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Chapter 4 - Such A Mess

"Racer is waiting for you outside. Don't you have a plan to come with him? You're making him wait for too long."
I immediately fixed my things before going out of our room. Earlier, Mau was in a hurry because Racer and I were going to eat at the cafeteria. I don't even know what he meant but maybe it's important so I just agreed. I saw him busy looking at his phone but when he saw me, he immediately put his phone away.
"Hey! What are you up to? Why do you want to see me?" I asked as soon as he could get close to me.
He just shrugged his shoulders and waved his hands at the girls who were screaming his name."Nothing. I just want to eat with you and have a little chitchat. You're probably not busy, are you?"
I shook my head at his question. "Nah. It's boring because all the teachers are busy for tomorrow. Are you? You're a member of the SSG Councilors so you should be doing some things right now."
"Yeah. I'm also the in charge in partnering of the students. Like, I'm going to put the names of the students in a box, by section and grade. Then I'm going to exchange the box to the other section and they will pick a paper to know who's their partner. There is no cheating because they are blindfolded when they draw. " He accompanied me on the walk and watched my reaction.
My shoulder dropped at what he said. I almost forgot about that partners thingy. Every grade has four sections, A, B, C, and D. The A has the students full of populars and I'm pretty sure that they would be our partner. I belong to section B and since they are in alphabetical order, I know they are our partner. Ugh. I don't like their attitudes yet!
"Can I cheat, Racer? Just for this time, please? I'll be the one to choose my partner," I pleaded with him that made him shocked, still processing what I've said.
"Cheating? Ah.. Sorry Shara but I can't do that. There were watchers who were going to watch us for the whole time. It's hard to cheat like that." He scratched his neck when he said that.
I just pouted like a baby while we're walking in the hallway. He was a little ahead of me because he was talking to the students we met. He's friendly so he's already used to it. I was in the middle of thinking that someone suddenly pushed my forehead so I backed away. I was back on reality and there I saw Caseth with his friends. Don't tell me he's the one who did it!
"You look like a walking dead. What's wrong with your appearance? You look like you have diarrhea," he commented that made me throw him a deadly look.
Lord! Why do I have to see his face whenever I'm walking around?! Are we really required to meet hour after hour?!
"Why are you always ruining my day ?! You're annoying, you know that?" I hissed. I already think a lot and he's adding it somehow.
Racer probably heard me yelling that's why he stopped talking to the guy. He leaned over me and stared at Caseth and he did the same way. Seems like there was an electricity connecting to their eyes because of how badly they looked at each other. I don't even know what they are doing.
"Hey, guys! Are you okay?" I asked the both of them. I just looked around at the two of them still not moving.
"Dude, let's go. Just let both of them. We have to do something," Ziro tried to pull Caseth but he still didn't move.
I turned my gaze on Racer and shook him a little."Hey! Come on, let him go. I'm hungry."
Finally, he looked at me and let out a sigh. He looked at Caseth for a moment before taking me on his shoulders and leaving. I don't know why I felt a little bit uneasy that's why I stopped and turned around to see him. He was also looking at me but Hades immediately turned around and whispered to him. Seriously, what's with him?!
"You okay? Is he always bugging you? Just tell me, I will report him to the President to give him a lesson," he said suddenly so I turned to him.
I walked away from him for a while and gave him a convenient smile."No, I'm used to it. Besides, he doesn't hurt me physically so there's no need to worry. Nothing will happen because he's in a high position here."
After Racer and I had lunch, he said goodbye and left immediately because he still had a lot to do. Of course I agreed because Mau just told me that our adviser assigned us to clean the whole ground together with the other sections. It's okay with me but seeing Caseth was never okay.
"Gosh! Why do we have to clean this gazebo?! It's a private school, right ?! Where does the tuition we pay every month go if they didn't hire a janitor?!" Fiona complained as we got off the ground.
"And why are you asking us?! Are we the ones receiving tuition?!" Roses blocked her.
"Guys, listen to me." President Jelo raised his hand as a sign that we should listen to what he has to say. "As what I've said earlier, we're going to clean the whole gazebo because it's our assigned place. Each one of us will going to do different tasks to make it easier and faster. I'm going to check the attendances and will give you perfect scores if you did it well," he added that made them gasped and nodded in an instant.
"Argh! I don't want my handsome face to sweat. I think you guys should check my attendance even though I won't help you in cleaning the gazebo," Josh interjected like he's the superior here.
He looked like a horse. Chos!
Maureen nudged him and rolled her eyes."Could you please get out of my sight if you don't want me to kick your ass."
I just let them quarrel there and started sweeping the dry leaves. I put it in the middle while Mau and Lorie put it in the trashcan. I was confused when some of my classmates were screaming like they swallowed a megaphone. Is there any artist or even a model here for them to shout that loud?!

They don't even continue their tasks and kept on doing it. Jelo just shook his head and wrote something on the attendance sheet. He motioned me to continue cleaning and so I did. I'm the only one who's very kind to all of us so I don't gossip with them either.
"Acckk! Caseth is just mine"
"Hades please, can we go out for a date?"
"Wow! Ziro pay attention to me"
That's why they were so happy because the people from section A had arrived. Good thing they were blocking the way that's why he couldn't see me. It's also better because I can focus on cleaning. It's up to them, the points I can get are big compared to them.
"Hi guys! Are you going to clean the quadrangle?"
I heard Jelo asked one of them but I didn't bother to look up to see them.
Why would I? Is it that important?! Well, I bet it's not.
"Of course not! Why are we cleaning here? We're high rank in this school. You guys belong to the ordinary ones so it's your work. Don't touch us," I heard the answer of a woman I knew from section A. Based on how she talk, I already have a hint that she's one of them.
"Duh? As far as I know, you're also a student here. Your ranks doesn't indicate the things you have to do as a student. Am I right?" Fiona answered her sarcastically.
I think it would lead to a fight knowing that they're both warfreaks.
"What ?! Are you demanding us to do the works that you losers are supposed to do ?! What if we don't want to, huh ?! What can you do?" another said.
I couldn't stand it anymore so I looked up and then approached where they were while carrying the broom. My classmates immediately moved away to give me space before facing the ugly duckling. My brows arched while looking at her while she just rolled her eyes.
"Here!Take it," I commanded her.
She looked at it for a moment before he turned his gaze back to me."What's that ?! What am I going to do with that thing?"
"Sweeper probably, where did your brain fly?! Use it on yourself, just in case you clean up your dirty habit," I said calmly and held it to her.
My classmates burst out of laughing that made her pissed. I'm really kind, just possessed by a demon. I looked at Caseth who was on the other side still with her friends. He was looking at me intently but I just rolled my eyes at him. He didn't even reprimand his frog -looking classmate. But I'm sure he's on her side here because they all have the same habits.
"Wait, you're a scholar right? Do you think that's what you're supposed to be doing here?" Another of their classmates approached me and this time, he looked like a virus spreading.
"Why? What should I supposed to act ?! Be your helper here just because you're rich? Dream on!" I gasped as she laughed.
"Exactly! You also have a brain," she countered.
"Yeah. You too, it's just rusty because you don't use it." I stood up straight and then bravely faced her.
"Look, I studied here to graduate and not to become a slave of yours. If you want to get help, just look for it. If you want, you can wait for the Philippines to snow before it would happen," I added and turn my back on her.
It was already 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon when we finished cleaning the gazebo. Maureen decided to go to the mall since we don't have classes anymore. At first I disagreed because I still have to work in the restaurant. It's better for me to start now so I can finish early but she doesn't want to. Knowing Mau, she easily gets mad whenever I'm not in favor of her decision. She even told me that she'll going to treat me but I didn't accept her offer. I have money and I can buy what I want.
"I already told you, Shara. It's my treat for today so you don't have to spend your money."
I just shook my head as he dragged me into the boutique."You're just wasting money, Mau. I don't need expensive things for tomorrow. As long as I can go okay, I'm not going to beautify what I'm going to do. It's for my grades, you know that. "
No matter how much I stopped her, she still didn't give up. She's my bestfriend, what should I expect? Her hobby is fashion and she knows everything on it. I didn't do anything so I just let her pick what she want to buy. She brought a silver tube gown with a pair of 5 inches silver sandals. She's not yet contented on it and even added an accessories for me. And because she insisted on buying everything, I was the one who represented to bring the things she bought.
"Where's yours? Don't tell me you just brought these things for me?!" I can't believe my words.
She just gave me a thumbs up and nodded."Yup. I have so many things like this a home and I know that you don't have anything to wear tomorrow so I just bought you. No buts, it's your bestfriend's choice so just accept it."
"I don't even know how to put these things on. You know I don't know anything about those." I accepted the perfumes he gave me and we went to the counter to pay for them.
She just rolled her eyes at me."As if I won't help you, duh. I'll let your Mama and Papa know later that you can only sleep at my house. Besides, I only have maids with me because my parents aren't there."
My eyes widened and looked at her."What?! Why do I have to sleep on your house ?! I can just go tomorrow morning."
"We're late then. We still have to fix ourselves and it would have taken several hours. 'Don't fight anymore bess. She just shook her head and we headed out of the mall after we bought everything.
Gosh! Can I face them all tomorrow?!

Komentar Buku (263)

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    جينا بيانيفي

    i love reading novels..


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    Nurul Aqilah

    this story very nice


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