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Chapter 6 - Period Gone Wrong

"Owemji! Our Queen of the Night is here!" I was just shut in Maureen's yell when I came into our room.
She kept on shouting after they knew that I was winning 'Queen of the Night'. I was even shocked after hearing the result last night. My mind was preoccupied to the point that I do not even talk us I got home. Duh. It was my first time 'no.
"Yow! You're really beautiful Shara. Be mine!" Josh shouted so I had troubled him.
He even told me last time that I'm ugly."Moron! Fiona is the prettiest in our section according to her," I said as I sat on my chair.
"You're right that I'm beautiful, Shara. But I would never like Josh. What a prick! He's not even taking a bath." Fiona flipped her hair and rolled her eyes.
"You think it's nice? Dream on!" said Josh who's annoyed.
I just let them quarrel and just focused on our lesson for today. I want to have a memory stock before leaving the room. I was in the middle of reviewing my notes when my stomach suddenly hurts. I bit my lower lip when it really hurts especially when I'm moving.
"Hey, Shara. You're okay?" President's question attacked me from behind.
I gave him a convenient smile and nodded in response. When our teacher came, we immediately stood up to greet her but I winced a bit when I felt like it's wet down there. It should be... No! It can't be! My duo is not now!

"You're okay? Do you visit? Seems like you're not comfortable," Mau whispered to me when she noticed that I'm feeling uneasy.
I shook my head because within just one move, it will hurt so bad."I do not know, Mau. It was supposedly tomorrow and not today. I haven't brought a pad for myself."
"Shocks! What now? Wait, I'll excuse you," she said so fast.
"Get one whole sheet of paper for an essay. You have to write 1500 words about our topic for today."
I closed my eyes called of so much pain. I can not even suffer. Geez! We even have to write an essay and I couldn't even move myself. I'm doomed.
"I'll just ask permission to our teacher, Mau. I'll be back, it'll be quick."
When I finally walked outside, I sat on the bench of the hallway because I couldn't walk anymore. I swear. Why is it that my period have to visit me this sudden. It's not just I do not have pads, my shorts might be full of blood right now. It's okay because our skirt was stripe red but it can be overall wet. It is so uneasy to stand up and walk. I'm losing appetite because of my pain.
"Do you worship the floor?! You look so weird and at the same time stupid."
I immediately look up to see who just talked. Its him again, Argh. I still have no mood to boast.
"Roses are red, Violets are blue. I mind my own business so why don't you too?!" I boredly answered and lowered my head again as if there was a million needle pierced in my lower.
"What?! Where do you get it? And why are you squeezing your stomach, does it it hurt?" His series of questions.
I cannot speak not only because I don't want to answere him but also I'm freaking hurting. This is the reason why I hate my red days, I'm going to die because of pain. Sometimes I'm happy when my first visit will be at home because I could rest. I couldn't focus on our lesson for today because I know that my first day would betamp ly worst.
"Pucha! Do you have a visit?! You're so dumb." I look at him angrily and rolled my eyes on him.
The noise, amp. If someone could hear us, we will be ashamed."What if I'm going to put a zipper on your mouth, huh?! You're annoying!"
I was forced to get up so I almost fall to the ground. Good thing he was at my side that's why he catched me.
"Stupid! Forcing yourself to stand up even if you could not?! Where are you going, huh?"
Why is it that he's the one who's mad here?! I did not tell him to catch me. Though, I'm thankful Because he really did. I might be having a hard time standing up in my situation. I pushed him a little because it's too awkward for us on that kind of position.
"I have to go and buy some sanitary pa --- Ouch! Shit! The pain!" I closed my eyes and was about to sit on the floor when he suddenly grabbed my hand and carried me in a bridal style.
I was so shocked that I couldnt even utter a word. He also did not speak until we got to the girl's restroom. He put me down slowly and his eyes widened while looking on his hands. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands when I saw that it's full of blood.
Like, Wtf!
"What the fuck?!" He was shocked while not able to believe in what he sees.
I turned my head and my back and I saw some on my skirt. "I'm sorry, Caseth. You shouldn't have done that. Look what happened! Wash you---Damn! Ah!"
"Tsk, just go inside and clean yourself. You are here. I'll go and buy you pads outside." He went first to the girl's restroom and then washed his hands.
It like he's hesitating to hold his hands because of my blood. It's so embarrassing."Are you sure that you'll buy me one? For sure, the cashier will ask you if you're a gay or what."
"What's the name?!" I blinked twice before answering."W-What? Uh..."
"What's the name of the pad?! Slow you." He rolled his eyes while putting some alcohol on his hands.
I looked away, feeling ashamed."Ah ... Sister. Pick the long one---" I haven't finished talking when he suddenly walked away.
I instantly turned my back when he was lost in my eyes and immediately entered the restroom. God! I couldn't move now because it's really sticky. I don't like it's feeling. I stared my self in the mirror and my eyes widened when I realized that I did not have a substitute.
Oh shit! Why do not I immediately think about it?! What's the use if I have sanitary pads if I do not have a clothing. Kaasar! Where can I put wings, in my split?!
After I cleaned up myself, I was just waiting for him to knock outside. Minutes turned to an hour and I'm still sitting here in the bowl. My lower abdomen is so painful when I stand up as much as I do not wear a spare. My uniform and my undies were already wet because I washed it to remove the stains. Maybe someone would complain outside that I'm bringing a smelly undies.
Argh! What took him so long?! His foot was still glued in the store or he was being tamp with tons of pads?! It was only one pad so why isn't he coming yet?!
"Hey! Open the door, I'm here." I was fumbled up and opened the door.
He looked and me first and down to my chest that's why I closed the door a little, just enough for me to get the pads from him. Damn!
"Why did you took so long, huh?! I'm going to die because of coldness. I still don't have clothes down there," I hissed.
His face turned red and gulped repeatedly."S-sorry. I went to the mall for a while to buy you... uh.. your things. Here!"
I grabbed the paper bag from him and he immediately stepped backwards. I opened it and I saw a jogger and a fitted t-shirt with... shit. He also bought me a panty for goodness sake! Maybe that was the reason why he looked away earlier, probably shy. I couldnt imagine him good on it. I'm sure that the saleslady laughed at him because he brought a girl's thing... and the worst is undies yet. But I do not even know how he brought me this if he does not know ny size. He thought I did not have it so he just bought. He maybe thinks that I'm stupid again.
"Thank you, you bought me an exact size. How did you know my size?!" I fixed myself when I get out, it looks comfortable.
He let out a sigh and rolled his eyes."I just told the saleslady that's it's for a skinny girl that's why she gave me that. Good thing it suits you." My lips parted as if I'm surprised.
"W-What?! Why did you say that? You're really a jerk!" I countered.
"Stop it! It suits you so why bother complain?! You should eat healthy foods so that you won't be misconceived," he has the guts to reply.
My blood was really boiling out of anger. Fucker! I just throwed him a death glare before leaving him there. Why do I care?! I already said thank you yet he still insulted me. Argh. I'm easy to get pissed when my red days visited me.
I also brought the paper bag with me because it has many pads. As if I'm going to have a one month period. Though, I still accepted it because he made a single effort. It's just that, I'm still mad at him! Psh!
"Bess! I thought you were drowned inside the restroom. Where did you get those clothes?!" I was unfolding when I returned to the room.
It's already time and I've missed my two subjects. Haist."Caseth bought it in the mall so I took that long."
"Are you serious? King of the night bought it?!" She added while shaking me.
I pulled her hair that made he stop."You could have lower down your voice?! You're so noisy. He just insisted, okay?"
"Gosh! I thought you're enemies? Why did he do that?" She asked for a question I couldn't even answer.
"Why am I going to answer that?! Go and ask him! Who cares?!" I hissed and walked out of our room while she kept on following me.
He did not ask yet until we arrived at canteen. Here we are, always eating non-nutritious foods because it's the only food I can afford. We will just stop at the cafeteria when lunch time. As usual, there are just few students who will buy here. Maybe those who are only scholars and a simple lady like me.
"A chip and then C2," I told the mantle of the canteen.
"I want Nova, Calcheese, and Smart C." Mau took her fee and get her food after.
We just ate silently when the group of Section A suddenly arrived. Those girls we fought with last day and they were looking at us with tension. I don't know what's their purpose why did they come here but I know it wouldn't be good. But they shouldn't try me this time since I'm not in the mood. Maui did not even talk to me that much because she knew that I'm not in the mood during my first period.
"Look guys, the poor girls were here. The cheap of eating them, eating a cheap food. Yuck!" said one of them. That girl I fought with last time that's why she got mad at me that much.
I rolled my eyes secretly, getting annoyed. "You know what's the cheapest, Mau? Those who don't even look at themselves and then acting like they were so clean."
Mau, who's drinking her Smart C, suddenly choke her drink. She was covering her mouth and was cast down, didn't bother to interfere because it was a debate. We raised our head when we saw them in front of us. The girl who spoke earlier was annoyed while glaring on us. Tsk. She was the first. I just pay her back, duh!
"Are you insulting me?!" She shouted on my face so I winced because of her bad breath.
I closed my eyes for a while and stood up to face her."Before shouting and my face, be sure to brush you teeth. Smells like a flooded canal. And about what I said earlier, better go before I could slap you."
"Gosh! She looks like a witch! Let's go now," Mau whispered to my ear.
The girl was about to answer when the Trio suddenly arrived that made them shut up. Caseth looked at his classmates and then turned his gaze on me. I just raised my eyebrow and him and crossed my arms. What Now?! Is he going to defend his section?!
"I told you to clean the stock room, right?! What are you doing here?!" he asked coldly to them.
They bowed down their head, looking embarrassed."They started, Caseth. They said something bad on us that's that's why we answe--"
"I did not ask for an explanation," he cut them off.
"U-Uh... I'm sorry." They run away immediately that's why Mau and I looked at each other and was about to get our food when they talked.
"Where do you think you're going?" After hearing his voice with authority, we immediately stopped.
"I'm coming in, of course. How stupid?!" I've been trying to ignore him.
Actually, I don't really know why I'm feeling like this."You're more stupid, ugly!"
He preceded before handing me a paper bag and I hesitatingly accepted it. I was about to ask him what is it when he suddenly left with his friends.
"What's that, Shara? Is that's his gift for you?" Mau asked me.
When I finally opened it, I saw my undies that I wore earlier before I dressed another one. My eyes didn't let go of it but eventually folded it, putting back inside the paper bag. Shocks! It's freaking embarrassing!

Komentar Buku (263)

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    جينا بيانيفي

    i love reading novels..


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    Nurul Aqilah

    this story very nice


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