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Chapter 1.2

“And I accidentally heard from your father that there's a woman involved in that accident. She fell off a cliff, and was critically lying on the hospital.”
My hands began to tremble from what I heard. I even gripped on the table as my knees became weak.
“Are you okay, young lady?”
"What car did I use that night?"
"A black BMW car."
I hardly gulped.
“Where is that woman? W-What's the name of the hospital?” I need to confirm it. I am more than 100 percent sure that I was the one who fell off that cliff, but why am I living and breathing fine under someone's body and face?!
“That... I don't know, young lady. Ask your father. He knows everything.”
“Ohh. Okay. One last question. Did I undergo some plastic surgery after the accident? You know, did I disfigure my face and—”
“Of course no, young lady. Your face was just fine after the accident. The injury on your head was properly taken care of, so no worries, young lady. That won't leave you any scar.”
Seriously?! But this is not my face!
“Then, I should excuse myself, young lady. I have some errands to do. Just call me if you need anything else. By the way, I informed your father that you already regained your consciousness. He might be here any minute by now.”
“T-Thank you.”
She went outside.
It took me a while to absorb what she said. Realization hit me hard. If I didn't undergo any surgery, what could possibly the answer why am I here in this house with a face like this, while my body is there in some hospital critically lying?!
Did my soul wander and enter into a wrong body? Did we just swap our souls? I thought this kind of situation only happens in movies, but why am I experiencing it right now?!
“Calm down, Calais. Calm down. For now, you have to leave this house, find your body, and return to it. That's what you should do. But where on Paris did they admit my body?!”
Gosh, I should not have come here if I know that this will happen to me. I should call my sister. I know she'll believe me. What will I tell her then? Tell her that my body is missing? That I am living in someone's body? Will she believe me?
I saw a telephone on top of the piano. 
“Err, never mind. There's no harm in trying.” As I grab the telephone, my mind totally went blank. Numbers... a lot of numbers...
“Fudge. What is this? What's the first number?” I tried to remember my sister's phone number, but I failed. I can't remember even a single one. Even mine.
I weakly sat on the couch.
Why can't I remember her number when that's the first number I memorized before mine?
“Wahh!! What on earth should I do??!”
Sis, are you still looking for me? Sis, save me.
Maybe I should ask the hospitals near the accident site. My body should be in one of those hospitals.
“Where are you going, Zainea? Really? After a month of sleeping, you'll just escape again?” A voice from behind stopped me from sneaking out of the house.
Oh. Okay, I failed.
She grabbed my arm and pushed me back on the couch.
“Ouch! Hey—!” That's harsh! How could she?!
She's that pretty woman I saw earlier. Is she the stepmom everyone's pertaining to?
“Stay here, and don't ever go out. Are you planning to go and see that boyfriend of yours, again? Zainea, my dear, he will never be yours. Probably, he got himself a new girlfriend.” She gave me a mocking smile.
Zainea...? Is that supposed to be my name? Nice name. You have a boyfriend, I see. Gosh, this is so weird. Where the hell is your soul, Zainea? Are you still in this body or did we swap for real?
“What? I have my own rights, so I have the final say of whom I am going to be with. Why are you making decisions for me? And please, stop that bitchy attitude you're showing to me. You're just my f-father's s-second wife!”
Am I right? Is she the second wife?
Shocked was written on her face.
She slapped me hard. That really hurts! I want to pull all her hair and kick her ass out of the house, really. She's a witch. Why do second wives always have an attitude problem?
“You have now the guts to shout at me?! How dare you! I'm still your father's wife! So, I am now in full control of what should be done inside this house and in this family! You get it?!”
I laughed at what she had said. Oh. She's a real bitch. I didn't know ‘Zainea’ has this kind of stepmother. I wonder how she handles this kind of situation.
“You're laughing?” She slapped me again.
“You really have no respect, just like your mother. No wonder she was abandoned by your father. She doesn’t know where she really belongs.” That hit me. My mother will never be like that. I know she's not pertaining to me, but to Zainea; however, I really don't want anyone to talk about my mom like that.
I stood up and face her.
“Soon, you will be abandoned. Mind you, you have no place in this family right from the beginning,” I said.
“W-What did you say?”
“Are you deaf? Should I repeat myself?”
“What is happening here?”
We both looked at the door when someone interrupted us. It's a man in his 40s, I guess. Is he the father of this family?
“Oh, were just talking, honey. I'm just happy, finally, she woke up. Right, Zainea?” What a plastic.
I just scoffed and sat down.
“Welcome home, dad.” Since I can't get out of this house right now, better stay and see if there is a clue that could lead me to my body, and pretend that I am Zainea, their daughter.
“I'm so happy that you came back. And what did you just call me?” The man sounded so shocked.
What? Am I not supposed to call him ‘dad’?
“Dad? I called you dad. Why, am I banned or something on calling you dad?”
Zainea, Zainea. Your family is so complicated than mine.
“N-No. I'm just glad to hear that you're calling me that. C-Can y-you repeat it again?” He smiled.
The woman rolled her eyes up. “Did you hit your head on that accident? Why are you behaving like that now?” she whispered. Is that even a whisper? I can hear it, you know.
Zainea, you're not calling him dad, are you? Why is that? Is it because he abandoned your mother? Where is your mother anyway?
The man sat on the couch in front of me. He took out a document in his bag and handed it to me.
“What’s this?”
“Written inside that, are the terms and conditions of your marriage with the second son of the Constello family.”
“What?! Marriage?! No way. What marriage are you talking about?! I'm still young! Besides, I just recovered from my accident! Why don't you send that woman off to that agreement in my place?!” I pointed that plastic woman who is now standing beside Zainea's father.
“Zainea! Don't push me to my limits! She's your mother, show some respect! Please.”
“You’re really insane,” the woman said.
What is this? Zainea, please. Crap, this is insane. You're going to be married off! Is this what you want? Because if yes, I'll say so. I'm not the one who's going to marry whoever that man is anyway.
“Uhm. S-Sorry. W-Wait. Hang on. C-Can we just cancel the marriage?” I really don't know what decision should I make. If Zainea loves the man she's going to marry, then okay. This is her body; this is her life. I shouldn't interfere with it. I should just agree, right? But what about her boyfriend? I thought she has one? Is this man her boyfriend or not? I should sort it out before making a decision for her.
“I know you're against this marriage, but you should do it. Your grandfather already made this deal with the Constello family when he was still alive, so you can't refuse it,” father firmly stated.
Oh, she's against it. Right! She has a boyfriend, but she will be married to someone else? What's wrong with this family? Really? An arrange marriage until now? We're in a modern era!
“All is fixed, Zainea. You will attend the wedding tomorrow,” he said and left. The woman followed him.
“What?! Dad! Wait up! I don't even know how he looks like! Is he old and ugly?! Dad! Dad! Give me a month to think!” Gosh, Zainea. What should I do? Should I attend the wedding for you, or escape?
Really?! I just woke up and this wedding welcomed me?! Can't they give me a week to at least rest and clear my mind out?
Urgh! I don't even have a lead where exactly my body is! How can I freely move if with this body if she will be married off with a stranger and be forced to do her responsibilities as a wife? Life, why are you so hard on me?!
“By the way, dear. Don't think of escaping again. You won't be able to leave this house until tomorrow. Mind you, this house is heavily guarded,” the stepmom said before disappearing.
I groaned in frustration.
Zainea, come out. If you want to stop the wedding tomorrow, please appear. I don't want to decide for you, I don't want any more regrets. I know this is not what you want.

Komentar Buku (371)

  • avatar
    Rowel Bosegro

    as a quality


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    Tolits Audencial Don



  • avatar
    Luiz Amato

    muito boom


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