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As Will lay tumbling down from being violently attacked by several werewolves, he noticed the oddity in the people who had originally been running frantically outside.
"What is this? Why did they all stop running?” asked Will in surprise as he tried to stand back up.
“I used a spell to keep them from moving their legs.” Someone answered Will's question.
The blue-eyed youth turned his head, "Peter!" exclaimed Will who was surprised to see his friend was holding back the claws of a beast.
"You don't have to do this, Will." Peter tries to shake Will's determination to attack the werewolves.
While parrying, holding back, and responding to the beasts' attacks, Peter and Will chatted with each other. And continue like that despite their chest tightness and gasping for breath.
“I can't stop now, Pete.” It was Will who parried the muzzle of one of the werewolves.
"Why? Is it because of Rumi?” Peter kicked the werewolf punch that attacked from behind.
"Yes! Because of him, and all the weak humans here!”
"You really love that girl? Even though you just met him today.”
"You're wrong, Pete. I've been watching him for a long time. And this time, I won't let go." Will punched his enemy in the face hard.
Peter stared in disbelief at what he had just heard. Will glanced at him sarcastically, "then why did you cast a spell on them?"
"To make it easy to move them out."
Suddenly there was a small jolt on the floor, then our stiff legs were able to move again. But not against our will.
"What else now?" lamented one of the women who was tightly holding the hand of the man beside her.
Suddenly our feet stepped through the back door of the house quickly but not colliding and scrambling like before. Our steps are sure and regular, and most importantly, fast.
They were surprised and resigned, but also grateful that they could immediately leave the room which was filled with the fishy smell of blood from the hungry werewolf's muzzle.
"Why is this all happening?" one of the female guests was crying hysterically. His feet were still walking regularly in front of a middle-aged man. The onlookers could only close their eyes and shake their heads. There was great anxiety and fear on their faces, which had stiffened at the sight of the terrifying form of a werewolf, which they had never seen before.
One of the youths who kept his feet on his feet, said as he watched the werewolves attacking Sheryl, “they're even scarier than the history books tell us. And… how dare that girl face such terrifying creatures head on.” He shuddered.
The young man behind him replied, “You are right. They're many times scarier than the ones in the books." This young man glanced at Sheryl who was panting as the enemy attacked barrageously, “That girl is amazing, her physical abilities are very different from mine. Even though I'm a descendant of a werewolf, I don't have the skills of that girl at all.”
"That's because he's special," a man at the side chimed in, "he's not descended from an ordinary werewolf."
The youths who heard, glanced at the man sarcastically. The man closed his eyes and sighed, “Even so, there is only one of the many descendants of werewolves in this town who is like him.” The man continued without heeding the gazes of the youths. They returned to focus on the legs that continued to move forward.
It's different from how I feel now. Worry dominates me. Worried about the future of my family, and of Will, Peter, and Sheryl.
I still don't think that the three of them can hold off the enemies with nothing but their bare hands. Their expertise is commendable.
The atmosphere heats up, when I see Will and Peter fighting while punching each other after fending off enemy attacks.
I glared at him and mumbled, "what's wrong with them?"
Royce flinched as he turned his gaze to his younger brother, then followed my gaze, “It seems they are getting tired and are following each other's egos. I have to help them!”
Royce tried to move his legs the other way, and it worked. He stared at his feet which were finally able to move back at will. He looked at me surprised and happy, "Rumi, my leg!" Royce kept moving his legs, making sure that they were really in his power again.
I smiled with relief seeing Royce's recovered leg. Without realizing it, my legs were able to move freely again.
"Royce! I'm not walking! My legs are back too!” I said, excited as I stomped my feet on the floor.
“We are free, Rumi! Now I can help them!” Royce's spirit with clenched fists. His gaze was serious and sharp ahead.
I snorted with pleasure to see him. But there is one thing that stuck in the heart.
I lowered my head with my eyes looking down at the floor, recalling the lump in my heart. "Did... I forgot something?" suddenly… “AH! Mother! Father! Reyna!" suddenly my mouth called them loudly.
There was no sign of them being anywhere near us. I saw Royce who was frantically looking for our family, "did you see it, Royce?"
Royce shook his head with his head up—still looking for Mom, Dad, and Reyna.

I bit the thumb of my right hand, with panic taking over my feelings. My eyes are still looking for the location of the people I love very much.
Before long, the remaining tens of thousands of people had managed to get out of the house safely. Right now, the only ones in the house were those still fighting the five werewolves and me and my eldest brother.
"Rummy! Nothing,” Royce gave up because his efforts to find our family bore fruit.
Without thinking, I immediately ran quickly towards those who were still fighting each other. Royce followed behind me. Runs so fast than me. He managed to get ahead of me until he was next to Will.
The young wizard could see Royce's cold gaze on him clearly, “what are you doing here? You should go!”
One of the enemies charged at them, but was repelled by Royce's counterattack. We were astonished to see it. Turns out Royce can fight werewolves too! I thought in my mind, when I got close to them.
Peter turned to me, “Rumi! Why are you unaffected? And Royce...?” she looks panicked and disappointed.
They understood and ignored Royce's and me's presence. They only focused on the fierce fight with the enemy.
Instantly Will came up to me and stood right in front, blocking any attacks from the enemy. He just glanced at me coldly for a second, didn't say anything and continued to focus on his counterattack on the enemy.
I dare not speak. My mouth is shut again. Not because of magic, but because I really don't want to open it.
My eyes are constantly alert and careful with the surroundings. One of the beasts tried to approach me, but Sheryl who immediately realized quickly caught the creature's body with her thin hands.
"Sheryl!" I cried when I saw my best friend wrestling with the terrible creature that kept trying to pounce on him.
Things got even more tense, as everyone protected me by surrounding me without leaving an opening for the werewolves to attack.
They were very tired. It can be seen from his panting breath and sweaty face. Suddenly my vision focused on the bloodstains on their clothes and bodies. Lots of drops of fresh blood came out of one of their limbs that was injured by the enemy's claws.
But they did not show the pain they received. Including Sheryl, she is very strong able to withstand the pain in her injured hand and Temple.
I hung my head in guilt. Why out of those tens of thousands of people, no one dared to help them defeat the werewolves? Tens of thousands... and there are only four heroic souls here. My head kept thinking about the selfish and cowardly actions of the tens of thousands of people that existed before.

Komentar Buku (175)

  • avatar
    Yhang Osman

    nice story po....


  • avatar
    Djksarin Edkofsrb

    bfk ud


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