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Bab 5 Another Problem

My first and second subject had just finished and now it’s my free time so I automatically walk towards the library to start my work. Sean walks beside me joyfully like he had won a lottery. He’s been acting like that since Lucas sat beside me. So even if he doesn’t tell me why he’s so joyful right now, I already know why. Can someone explain to me again why I had decided to befriend this idiot here back then?!
Until even when we already arrive inside the library, he’s still joyful. I couldn’t take it anymore so I turn to face him with an annoyed look written on my face. “Okay! That’s enough! Really, Sean? What is your problem? Wait no, scratch that. Let me rephrase my question. Why are you starting to make an issue about me again?” I growl at him lowly though I know he won’t get affected with my mad expression.
He giggles first before answering, “What? It’s nothing! I’m just happy, okay! No need to get exasperated at me,” he says through gritted teeth. I know he’s lying. I’ve known him for so long that I can tell if he’s lying or not. He turns to the organized shelf of books and pretends to find a book he wants to read.
I was gonna rebuke him when my old android phone suddenly rings. I immediately pick it up and answer it before the librarian hears it and fires me here.
“Hello?” I say through the phone.
I hear some shuffling at the other line before someone answers. [“Hello, Alwin?!”] I hear our neighbor, Mrs. Malee’s anxious voice and I frown.
“Hi, Mrs. Malee! Is there a problem? Why do I feel like you’re anxious?” I ask calmly but deep inside, my heart is beating so fast. I don’t want to think negatively but I can’t help it. Mrs. Malee never once called me before and the fact that she just lives practically next to our house makes me imagine a lot of scenarios.
[“I’m sorry for calling at this hour, Alwin. I know you’re still in class but this is really important!”]
“W-What is it, M-Mrs. Malee?” I don’t feel good about this at all.
[“Your mom is brought to a hospital nearby! She suddenly fainted while we were talking at the backyard! Your dad is outside the emergency room right now.”]
My knees buckle, my whole body is shaking with fear and tears stream down my face rapidly. I was gonna fall to the floor when Sean immediately catches me on time.
“Oh my gosh! Alwin, what happened?!” He worriedly exclaims.
I look at him with hurt written in my eyes. “M-Mom...” I sob out but I cannot continue what I am trying to say because I feel like something is prickling my throat.
Though Sean understand what I am trying to say and immediately pulls me up to my feet. “Okay. Let’s get you out of here.”
And so we start running out of the library, to the school’s hallway until we reach the school’s gate. Sean immediately hails a taxi for us to ride and directly goes straight to the nearby hospital.
Once we reach the hospital, we hastily run through the crowd of patients and employees like our life depends on it. Well, for me, my life depends on it. Every passing minute is an agony for me. All I could think is that, mom needs me there right now. Dad needs me right now.
Once we reach the third floor of the hospital, I see my father sitting on his wheelchair and beside him is Mrs. Malee, our neighbor. I approach my dad with shaky steps until I stop in front of him.
He looks up at me and asks, “Son, why are you here? You should be in class right now.”
I didn’t reply to his question. Instead, I kneel down in front of him and hug his waist. He hugs me back and I can feel the warmth of his touch. I just bury my face to his stomach while forcing myself not to cry.
“Sean, son, you’re here too?” I hear my dad asks Sean.
“I’m sorry, dad. I was worried when Alwin suddenly cried at the library,” is what Sean replied to my dad. I can feel my dad sigh before caressing my head.
When I finally have the strength to ask the question I’ve been itching to ask, I look up to my dad. “D-Dad, what really happened to mom? Mrs. Malee said that she fainted at the backyard, was that true?” I finally ask and he nods his head in confirmation.
“Don’t be sad, Alwin. Your mom is a strong woman. She’ll be okay. I promise you that,” Dad assures me so I nod my head. I trust him and I believe in my mom. She will be okay, eventually.
I stand up from kneeling down as my knees starts to soar and go to sit beside Sean. Mrs. Malee suddenly stands up so we all turn our head at her. “I have to go. Call me when the doctor is done, okay?” She says and didn’t wait for us to reply and turns her back to us. Sean scoots closer to me and hugs me sideways so I lean my head on top of his shoulder.
After what feels like eternity, the doctor finally comes out from the emergency room. I quickly stand up from my seat. “Doctor, how is my mother? Is she okay?”
The doctor looks at me with sad eyes. “The cancer is starting to spread all over her body and she is now in her stage two. We can’t let this go on any longer. We need to operate her as soon as possible before it completely overrule her system.”
I feel like my whole world stops, I can’t breath, I can’t move, I can’t do anything at all. My heart has been shattered into pieces.
“How much would the operation costs, doc?” Sean is the one who asks.
“More or less than sixty thousand,” the doctor says the price like it’s just as cheap as the T-shirt I bought at the black market!
Where should I find that whopping amount of money?! If I sum up my one month salary from the restaurant and the library, it still won’t be enough! What about the expenses for her medications and our daily needs?! I’m going crazy! I don’t know what to do anymore!
“Can we still decide on that, doc?” My dad asks. I don’t have the strength to talk anymore.
“Yes, of course. But I will only give you a week to decide,” the doctor advises and we all nod our head.
“C-Can I see h-her now?” I stutter out to the doctor and he nods his head.
“Of course, she’ll probably wake up any minute from now.” And with that the doctor leaves us there to assist another patient.
I immediately open the door and get in, eager to see my mom. There, I see her lying down the bed. She is sleeping peacefully but her face looks pale. I sit beside her on the bed and caress her hair gently like she’s some kind of a glass that can easily be broken. She’s my prized possession after all. Saint pushes my father’s wheelchair inside and stops in front of my mom’s hospital bed.
“I will help you with the expenses, Alwin,” Sean suddenly opens up and I look at him sadly.
“Thank you but even if we work our ass off for a whole week, it still won’t be enough...” My voice is above a whisper as I don’t have more energy left in me at all.
My father didn’t talk and is just staring at my mom’s sleeping figure on the bed. I feel sad for my dad. I know he’s more affected by the situation than I am right now but he’s trying to be strong. They’ve been through a lot than I do with mom so I understand my father.

Komentar Buku (353)

  • avatar
    Quionne Villanueva

    i love it. i cant wait for the next chapter. 🥺


  • avatar
    Ryzza Mae Tapero

    higly recommended story, more stories author🥰


  • avatar
    Apawa nMarkie

    this is good reading


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