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CHAPTER 7 : Cheers For The Future!

"How about you invite your friend for lunch here tomorrow?" Mom asked kuya Heiross while were eating dinner
"Friend?Who's friend?" Dad asked after taking a bite at the steak that mom cooked
"He's my close friend in the Philippines Dad.We met at school and became close.He's Dad's family live here so theyre here for a vacation together with his mom" kuya said then Dad responded by a nod
"Your mom's right.You should invite him"
"Sure Dad.He'll be very glad" as kuya Heiross say those words,he looked at me with a teasing smile.Better reason out
"Uhmm my friends and I decided to go shopping tomorrow so I cant be here tomorrow.Well have lunch at the cafe" I said then gave kuya Heiross a fake apologetic smile.
"Ohh that's a great idea too sweetie since you don't have enough time to be with them since in two weeks,we'll be heading to the Philippines" I smiled at mom then nod
Thinking about going to the Philippines,I felt sad cuz I have to leave my friends here.
Two weeks?Wow,that's too soon.
"That's too bad.You don't get to meet my friend" kuya stated while smirking.I just roll my eyes at him
"I'm done.I'll be going upstairs now" I almost forgot about Kuya Yago's presence not until he spoke.He likes to be quiet when eating so that's not new for me.
"Better finish your meals now kids.Your Dad and I have to rest na" mom said while putting their plates at the sink and left together with dad.That left me and kuya Heiross at the table.
I hurriedly finish my meal and was about to stand when kuya Heiross let out a slightly loud laugh.
'Is he crazy?'
"What are you laughing at?" I asked with an irritated voice
"You know,Sky was shocked when you suddenly drop the phone on him" he smirked then look at me
'Sky?Must be the 'friend' he's talking about'
"I-its your fault too!I didn't know he's listening to us that's why I said that!Just why did you put it in loud speaker kasi!" I said while getting red all over my face
"Di ko din nmn kasi inexpect na sasabihin mo yun kaya I don't mind.But don't worry,he's not angry.Base on his expression, he's kinda amused by you" he said then left first.
I felt myself blush because of what he said.Amused?But why?
"I'm have to go now!" I shouted to let everyone know that I'll be leaving
"Take care!" Mom shouted at the kitchen.
Kuya Heiross must be at his friend's house to come invite him since its almost lunch time.And kuya Yago is still at his room for sure.
Thank God my friends are all free today so I can really have a reason to not see that 'friend' of Kuya Heiross.Thinking about him even though I haven't met him sends unfamiliar feelings to me.Its getting weird that's why I want to erase this feeling.
My friends and I decided to meet at my favorite cafe.So I excitedly took my steps outside to find a cab because Dad and Kuya Heiross both use our cars so,yeah.I'm used to it though. And I find it fun.
"Sis over here!"for sure its Sam's.
I smiled when I saw them at the corner table waving at me.I step towards them and give them a kiss on cheeks.
"Hey,how are you girls?" I ask since its almost weeks that we haven't seen each other cuz were all busy after graduation doing our own stuffs.
"Same as ever." Violet said then sips his sundae.I want a milkshake
"You mean,talkative as ever?" Sam joked then smirk
"Hey,I'm not that talkative.To think of it,I'm kinda quiet in front of my boyfriend.He's the talkative one" Sam just rolled her eyes at Violet's response.
"Here's your food sishie" Cassie serves me a burger then of course my favorite milkshake.They really know me.
"Thank you" I smiled
"So how are you these days since your kuya's here?" Sam asked then look at me while sipping her own drink
"Urgh irritating of course.He still keeps on teasing me like before.But he changed in some ways now.He's kinda sweet and caring" I said while smiling
"I bet he's much taller and handsome now,right?" Here's Violet again.She ask that while wiggling her eyebrows
"Of course he is...Its in the genes" I said proudly so they all let out a laugh
"Hey,Cas,how are you and the guy who your Mom set you on a date with?Any progress?" Its my first time asking that kind of question.Its Violet and Sam's thing. Why did I suddenly ask that?
"Well,to let you know..." she all looked at us with a smile before finishing her sentence.
"He's courting me now" my mouth turned into an 'O' when she said that.Violet and Sam just squealed and give Cassie a hug
"Ohhh,our sis is a grown up now" Violet said acting that she is about to cry.I just laugh at that.I'm happy for Cassie.She deserve to find the one who will love her forever.
"Well,let's just wait for that guy and Cassie to be official and Mia to have a special someone before we fully celebrate for being a squad with boyfies,ok?" Sam said then we all agreed to that.Hope my 'someone' will arrive soon.
"Cheers for the future!"
We talk all hours while eating and drinking and didn't bother about the time.We talked about me leaving and going to the Philippines.Its sad but they understand and just give me a wishes of good luck for any situations to come when I'm there.And also they reminded me that I should never ever forget about them and never replace them.How should I?I love them and I wouldn't know what will happen to me if I lost them.

Komentar Buku (210)

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  • avatar
    Jasmien Villamor

    nice story


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    Elmer Espiritu

    very nice


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