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After a while, we left and entered our room. Today has been a good day.
It is great to know and to have new friends, especially I am so happy that I am welcome into Daniel Elizalde's group. There are still many other people who are kind and there are others who are not because of their statuses. Some rich kids who don't want to socialize with others, are snobbish and rude.
After a long day, this is the last subject and it was Intermediate Accounting 3. Our teacher even gave us an activity and for me, it was easy because I understood the lesson she taught us.
"It's so hard," I turned to Daniel next to me who was suddenly speaking while staring at his paper without even a letter.
I was a little amused because he looked and keeps on staring at his pure yellow pad. It was blank and he hadn't even has written his name.
He noticed that I looked and stared at him so he frowned, "Why are you staring at me? We're having a hard time here, you're probably having a hard time with that too."
"It's not that hard. Look at it, you don't have even one single answer yet," I said to Daniel and his ears were red with embarrassment.
"It's hard. We can't get the right answer."
"It's just a matter of time. I'm already done here answering so hurry up with that one."
He didn't seem convinced and frowned, "I'm not convinced. Let me check your paper to see if you're done."
I handed him my paper and he looked at it as his eyes widened in shock, "Oh shit! How did you answer this?! How hard it can be and yet your done?" Daniel suddenly shouted so our classmates looked at us, even our instructor too.
"Mr. Elizalde! Why are you shouting there?! Are you done answering that?"
"It's nothing, Ma'am. I'm sorry and I was just surprised," he signed peace and looked at his paper again.
I just taught him and he got the answer too. In another number, I just let him copy mine because it's almost time to go home.
Shortly afterward we left the room and Daniel and I was together again, "You're a real genius! How did you answer that? For me, it was hard."
"It's just so easy. I just listened to the lecture."
"For you the lesson is easy but for us, it's very difficult. No matter what I listen to, I can't answer anything and nothing enters my mind. Can you teach me? Even if you just tutor me?"
I was stunned and thought, "It's okay but the problem is I can't."
"Why not? I promise you, I'm not a stalker, and even now that we've only met I'm a good person. But maybe it was a bad idea. Nowadays, it's very hard to trust so it's okay if you don't want to because you know, we've just --"
Before he could continue what he was going to say, I put my index finger on his lips which made it look like electricity was flowing through my system.
"I-it's not like that," I removed my index finger there because I was terrified by the electricity that flowed. When I left, it disappeared immediately, "It's just that my mom has worked and I'm the only one who will take care of all of my siblings," I explained.
He seemed to be thinking, "I just thought about something. What if I go to your house to study? Even so, you can still take care of your siblings."
Yeah right? Why didn't I think of that? My brain cells are so weak right now!
"Really? If it's okay with you, just be careful, especially with the mischief of my siblings."
"Yes, I'll be careful. When do we start?"
"It's up to you. Whenever you're free."
"I don't do anything else. I'm always free for you."
"How about tomorrow? Is it okay?" I asked and he nodded, "All right. Tomorrow again. Bye Daniel!" I left the school and was just waiting for the bus to pass.
After a while, someone passed by so I got on the bus. When I got down, I went to our house and opened the gate.
I didn't realize that until I entered the living room I was smiling. I remember Daniel Elizalde again.
It's easy for me to crush on someone and it's easy for me to fall if the person is perfect for me.
I also didn't realize that my siblings were in the living room and it looked like they had been staring at me for a while.
"You're all home," I said and adjusted myself.
"Yeah, mom picked us up earlier," Jeremy said and looked even more puzzled, "What happened to you, sis? Why are you smiling there alone?"
"Of course not. What are you talking about?"
"I'm sure he's thinking of a guy," Sandra said bitterly while watching television.
"No, it's not that. I have new friends. They're Rick, Jess, and Princess. Also, Daniel is my new friend and did you know that he's a Team Captain of the basketball team? And he's handsome and I can say that he is smart."
I have endless stories about what happened today, especially when it comes to Daniel and admitting that I crushed him but I promised myself that if he was who he was.
Time passed quickly and the next day I saw Kath again. The only really weird thing was how I felt, especially when Kath touched my lips as if electricity was flowing through my system.
I admit that I got attracted to her since the first time I saw her. I can see that she is so beautiful and I liked her being so kind and I want to know her better.
Now the class is over and I'm with Kath because she is going to teach Intermediate Accounting 3 even though I know it's really easy.
I'm a top notcher at school and this is just a way for me to get to know her better. I will not stop, even if she says that his siblings are difficult to get along with.
Kath and I rode on a tricycle together to get to their house and we stopped in Bridge Town. She pointed at a huge house right on the main highway, as indicated that it was their home and we went inside, "I'm sorry and it's a bit chaotic inside."
I looked around and the size of the house is much very different from the design of the typical houses here in the subdivision that is within the subdivision itself. It's still a bit quiet inside and it looks like her siblings aren't home yet, "Aren't your siblings here yet?"
"Yeah, they aren't home yet but anytime, they will be here soon. My mom is picking them up," she said while sitting on the sofa, "Hey, don't forget what I told you about them. Please, be careful whenever they are around."
I smiled, "Yes. I remember that, don't worry."
Just as I was sitting on their sofa, their front door barged opened and her four siblings and their mother went inside our home.
"Hi, Kath! You're home," said a woman. He looked at my behavior and looked at Kath again, "Who is he again?"
"Daniel, these are my siblings. Here are Jeremy, Nicole, Sandra, and Rafael," Later, another woman came in who looked like she had just come home, "Also, this is the second one, Camille."
They smiled at me and Kath said to them, "This is Daniel, he's the one I told you yesterday that I'm going to teach."
They nodded. I thought of greeting them, "Hi. How are you all guys?" I asked and even shook hands with them.
I writhed in pain in my hands because they were so severe in squeezing my hand. They are planning to cripple my hands. The pain can squeeze but I just chose to ignore it.
"Nice to meet you, Daniel. Call me Luz," Kath's mom greeted me cheerfully and turned to Kath again, "I'm afraid that I have to go again. I am going somewhere so please be careful here! You too, Daniel. Just feel at home, okay?"
"All right. You too, Luz."
She looked at Kath's five siblings, "You too my precious ones, be careful while I'm gone. I'm leaving. Bye!"
She left the house and got in her car before pulling her car away.
Kath called me, "I'll just get dressed for a moment. Don't worry and I'll just be a minute. Make yourself at home, okay?" I just nodded and she went up to his room.
Now. I can sense that I'm a little nervous with her siblings. I do remember what they had done to my fingers as we shook hands and it looks like they are planning to break it.
"Hey, I heard that you are playing basketball?" breaking Kath’s sister, Nicole into silence. I was able to sit up and I had to take a good shot at them.
"Yes, I am. I'm the Team Captain of the basketball team," I replied and I was very proud but I was startled when suddenly someone hit the ball and hit me on the cheek. The force of the blow to my face.
"Oops, sorry!" Jeremy said and they all giggled. They meant it, I know but we need to be humble. They were just some kind of kids, and as an adult, I should be more mature about it.
"It's okay. It doesn't hurt at all and mind if you'll be more and extra careful next time and you might hit your brother, Rafael," they also stopped laughing and the five of them looked at each other.
"Oh!" I was surprised when Camille suddenly shouted as if she remembered something and Kath had just come down from above, "I remember something from yesterday! It looks like I saw you yesterday when I was on the bus to school. I can see how you look at my sister,  Kath."
I was a little stunned then and looked at Camille, "M-me? Maybe it's not me. How come?" I stammered.
I wouldn't have thought that Kath's sister had seen me and now she's going to book me. Kath would even think I was her stalker.
"Oh my! You're fooling my friend, Daniel again. Come on and get dressed and study in your rooms," Kath called to them and it was good that they followed their sister and immediately entered. in their respective rooms.
"I'm sorry about what Camille said. I told you, they're painful and stressful," I told him while arranging our belongings.
"I-It's okay," he said but he was still blushing. I was wondering why he stammered but I just let it go. Maybe he's just being shy and embarrassed about it.
"Camille is just kidding about you, let it go," I looked at him and I saw he was still blushing more and calmingly looking nervous.
I wondered if what Camille said was true because it makes sense that he was very silent. I mean, it's also impossible that she just made it up because I feel like what she said was very detailed.
"Let's just eat before we start teaching."
I got up and headed to the dining room table. He followed so we ate well, especially without my siblings.
We were in the middle of teaching when I asked him, “So, What do you think about my siblings?" I asked.
I also didn't expect him to say good things, after all, I'm used to what they say to my brothers and sisters.
"They're nice and kind too. Maybe I just need to get to know them better."
"Really? Are you serious about that?" I asked and he just nodded, "You know what? That's so new! Even our new neighbor ran home when he saw my siblings."
"Don't worry, Kath. I'm not like him or any other man there," He smiled at me and I smiled back.

Komentar Buku (90)

  • avatar
    Justin Altiche Bordeos



  • avatar
    Jessie Olaguer

    beery nice 👍


  • avatar

    Such good story... must read! Enjoyed so much...


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