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Chpter 5

"Lady Alesana."
"My lady, where are you!?" I hide on the bush silently.
I'm really good at playing hide and seek, haha.
"Lady Alesana!"
I crawl and crawl when I bumped into something. I massage my head and when I looked up I was shocked. I just bumped into this man, still standing in front of me then he offered his hand with a smile.
How did he get in here?
"What are you doing down there?" I accepted his hand and...
"Who are you?"
"Ahh, My Apologies, sorry for the late introduction but I'm Calixto Louver Morri, My Lady."
An exceptionally tall young man with messy brown hair and highly handsome facial features. He has an angled face, pale skin, pointed nose, and those red lips, and his eyes it's beautiful. What a beautiful pair of gray orbs! Dressed in a white uniform, standing straight. What a hot man he is.
"Thank you for helping me, Sir Calixto." I snatch my hands and avert my eyes from his gorgeous face. Shocks.
"May I know your name?" I pointed to myself and he laughs while nodding. "Is there anyone here that your the only one who can see?" I shake my head.
"Les. My name is Les." He held my hand and kiss it.
"Hmm, okay Lady Les I think it is inappropriate for a Lady like you to crawl on the ground, are you perhaps lost or something? Your not a child anymore." He glances at my back and slightly laughs.
And so?
"That's none of your business Sir So if you don't mind I'll excuse myself."
"Wait what's your real name?"
"I told you my name's Les."
"Hmm?" He smirked and that made me sigh.
"See you soon Lady Les." I was pouting while running, is it bad for a lady like me to crawl? I'm just playing!
"My lady, where did you go?"
"I win Mellisa you didn't find me immediately."
"Let's play tomorrow okay? The Duke has a guest."
"So my Papa is already here?"
"Yes, My Lady."
"Let's go, I want to see him!"
"Lady Alesana please don't run and walk gracefully that's what a noble lady does."
"Okay." I stop running and walk gracefully like what Lara said. What a pain. "Papa!"
"Oh, my beautiful daughter." I run and hug My Papa. He was busy to the point he was in the palace the whole week.
"Welcome home Papa, I miss you!"
"Ohh I miss you too. Kiss me."
"Muahh." he smiled and pat my head.
"We have guests, let's head to my office I will introduce you to them."
"We will just dress Lady Alesana, Your excellency."
"No need, this dress is fine."
"Yes, My Lady."
"So the visitor is a friend of yours, Papa?"
"Yes, and I want to introduce you." Papa escorts me until we reach his office. Another two Aristocrats. Mama is entertaining them and when I faced them, I knew the other man If I'm not mistaken Calixto is his name.
"Count Alte Morri, Sir Calixto she's my precious Daughter Alesana Rosent."
"Greetings to Count Morri, Sir Calixto. It's a pleasure to meet you."
"The pleasure is ours Young Lady." and then Count Alte kiss the back of my palm. "Your daughter is really pretty like what I've heard."
"Thank you, Count Morri."
"Let's take a seat."
"Calixto will soon graduate at the Delphia Academy and soon to apply for the Imperial Bureaucratic test."
"Woah." Count Morri smiled at my reaction.
"So by any chance, you will be the Aide of the Crown Prince."
"If it is the Crown Prince wishes." I was awkwardly smiling beside my Mama and Papa. I'm not really interested in politics and why did Calixto suddenly appear?
I am really sure that his name is not mentioned in the novel. The meeting of the Count, Sir Calixto, and Alesana are not mentioned in the novel. Sir Calixto, why did you suddenly appear?
"How about you young lady, your Coming of Age Ceremony will be soon right?" years had been passed and I'm now 17. Last year I did everything for me to lay low, I didn't attend any banquets and I'm still staying quiet until now.
"So is there a man that asked her hand for marriage, Duke Briele?"
"Ahh yes but we politely declined it, My Precious Honey I'm not ready to let her go. And there is a family that asks a long time ago." Eh? I didn't know that.
"Why don't you marry Calixto instead?" I point Sir Calixto and the Count nod. Haha shit. I don't have plans on getting married at the age of 18 or 19 duh. His existence is still a mystery.
"If he decided not to continue the engagement, we can talk about that. What do you think?" How can they talk like that? Hello Papa, Count I'm here. I glance at Sir Calixto, it looks like our Father's idea is okay with him.
"What do you think Alesana?" Papa asked me and I laugh nervously, seriously?
"Papa I know soon I'll leave this house once I'm already married so, I will marry anyone whom you liked." I think this is a safe answer, or is it not? I don't know what to do!
"How about you, Calixto?"
"She will be a good wife." I cough while Count Morri, Papa, and my Mama laugh.
"I'm looking forward to this, Duke Briele."
"Same here."
"So, can we proceed with our business?"
"If that's the case, we will now excuse ourselves."
"It was really nice to meet you Lady Alesana."
"See you later." Mama kissed Papa's cheek and we bow before leaving the office. "Honey why don't you show Sir Calixto around. The weather is nice." Mama suggests and I facepalmed on my mind.
"Sure, Mama. Sir Calixto?"
"It's a pleasure Duchess Briele, Lady Alesana."
"Enjoy." I faced Sir Calixto and smile at him.
"Lara and Mellisa you can head back to your rooms, I'm fine with Sir Calixto alone."
"Yes, My Lady."
"Shall we go now?"
"I think I want to see your garden, is it ok?"
"Yes, follow me then."
"So what do you do when your boring Lady Les Crawling in the ground? Or doing something dangerous."
"That's a joke, Sir Calixto."
"You can call me Calixto, no need to be formal."
"Then call me Alesana." We reach the kiosk dome and sit there.
"It's quiet and peaceful." the garden is filled with different kinds of flowers, but my most favorite part of the garden is far where different colors of roses bloom. There are also red roses in front of our manor, the Mighty Briele's emblem a Rose.
I suddenly remember something in the past.
"I'll just ask a maid to bring some tea and sweets."
"Go ahead." After I order some maids to get some refreshments we stay there quiet, I can freely stare at him because his eyes are closed.
He seems to enjoy it. That's nice.
"Don't stare at me My Lady, I might melt." My eyes widened when our eyes met. He made a heartily laugh that makes my face heat. Why he is so handsome while laughing? Arghh!
"Please help yourself."
"Thank you. I hope we can be good friends."
"Sure, let's be good friends." We shake our hands and continue eating sweets.
"But I'm still looking forward to you being my wife," I smirk. So you've fallen into my looks?
"Pfft, straight forward eh? Then why do suddenly want me to become your wife?"
"Like what I said earlier you'll be a good wife."
"Tsk, how sure you are? I'm not yet ready, I can't cook and I don't have any experience taking care of a baby."
"The baby? So you're also looking forward to being my wife? Should I give you a ring and started to formally propose marriage to your family?"
"Are you qualified enough?"
"What do you think?"
"I think let's be friends from now on, we just met."
"If you say so Lady Alesana Rosent."
"Thank you, Sir Calixto Louver." now that a new character appears, what's next?

Komentar Buku (431)

  • avatar
    Princes Bea Sarmiento

    Amazing story


  • avatar
    NicolasKathleen joy

    good story


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    Brenmark Daligdig



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