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Salana's P. O. V
"Eh? Why does have a weird name, papa?" I asked. Father just giggled and patted my head. "Because of its legend. Its story said that The Gale Williwaw Umbrella originally belonged to Aqguakas - the Goddess of Storm and Ocean. She created the Gale Williwaw with the use of her blood and tears, and she threw it here, at the Seleno Kingdom to sow storms and tidal waves that washed out the kingdom many years ago. So, it is considered as one of the disastrous weapons. And, I'm thankful that it's in good hands now." Papa Danny said. I just smiled and hugged him.
"So, what should I do next, papa?" I asked. He then grabbed my hand and he dragged me out to the secret room.
"Where are we going, Papa?" I asked. So, Papa Danny stopped a bit and looked at me. "We're going to Venerated Mountain, I will teach you how to discover your Phile." Papa Danny said. So, I gave him a huge smile and hugged him.
"Let's hurry papa, I'm so excited to discover my Phile!" I exclaimed. Then, we ran out of the shop. Then, papa summoned his familiar named Affinix - a giant Titanoboa Snake. "Wow!" I shouted in amazement.
"Come on, let's hurry," Papa said while offering his hand. I grabbed his hand and we hop into Affix's head. Then, the giant snake started to move and went towards the Venerated Mountain.
"Wow, papa! Affinix is so fast!" I said as if we were just riding in the speed of a race car that exists in the mortal world. 'Yeah, its kind are one of the five most fastest creatures that can easily travel through distance." Papa Danny said. I just nodded.
After an hour...
"Stop there, Affinix!" Papa Danny said while pointing his finger to the tall tree. So, I looked curiously at him as I can't see the Venerated Mountain already. I think he noticed that I was looking at him. So, he turned his head to me and smiled. "What is it, honey?" Papa asked.
"Why do we need to stop there, papa? I can't see the Venerated Mountain already?" I asked. He then patted my head. "Because, the tall tree is the sign that we are already travelling to the base of the Venerated Mountain. The mountain is invisible, so the tall tree is the thing that reminds the adventurer or travelers that they are already stepping to the Venerated Mountain." Papa Danny explained. I just nodded as an answer. Then after a while. We stopped in front of the big tree and got off at Affinix head. After that, Affinix disappeared suddenly. Papa Danny sighed and he started mumbling something. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and pointed his finger to the big tree. A golden light came out at papa's finger and hit the big tree after. Then, a big tree cut a part., and the gate showed up.
"Let's enter the Venerate Mountain?" Papa said while offering his hand to me. I grabbed it, and we started to walk towards the gate. After a while, we finally came in to the gate, and a perfect cone shaped mountain was exposed in front of me, and it made me stunned in amazement.
"Is this the Venerated Mountain, Papa Danny?" I asked. Papa held my shoulder and sighed. "Yes, honey. Gezzz, you are very near to discover you Phile, which made me proud." Papa replied while about to cry. So, I caress his back to console him.
"Papa, don't cry. So, could you tell me what I should do and what are the process, papa?" I asked. Papa closed his eyes again, he smiled, and he raised his head above. Here we go again. "Uh! First, we need to go to the peak of the Venerated Mountain. Second, we need to go to the Shrine of Omni-Supreme. And lastly, you need to pray and meditate there. So that, the Omni-Supreme will grant you a Phile that suits your personality and behavior." Papa Danny replied. He gave me all the knowledge I wanted. So, I smiled at him.
"Okay, thank you for the information, papa. So, let's go to the peak of the mountain?" I asked while offering my hand to him. That made him sobbed and cried again. I just smiled awkwardly because of that. "You're really grown up faster!" Papa Danny yelled while crying. After that, he hugged me so tight.
"Papa! I-I can't breathe." I said while gasping for air. Papa immediately freed me from his hug. "S-Sorry, Salana." Papa Danny said. I just smiled and nodded as an answer. Then, he fixed himself and we walked climbing the mountain...
After a few hours...
We finally reached the peak of the mountain, and I saw the beautiful Shrine of Omni-Supreme, and it made me stunned in amazement again.
"Go inside now. I'll be waiting here. Goodluck, Salana!" Papa exclaimed. I just nodded and ran towards the Shrine. When I got nearby, I can say that the Shrine is beautiful as it is just simple, yet very divine. It looks like the Shinto Shrine in Japan in the world of mortals. I entered the Shrine and saw that it has no object except for a statue of a faceless man wearing a priest's robe and there's an infinity sign at his back. Suddenly, the roof of the Shrine opened and a light of the moon came in on the Shrine.
"Please sit in the middle of the moonlight, then close your eyes and meditate. No more question," The voice of someone commanded me. So, I went to the middle of the moonlight. After that, I sat and closed my eyes. I cleared all the things that bothered my mind and started to meditate...
"I, the Omni-Supreme, grant thy the magic called Pluviophile that allows thy to control water and storm..." The voice said. Then, a very cold sensation went throughout my body that calmed me...
Eight years passed...
"Salana!" I suddenly opened my eyes because of Papa Danny's shout. "Hays, I dreamed of that happiest moment for me again. I can't believe that eight years have passed now." I said to myself. Then, I stood up and rushed to where Papa Danny's voice came from. And, my foot brought me to the living room, where Papa, Dada, and the Minister of Selono Kingdom were talking. When I got near them, I saw dad holding a golden envelope, and reading the letter that I think came from the golden envelope.
"Why did you shout loudly, Papa? And what brought the Minister of this country here? Also, what is that?" I asked a series of questions. But Papa Danny just turned to me while looking so pale at me. "Salana, you are one of the chosen candidates to fight in the Centurial Commoners Game or CCG." Papa Danny said, and it made me shocked...

Komentar Buku (778)

  • avatar
    Betchai Divino Yorac

    good reading


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    Shaina Languita

    I like the story


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