!


  • avatar

    A wonderful story, you are a genius author...Highly recommended for everyone


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