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CHAPTER 6 : Just Kuya's Friend

Mia's POV
"Ahhhhh!!!" I can't help but to shout while rolling over on the bed while looking at my phone from time to time.
'I can't believe what just happen earlier!I'm so embarrassed!'
"Why did kuya let him hear it kasi eh!" I shouted again
I was about to roll again when the door of my room swung open revealing kuya Yago's worried face.Did something happen?
"Are you ok?I heard a shout.Why?What happen?!" I heave a deep sigh when I realized that he's worried because he thought something happen because I shouted
"I'm sorry for worrying you kuya.Uhhh I just shouted because...because my friends said that they got---"
I was shocked by kuya Yago's sudden move that's why I didn't got to finish what I'm about to say.
He hugged me!A very tight hug then he let out a sigh that is sign of relief.
"Thank God.I thought something happen to you" he said then ruffles my hair
"I'm very sorry for worrying you kuya.I really didn't mean to" I said feeling guilty.Its kuya Heiross and his friend's fault!Urgh!
"Its fine.I'm glad your ok.I'll go out now.I left my books downstairs because I ran to go up here" he said then face his back at me then closed the door when he got out.
I was touched because of how he's worried about me.At least now I know that he cares about me.
"Its your fault kuya Heiross!" I angrily point at my phone then let my body lay on the bed again.
'I can't move on from what happened earlier!'
"I'm home my sweeties!" I got up from bed when I heard Mom.I thought she'll be home in the afternoon?Better asked her
"Hey Mom,your back early" I said then hugged her and kissed her cheeks while she's sitting in the sofa while taking her coat off
"I took off work early.There's nothing much going in the office and your dad suggests too since he said I can let my secretary do the rest" I nod sign of agreement
"Dad's right.Your really should rest.Let them handle the office." I said then lightly massaged her shoulders
"Thank you sweetie" she said then kissed my cheeks
"Let me massage you for a bit ok?" I asked then she nodded and gave me a smile again.Mom needs this that's why I did what I have to do.
"Where're your kuyas?" She asked while leaning in the back of the sofa and closing her eyes
"Kuya's in the Sparkle Liz Café right now having a chat with his friend..." I rolled my eyes when saying those things
"And for sure kuya Yago's checking his new books right now in his room or probably he's sleeping.I don't know" I smiled when I remember what happen earlier when he hugged me.
"Well,I better prepare lunch for us then.Its nearly lunch time" she said then stand up
"Thank you for the massage sweetie.It helped a lot" she said then smile
"I'll help you prepare lunch" I offered that made her look at me in slight shock
"That's new." She said then smiled
"Come on now mom.Grab this chance.Maybe sooner or later I became lazy again" I joked then we both laugh then went to the kitchen together
I was busy arranging the plates when I saw Kuya Yago coming this way and I was surprised because he's not carrying any book with him.That's new.
"Hey mom.Your here early" he said then open the fridge to get some...Yakult?Since when did the fridge got a yakult?And seriously, why didn't they tell me?!Its my second most favorite drink!
"Oh hey sweetie.I just got to took some time off.I need a rest too you know" mom said then placed the finished dishes she prepared on the table.Smells yummy!
"That's great" kuya said while nodding and checking the dishes the same as me while drinking his yakult.Why don't I get some for myself too...Hihi
I was about to stand and went to the fridge when I saw Kuya Heiross going inside the house while carrying my huge milkshake and a box of cupcakes. He didn't forget huh?That's great!
"My favs!" I ran towards him and then grab what I want and get back inside the kitchen without thanking him.Serves him right for embarrassing me earlier!bleh!
"Where did that came from?" Kuya Yago asked when he got a good look at the things I'm carrying
"My food of course!Better put this in the fridge first before they cool down" I excitedly stated and went back to sit on the chair after I put the food and drink in the fridge
"Hey,where's my thank you?" Kuya Heiross ask when he arrived at the kitchen after changing his clothes.
I just stickmy tongue out to him and decided to start putting rice on my plate.I still didn't forget about that thing with his friend!
"Your ungrateful now lil sis.It hurts!" He acted like in pain but I just rolled my eyes on him
"Now,now kids,let's eat first ok?" We didn't got to say a word after mom stated
"What about Dad?" Kuya Heiross ask
"He said he'll be late and just order lunch for him to eat at the office" mom said then started eating.
'Dad lets Mom rest but didn't bother to rest himself.What a selfless man he is.I'm kinda feel proud because he's my dad.'
"By the way,my friend who I met with earlier said he wants to meet you all.Especially you lil sis" I halted when kuya Heiross gave me a teaseful smirk while making his eyebrows go up and down...
'What the hell did he just say?!That friend of his want to meet me?!Why did I suddenly got nervous?!Of course you'll be nervous Mia!You just said you hate him over the phone dammit!'
But why would I care about him?!He's just kuya's friend. I just have to find a way to never meet him!Right,that's what I'll do.

Komentar Buku (210)

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  • avatar
    Jasmien Villamor

    nice story


  • avatar
    Elmer Espiritu

    very nice


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