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Chapter 7

YES, SELEN dreamed of a beautiful scenario where she and Sage met and ended up falling for each other. But now, all of her dreams are shattered because they did not happen and will never happen. Their first meeting was a mess. She accidentally poured a hot soup on his crotch. The second one was another failure. Sage caught her hiding behind the bush in his backyard. And now, he took her inside his home for interrogation.
“D-do you really have to do this?”
Sage found the rope inside her bag and used it to tie her to a chair.
“I am going to my bedroom to put on some clothes. I don’t trust you to stay here willingly while I do that. So, I have to tie you just to be sure,” Sage said and stood up.
“Help!” she screamed. “Somebody, help me! Please!”
Selen wagged her body as if she was a worm thrown into a pile of salt.
“Quiet! Do you want me to tape your lips?”
She pressed her lips tightly.
Selen could not believe that he was doing those things to her. Then she remembered Sage’s first minor role. He was a kidnapper in that drama.
Sage left her in the living room and went upstairs. Minutes passed, and he still has not come back yet.
She looked down and bit her lower lip. Selen wanted to cry because she felt helpless. However, there was no one to blame but herself. It was all her doings. If she only stayed in her house, she would be sound asleep by now.
“I wonder if I will ever see my family again. Oh, my poor grandmas… they’re both old, and no one will take care of them. And my dear little Lulu would not be able to eat another meal if I were not the one to serve her food…”
“Don’t act as if you would never see the light again.”
She turned to the staircase. Sage was now dressed in a plain white V-neck shirt and a grey pair of sweatpants. But though there were those pieces of cloth covering him, she could still picture his almost naked body at the back of her mind. Selen shook her head hard to erase that thought.
“Then show me some mercy. Prove me your benevolence,” she said in a desperate tone. “Free me now…”
Sage laughed out loud, and she was amazed by that. She did not know that she could make him laugh like that.
“It’s one of my dialogues in a fantasy drama where I was prosecuted in front of the king.”
She smiled and nodded continuously. “That’s your first second lead role.”
“So. You are that kind of fan.”
“I am an avid fan of yours!” Selen was not lying, though. She was indeed an avid fan. And maybe she could use that to her advantage. So, she continued. “I always like your post on SNS. I also made sure to watch every single drama that you’re in. And—”
“You’re stalking me,” he said matter-of-factly.
“Just for today but—” Her eyes widened. “No, I’m really not stalking you. I swear to heaven that I am not that kind of fan! It’s just that… I want to check on you after the accident. I’ve done my research, that’s why I was able to locate your house. You know, I just got lucky because we live in the same neighborhood and…” Selen paused to catch her breath. “I really don’t have any bad intentions. Cross my heart, but I won’t promise to die!”
He covered his ears with his hands.
“You’re one hell of a… never mind.” Sage crouched in front of her and examined her face.
“Okay, fine. I admit I was wrong. I trespassed.”
“You did not even sound sincere.” He sneered.
Sage stood up and sauntered towards his mini-bar. He filled a glass with liquor. Then he sat on the sofa, still looking at her.
“I am keeping you here until my manager arrives. She will be the one to decide what we’ll gonna do with you.”
“You can’t put me in jail!” she snarled at him.
“How can you be so sure that I can’t?” His lips twitched. “You were caught in the CCTV.”
“A-are y-you… really going to sue me?” Selen gulped. “I never do you wrong. Well, except for that accident.”
“You already wronged me when you trespass into my property. I value my privacy more than anything else.” Sage cocked his head to the side.
He looks so attractive whenever he did that. But it was not the right time to be captivated by him. She was in trouble.
“Then you shouldn’t have put yourself in the spotlight if you really want some privacy. You’re a star. Everyone sticks their noses on people like you,” she mumbled. Selen stretched her neck side by side.
Sage was really a different person behind the camera. He seemed not to care about her at all, but Selen would not mind that. Sage was rude towards her now, but soon it will change. She will find a way… no matter what.
“Okay… how about we talk about how we can resolve this without going to the police? What do you think, hmm?” She beamed at him. “You know, filling a case would be a hassle for both of us.”
“You don’t have the right to negotiate with me.” He took a sip of his liquor. “From this moment and forth, I will not talk to you anymore. If you have something more to say, talk to my manager and my lawyer. They’re on their way here.”
Selen turned her gaze to the doorway when she heard the doorbell ring.
“Ah, that must be them.”
She groaned in frustration. And oh, she was a little annoyed too.
“Then I want a lawyer too,” she said with narrowed eyes. “You are depriving me of my rights.”
Selen was startled when Sage slammed his glass on the table.
He left his seat and stood mighty in front of her. She held her breath as he lowered his face on hers. What was he doing? Why did he suddenly act like he was going to seduce her? Did he notice that she has a weak spot for him? Oh, no! Is he going to take advantage of it? Selen shut her eyes tightly.
Then, she felt the rope loosen.
“Go home,” Sage said in a soft tone.
Selen gave him a once-over. Was he possessed by the Holy Spirit? One second he was cold, and the next, he was this good. How could he change his mood quickly?

Komentar Buku (859)

  • avatar
    Rosemarie Borboran



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    Jethro Ramos

    5000 thank you


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    good and fun to reaf


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