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Chapter 2 - Always Enemies

"Shara! What time is it?! Maybe Ziro's basketball practice has already started."
Maureen keeps on pulling my hand while I was busy writing an essay for our English subject. My other classmates are also in a hurry because the covered court might be full and they will run out of seats. I just shook my head, not planning to go with them.
Why would I? Will my grades go up when I watch that Caseth’s basketball practice. Well, when it comes to him, it's expected that almost all of the students in the Academy would watch him. He's popular, anyways?!
"How many times do I have to tell you, Mau?! I don't have time for that. I'm just wasting time on things like that, that's not even important." I continued writing but I couldn’t really focus because of her.
"Don't be so cheesy, Shara. It's only been an hour and maam won't be coming in. Let's go, the court might be fully occupied right now!" She pulled me upright so I did nothing and just put my things back in my bag.
Argh. She likes that guy so much and even dared to let me accompany with her flirty styles.
Honestly, I don't want to go there. I'm not even interested in basketball especially that the Trio will going to play. Caseth, Ziro, and Hades are called the 'Trio' here in the Academy. Like, they were the campus heartthrobs all over the Academy. But honestly, I have no interest in any of them.
Caseth, the ultimate bully wasn't on my list. I list my crushes in my diary but he's not there. Simply because I don't like his attitude and the way he treats others. Ziro, who was known as the kindest one has been Maureen's long time crush since the first year. He's okay but he still doesn't seem to reach my standards of guys. Hades, the happy-go-lucky looks so childish that's why I'm not that attracted to him. He seems to be the one with the disease that infected everyone, including my classmates.
"Go baby Caseth! You're so handsome like goddess"
"You did a great job Ziro! Keep going"
"Yepey! You did it Hades. So proud of you"
The cheerleaders that were supposed to cheer them with a song were shouting some disgusting things. It's disgusting to listen to their I love you's even if they don't pay attention. What's the purpose of doing that anyway ?! Aside from ignoring them they just waste saliva and voice. If I were them, I won't do some stupid things like that. They're just humiliating themselves in front of them.
"Ouch! The pain!" I was caught in my forehead when the ball suddenly hit me. God! I felt so dizzy.
"Oh my gosh! Are you okay?! Seriously, are you still alive?" Mau shook me even more so I was even more dizzy.
Motherfucker! Doesn't she have common sense?! She saw that I was hit in the head and then asked me if I was okay. Aish. Stupid, Mau.
I didn't faint because I didn't know what was going on around me. I'm just feeling dizzy and I'm also getting a little weak. I even heard some rumors around us and one thing I knew was someone carried me away. Seems like it was a guy because he has biceps and his chest is also hard. I can't open my eyes and my vision looks blurred. All I want right now is to rest since my head hurts a bit.
"Where am I? What time is it? How many hours did I sleep ?," I asked Mau one after another when I saw her walking back and forth.
She immediately came to me and sat on my bed."You're crazy! It's already 4:00 o'clock and the bell rang. Is that really how strong the ball impacted you?! You've been sleeping for almost two and a half hours. "
"What ?! How about our subjects? Didn't you come in earlier?" I ask here.
She just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "How could I?! Then, there's no one to watch over you here shunga ka! I told you, don't stand near the ring. You know sometimes they can't shoot the ball that's why it hit you. Your forehead looks like an airport."
I throwed the apple beside me on her stomach."Are you really my bestfriend, huh ?! Instead of worrying, you're annoying me. Come on, our adviser might lock our room."
I was walking slowly while she's at my side, watching every actions that I did. Duh. I'm okay. I don't have a headache anymore because I fell asleep for hours. The bad thing is, I didn't attend my 3 subjects after lunch. Ugh. I don't even know their topics and the worst is, I missed the attendances on my subjects. I no longer have plus points.
"Wait, I haven't asked you about the guy who brought me to the clinic. Who is that?" I asked with full of curiosity.
She raised her eyebrow at me. "Seriously ?! You know that it's a man who carried you and then you don't know who is it?! Are you kidding me?"
"I just feel that it's man, but my vision is really blurred. Just tell me who is it ?!" I rubbed my forehead as I remembered the embarrassing incident earlier. Gosh!
"It was Racer, you're long time admirer. You know he's always there for you, don't you?" she replied and continued walking as if she didn't care.
She has a crush on him once but she said that no one would replace Ziro in her heart. Psh.
"I'll just thank him later if ever we've met."
We were just continuing to walk when we suddenly encountered the Trio so I turned in the other direction to pretend I hadn’t seen them. As much as possible, I'll avoid him so that I won't be in trouble. Whoever is with him, is doomed. He targeted those students who were weak and loner, most of them were nerds. I'm not one of those but it's better to be sure, isn't it ?!
"I'll tell you something, Shara. See that guy walking in the hallway? He's almost perfect, right?" Mau pointed at the man she was talking about so I also looked away. She's right but I'm not interested on that kind of things.
"Yeah. But if yo --- Ouch! Damn it!" I was so upset when suddenly something hit my shoulder so I almost fell down.
If Mau didn't hold my hand, I would probably fall in the ground. Damn him! He's getting off my nerves!
"What's your problem?!" I asked him tauntingly.
I'm not into fighting but he's really annoying.
He looked around, making sure that he's the person I'm talking to."Me? I don't have any problem."
"Then why did you bump on me intentionally ?! I almost fell on the floor, you know that?!" I hissed because of anger. I badly wany to punch him, promise.
He shrugged his shoulders and turned his back on me, walking away."That wouldn't happen if you weren't stupid, would you? It's your fault not mine."
Argh. You fucking moron!
"Just let him bess, he's just trying to get your attention. My baby Ziro will always be the best, he smiled at me. For sure, I couldn't sleep tonight because of him."
I didn't answer her and closed my fist because of rage. Why does he have to do that?! Is he mad at me?! But I didn't do anything to him. He's completely an attention seeker. He's always like that, I don't even know what's wrong with him.
"Oh? I thought you fainted for the rest of your life," Fiona opened up to me as Mau and I entered the room.
I just rolled my eyes at her, looking so irritated.
"Maybe you'll die forever when I slap you. Don't disturb me, I'm not in the mood right now."
"All right, Shara. Her face needs to experience 360 ​​degrees slap so that she would realize her role in this room," her enemy Roses whispered. She is the only one who likes to attack Fiona that leads them to fight.
"Hey! I pictured your face earlier, Shara." Josh and his phone waved and I saw my picture there."Look, you're so ugly while you were panting earlier. Whenever I remembered your reaction, it's so priceless."
He was still laughing so I approached him and punched him. There's no other word that will come out on his mouth but 'ugly'.
That's his famous line ...
Mau took his phone away and I thought that she would delete but she just laughed after seeing my picture."Geez! Oo nga. Bess, you really look like a witch. You're expression was so epic!"
I just ignored them and went to my seat to get my bag. I was about to walk away when Jelo blocked my way while holding a mop. He's smiling widely at me and it makes him creepy on that expression. What's with him ?!
"What did you eat Pres and you're like that ?! Could you please get out if my way? I'm leaving, I still have work to do," I said but he still did not leave his post.
He scratched his head and his smile faded. "Uh, maam said we're all cleaners. We couldn't attend the Acquaintance Party this Thursday if we won't clean this whole room together."
My forehead furrowed."Huh? Acquaintance Party? Don't worry, I won't attend that kind of event. Maybe I'll be absent that day and I'll just do my job."
"C'mon, Shara. I'll just give you money if you want, just attend on Thursday. It's an important event in the Academy," Lorie, the secretary of our section, interjected.
I just let out a sigh. "I want to earn money in my own hardwork, Lorie. What can I gain from attending like that?!"
"Stupid! That's our performance task, girl. It's 75 percent on our grade if we could participate. It's up to you if you don't want to." Mau stood up to get a reed broom so I could do nothing but follow him.
"If you guys were lying to me, better prepare yourselves. I'm gonna rip your neck for sure."
Honestly, I'm not into attending events. If it wasn't really for the sake of my grades, of course I wouldn't attend. But I need to maintain everything on my academics to graduate. It's only been a year ... I can handle it.

Komentar Buku (263)

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    جينا بيانيفي

    i love reading novels..


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    Nurul Aqilah

    this story very nice


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