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Kairi was in daze looking at Pegasus.
"Hm? You finally woke up, boy," said Pegasus.
Kairi gasped. This is unreal!
"Virgo, pinch me. Quick!" He ordered Virgo.
Virgo pinched his right arm.
"Sorry... You did ask for it." Virgo laughed.
Kairi blinks at him. His expression asking something about the alive Pegasus.
"Do you remember that you're the one who revive Pegasus, Kairi?" Virgo asked.
"I did what?!" Kairi shout loudly in shocked.
"... Thanks, really." Pegasus was still grateful to be revive.
"B-But, how?! I don't have power!" Kairi was still in disbelieve.
"What is the last thing you remember, Kairi?" Asked Agi.
Kairi went silent for a moment.
"I... That time, after Virgo left, I help clean Pegasus because he looks pitiful to be bury in such appearance..." Kairi reminiscing about that time.
Pegasus took a breath. He felt awkward knowing that someone was cleaning his body. And, he could imagine how his body would be bury. Hee felt a shudder but his face did not change instead it was calm and formidable.
Agi who know how he felt taunt him while grinning.
"A little more and you would have turn into a skeleton."
"Shut up." Pegasus pushed his head away from him.
"Then I... I wish that Pegasus can be revived." Kairi's voice continued.
"Suddenly, sparkling of lights and some kind of field appeared around us. Something from the sparkle turn into a big winged horse and then spoke a sentence to me very loud. I don't remember what it was since I got dizzy and didn't remember anything after that."
Winged horse?! That was Pegasus emblem spirit true form! It was told that long during Queen Siarah was still alive, all 32 stellars users have their emblem spirit manifested around them. Now, due to weak in power, the spirits no longer able to form themselves.
Virgo, Pegasus and Agi look at each other in astonishment.
"Kairi, you are indeed..." Virgo finally had to believe that Kairi was the heir.
"Am I really...?" Kairi eyes widened.
"How can it be? They said that Queen Siarah has disappear more than 500 years ago. I am... Her descendent?! Who am I?! Does Rafiz know...?" Kairi was perplexed.
If it's true he has power, why hasn't it appear in the first place? Was it because he lost his memory or because he couldn't until there was something that drive him to awaken it? Is his power awakened by his desire? He began to feel dizzy.
"Kairi, there are something Virgo need to discuss with you," said Agi while turning to look at Virgo.
"You explain to him. If anything, we will be outside." Agi move out and while at that, push Pegasus along.
Virgo swallowed. Agi wants him to explain to Kairi about what they discuss three days ago. Kairi look at him.
"Actually, Kairi... We..." Virgo had to tell Kairi about it.
Kairi inhaled after listening to it. He started to panic.
They want him to follow them to Syarantonia?! Not only that, they thought now that he was the heir, following them was a better choice. Kairi does not agree to go but Virgo had explains that if he didn't, unknown danger would come to him which may also endanger the people around him.
This make Kairi in fell into a difficult situation. He want to go home. He missed Rafiz, his father and the people in the town. He already intended to go home after giving Pegasus chain back.
Unexpectedly, he would have to continue his journey to a place far away from Ryam and may not able to return for a very long time. His heart suffering. There was no option was giving to him to choose.
The next day, Kairi had to follow them and leave Noir village. They had to move fast because of General Leo's instructions that wanted all Bright Star users to gather immediately.
Pegasus and Agi bought four horses that were in the village to speed up their journey. Kairi was silent on the way and his thoughts were unknown.
Virgo felt uneasy looking at him.
"Can't we not force him, Agi?" Virgo asked, concerned about Kairi's situation.
Agi sighed.
"Sorry, Virgo. We have no choice. You know, if Kairi falls into the hands of Deorc Star users, there's no future for all of us. I understand if this looks like we're sacrificing his happiness but this is for his own good as well," told Agi who was riding beside Virgo while Kairi was riding alongside Pegasus in front.
"Erm..." Virgo frowned for a moment before he realize that they had been moving for more than two hours.
He moved his horse between Pegasus and Kairi.
"Kairi, do you want to rest first?" Virgo asked.
He was sure that Kairi's rear was hurting right now through the discomfort from Kairi's expression. Moreover, every time the horse jumped due to uneven ground, Kairi would let out a small gasped. And, if he waits for Pegasus to ask Kairi if he was okay, that would be no. Pegasus is not very considerate to take care of others around him.
Kairi looked at him and nodded his head. Indeed, his body was a little sore because he was not used to ride a horse for a long hour. They all stopped at the boundary of a stream and also took the opportunity to dine.
Kairi pick up an apple and sat down under a lush tree, a little farther from where they stopped to let their horses drink from the river. Agi was wiping his face with the stream while Pegasus lays down and rested under another tree.
Virgo approached Kairi and gave him a bottle of water.
"Thank you," Kairi said with a small smile.
Virgo sat next to him. They were both silent as they listened to a comfortable sound around them.
"Sorry, Kairi..." Virgo said slowly.
"No need to apologize, Virgo... I understand..." Kairi replied and lay down, his back toward Virgo.
"Okay... Take a rest for a while. It's a long way to go." Virgo stood up and went near Pegasus.
He did not know how to cheer Kairi up.
"I don't think Kairi likes me anymore..." He told.
Pegasus opened one eye and then closed it again. "Of course he does not."
"Urgh! Don't you even understand. We're forcing him to follow us!" Virgo shouted softly to Pegasus.
"Sooner or later he need to get use to it... Now, shut up. I want to sleep." Pegasus was lazy to continue their conversation.
Virgo snorted angrily and let out a groan. Few minutes later, he turned back to Kairi and was stunned when he did not see Kairi in the place he had left him.
"Kairi?" Virgo looked around but he did not see him.
"Kairi! Kairi!"
His calling caught the attention of Pegasus and Agi. The two immediately run to him.
"Where's Kairi?" Agi asked while looking around.
"Could he be..." Pegasus brows tightened and guessed that Kairi has run away.
"Find him, fast!" Ordered Agi.
They immediately ride their horse and move opposite of each other. An hour later, they regroup. None of them found Kairi.
"How can we not notice he's gone?" Agi asked in wonder.
He should be able to feel Kairi's movement leaving them but he felt nothing at all.
"C-Could he be... Kidnapped?!" Guessed Virgo, in anxious.
"That's nonsense! We don't know if he was kidnapped or escaped. Anyway, we need to find." Agi decides and they agree to ride their horses again.
They left again looking for Kairi while the said Kairi was actually... Did got kidnapped.
Kairi tried to free himself from the restraints on his wrists and ankle. His mouth was wrapped in a cloth that  bind to the back of his head. He did not expect to meet a group of kidnappers after fleeing from Virgo and others.
He felt stupid for making such decision. He turn to look around him. They were other people with him, from children to adult. They were also tied up like him. The place they were in now was a carriage. It was moving to somewhere unknown.
Kairi tooks a deep breath. He was injured on his side due to his body was thrown over after a fight with the kidnappers. He lost because their number were more than him.
"Hey, you!" Called a voice to him.
Strangely enough, he heard it from inside his head and not from his surrounding.
"W-Who's talking to me?" Kairi asked.
Is he daydreaming or having a hallucinations? The voice was soft and small like a girl. He inhaled when the voice was heard in his head again but this time it was a small laugh.
"Yes, I'm a girl," answered the voice to his question.
Kairi now realise that someone here have talks to him and looked around.
His attention concentrated on a woman with a short blond hair and blue eyes because she also was looking at him brightly.
"Hehe! You found me. Awesome!"
Kairi could feel the woman smile at him although he did not see the woman's lip. Only the shadow of the woman smiling appeared in his mind. How did she do that?
"Because that's my stellar's power. Hi, my name is Aries," told Aries without hiding it.
"You are?! That's really amazing!" Kairi was impressed.
He never thought that there was a power like that among the stellars users. Maybe, there were more bizzare's power than he imagine.
"Haha. Are you surprised? But this is not my main power, Kairi." Aries said his name.
"Eh, how do you know my name? Ah, could you possibly read people's memories...?" Kairi guessed.
"Erm, yes. I'm sorry to break into your memories..." Said Aries with a guilty expression.
"This... Sighed... You saw it, don't you...? About Virgo and your friends..." Kairi looked awful.
He still felt guilty for leaving Virgo, Pegasus and Agi. They might have found that he was gone and must be very worried.
"I know why you did that but... Is it so terrible to be the heir to the power of Queen Siarah? We, all Bright Star members have been waiting for a very, very long time, Kairi." Aries feels sad.
"I, I know... But, I don't want it! I don't want to be the heir if I have no freedom at all!" Kairi starts to get angry.
He also feels depressed because Agi did not let him go back to Ryam.
"I'm very sorry, Kairi. Yes, we are being selfish but... I too have to agree with them."
Kairi stared at Aries.
"Kairi, we ask for your forgiveness. We hope that you understand us as well. We really don't want to force you but we urgently need your help. Only you can save all the people in this world. No one else is as strong as you are to bring down the Deorc Star." Aries explained.
Kairi knew about it from Agi but his heart was stubbornly want to go home. How is he going to help the Bright Star when he don't know how to use his power? Can he even defeat the Deorc Star? For goddess sake, he could not even defeat a normal kidnappers!
What if he dies before everything turn peaceful? Will everyone blame him for it? This was a huge responsibility that he does not want to deal with.
"You're scared..." Aries said slowly, beginning to understand a little about Kairi.
Kairi did not reply to her remarks. Aries has already seen his memory and knows Rafiz and Rafael were important people to him. If he has to choose between the Bright Star and his family, he would choose the latter.
"I'm sorry for interfering with your memories..." Said Aries.
"Erm... It's okay..." The two fell silent.

Komentar Buku (506)

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    nice to try


  • avatar

    The story is really interesting! Good character introduction and storyline even though I just started reading it. Definitely my cup of tea, a good quality novel indeed. Hope to see more from the author! ╰⁠(⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠´⁠꒳⁠`⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠)⁠╯


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