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Chapter 7: The Librarian

I immediately went to the school's library. I'm hoping that he can help me. He knows Ellaine pretty well. Within a few minutes, I've reached the library. I entered the premises, I wish that he is here.
As I stepped inside my forehead knotted. I stared at the woman in the librarian's desk, where is he? I went near the woman.
She saw me coming towards her direction, she then smiled at me. I smiled back.
I immediately asked her.
"Where is Mr. Harrison? The school librarian of Dylecxia?" I asked.
"I'm sorry but he left, he resigned and I'm Dylecxia's new librarian." She answered me.
Ohh... but why did he left? I thought he loved his job?
"Where can I find him?" I asked her again.
"He loves staying at the park during this type of day. You'll make it on time if you leave now." She said.
"Thank you." I replied.
I immediately went on my way. I'm hoping that I can get a chance to talk to Mr. Harrison.
I walked out of the library, the park is not too far from here. I'll walk, it'll also give me time to think.
While walking an idea came up. The fewer clues where given and found through the library, could it be possible that Sly shows interest in such things?
I'm still thinking out of the blue, only a few clues were given. How can I make the fewer puzzle pieces fit if there aren't any?
Think Reed. I continued walking. After a few minutes, I reached the park. From afar I saw Mr. Harrison, he is sitting in his favorite bench.
He's wearing an all black outfit. I walked near him. What's with the get-up?
Could it be possible that he knew about Ellaine's death?
When I've reached his position, I sat beside him.
"What brings you here Reed?" He asked.
I can sense sadness in his voice. The both of us stared at the view in front of us.
"I want to ask you something." I said.
"Go on." He said in an emotionless way.
What's with him?
"It is about Ellaine." I added.
I heard him sigh after hearing what I said. So he knew.
"Continue..." He said.
I don't know where to start but definitely, this situation is hard for him. I don't know what is his relationship with Ellaine but I'm pretty sure that they are close.
"Ellaine was found dead. I'd like to ask a few questions regarding the victim." I said straightforwardly.
He looked at me, his eyes were filled with inevitable gloom. I've never seen him like this before.
"I was with Ellaine yesterday when suddenly a woman came." He said.
He took a deep breath before he continued talking.
"Ellaine went with her. After that I was never able to text or call her. Ellaine said she knew her that's why I was able to make her leave with that woman." He said.
A woman? Hmm... who could that be?
"Someone called me this morning, it was a man. He said that he'll kill those that I love if I won't leave Ellaine. I thought it was just a prank call when suddenly a stone broke my window. The stone was wrapped with a paper.
It contains...
'I told you but you didn't listen. Now the only one that you love is killed.
Too much love can kill you...'
I felt sudden nervousness. Ellaine is the only one that I have." He closed his eyes as he retell.
I don't know whether Sly is also behind this, but if he is then why did he want to separate Shannon and Ellaine? Every crime has its own motive.
"She died." He added.
No emotion except sadness is present in him. Poor Shannon...
I sighed. I can feel his pain.
I've known Shannon as a strong man but I guess everyone has their own weaknesses.
Ellaine was his weakness, just like how Claire was mine. Woman are men's Achilles heel.
"Do tell me Reed that you'll solve this." He said.
I've been taking too many commitments lately. But I guess it doesn't matter, it's for those whom I care about.
Being a detective runs in my blood. It's both a curse and a blessing. I wanted an ordinary life but I was never given one.
"For Claire and Ellaine, I'll solve this case." I assured him.
He looked at me, he smiled. But I can see tears from his eyes.
Slowly they started falling.
"Ellaine was my greatest love, she accepted me. She loved me." He said.
This is my first time to witness Shannon cry. I admired him for being strong before.
"It might sound weird but I'd be willing to steal all the stars in the sky just to show my love for her." He said.
It's not weird at all. While Claire and I were still together I promised her that I'll buy her a star in the sky.
Those days were gold and precious. How I wish I can bring them all back.
"Her smile is the most precious thing in the world. Her eyes dazzle like diamonds.
She's my treasure, she choose me over them. Her family is against us, they wanted someone better than me.
Ellaine opposed them and she decided to continue loving me." Shannon said.
So he is the one that the woman is talking about.
Their love story is same as with us.
He looked away, he stared at the view in front of him.
"I swear I'll make the culprit pay." He said with anger.
Love is a fire, touch it and you'll get burned.
"Reed, do you know who Gavin is?" Shannon asked.
"I do." I answered immediately.
"But what about him?" I added.
"He offered Elaine a job before, twice the salary from her old boss. Gavin told her that he'll buy her a car and a house. I find it suspicious.
The woman who took her seems familiar as well." He said.
Hmm... so Gavin do plays a big part in this case. But the woman is also a mystery, who could she be? And why did she took Ellaine?
Did Ellaine knew about her identity or is she really the culprit?
Too many questions are forming inside my mind. There are a lot of possibilities.
"Actually, Claire is abducted as well. I still don't know whether Sly and the culprit behind Ellaine's death are actually one. But I saw something carved through her flesh." I said.
Upon saying those words his fist crumbled.
"It's an S shaped like a snake. I'm certain that Sly is somehow connected." I added.
There is a big possibility that Sly is behind this. But no evidence is given to prove it. Except the woman who took Ellaine.
"You said you think you saw her before. Kindly describe her features." I said.
"She's tall, slim and fair. A typical model type lady. Basing on her outfit she's from a wealthy family. She never mentioned her name but I accidentally eavesdropped on their conversation.
She was mentioning Gavin, she said that she is Gavin's niece." Shannon said.
Hmm... I never heard anything about Gavin's niece. All I know is that his heart is far from his family.
"And?" I asked again.
"They went inside her car and she brought Ellaine with her." He added.
After that Ellaine was found dead. I think I have my suspect.
But what could her motive be? Every crime is done for a reason.
"Reed, I'll go now. Take care of Claire before it is too late." He said as he stood up.
"Claire and I are not together." I replied.
He smirked.
What? I'm saying the truth actually. Claire and I ended our relationship ages ago. Maybe I'm uncertain about my feelings but I'm still not sure whether I love her or not.
"Ellaine and I are not together as well but I was able to take care of her." Shannon advised.
For a pretty buff and strong guy this is quite strange, but love indeed mellows heart.
I nodded in response. He patted my shoulder and he smiled.
"Remember who you are Reed. Place your heart where love is." He added.
I smiled back.
"I'll get going. Take care and remember your promise." He said as he turned his back on me.
He started walking away from me. I was left alone in the park.
Place my heart where love is? The question is, where is love?
I've traveled far to look for their so called love and I found it in her arms but that was all in the past.
I cannot bring everything back, well, I wish that I could but I can't.
Everytime someone mentions Claire, I feel different kinds of emotions.
I was such a fool to let her go and give up. I cannot blame her if she chose to forget me instead. I deserve it anyway.
I decided to stand up and went back to the Academy.
I walked once more but my phase is slower this time. As if I'm savoring every step that I take.
I thought I was over her but I guess I wasn't. For a few years I did my best to avoid her.
How I wish I had the courage to fight for her, but I'm a coward.
As I get closer I saw a 7 year old kid running towards me. He is smiling widely.
"Mr. Bryst, remember me?" He asked as he gets closer.
My forehead knotted. Have I seen him before? He seems familiar but I can't remember where I saw him.
I just smiled at him. He reached my position and he looked up to me.
"Where is Mommy Ais?" He asked.
What he said pinched my heart. Now I remember.
I kneeled to face him. I caressed his face.
"Daddy Reed why are looking sad?" He asked again.
I just smiled at him.
"Your Mommy is not with me." I answered him.
He immediately frowned upon hearing that.
"Where is she? Please tell me that you are not yet divorced." Yvo said.
His question almost made me laugh. Divorce? We are not even married.
"No, we are not yet divorced." I answered him.
Well, I'm actually saying the truth. Claire and I are not yet divorced because we never got married. Silly Yvo...
"Good... Daddy, when will you take me to Mommy?" Yvo asked again.
Questions are flooding.
Few years ago Claire and I met Yvo, the three of us pretended to be a family. I smiled even wider upon remembering that incident.
"Reed, someone is crying." Claire said.
I looked around and there I saw a boy. He is crying while holding a rose in his hands.
He looks so cute in his little tuxedo. He is sitting by the road.
Claire and I walked near him. He kept on sobbing.
"Cuttie, what seems to be the problem?" Claire asked him.
We sat beside him, he is in between the both of us.
He looked at Claire and his sobbing lessened.
"My girlfriend dumped me." He said.
My eyes widened upon hearing that.
"Woah little man you're beating me with your charm." I said while softly chuckling.
He looked at me. He eyed me seriously.
"I'm more handsome than you." He said as he raised his eyebrow.
I raised my eyebrow on him too.
"Really? You see that girl beside you? That's my girlfriend, a true handsome never gets dumped by girls." I said.
He smiled devishly upon hearing what I said.
Such a weird kid.
"Well, you're about to get dump now." He said as he looked at Claire.
Claire laughed because of his actions.
"She's mine now, go find someone new." He ordered me.
Really? So he's the boss now?
He took Claire's hand and he gave the rose to her.
My blood is raising. Claire is only mine.
What an early playboy. I rolled my eyes with disgust.
"Tsk!" I heard the boy cussed.
Can someone hold me back? I'm gonna scold this kid.

Komentar Buku (978)

  • avatar

    interesting story.


  • avatar
    Jocelyn Cañeso Samarita

    good and impressed 😁💯💯


  • avatar

    very good


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