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"Ouch!" I exclaimed while holding my left leg's ankle.
Jackson immediately bend down, "Are you alright?" he asked.
"Hahahaha!" the group of boys laughed. "Look how ugly she is. Wearing a oversized T-shirt like a hanger and an old jeans. Hahahaha!" one of them said.
Jackson stood up and looked at the boys. "Enough, who did this to her?" he angrily asked.
"I did, why? Are you going to help that ugly girl?" one of the boys asked.
"She's not ugly, Kyle. Next time, you should choose whom to bully. Not my friend or else, you're gonna regret it," Jackson said and he go back to me. "Let me help you." He hold my shoulders and helped me to get up.
"Bro, will you just let that poor guy speak on you like that?" one of the boys asked to Kyle.
"Let's go," Kyle said and he started to walk away. He seems to be afraid to become an enemy of Jackson.
"What?" His two friends looked at each other. They have no choice but to follow Kyle, "Why did you just leave them? Bully boys were not weak and scared of anyone." I heard one of the boy said while they are going away.
"I'm sorry for that, does your ankle badly hurt?" Jackson asked.
"It's alright, I can still managed to walk," I replied while looking at the boys who tried to bully me walking away.
"They are known as the Bully Boys. The tallest one is Kyle, he is their leader, son of the school owner and he is the heartthrob of this school too. The two who followed him were his playboy best friends, Marco and Terence. They often do pranks and bully other students specially those students that they thought weak, ugly and poor." Jackson sighed.
"Why did Kyle looks scared of you?" I curiously asked.
"Haha, scared? He is not scared of anyone. Maybe he just saw that you're very pretty that's why he stopped their plan to bully you." He smiled and hold my hands. "Don't worry, I will protect you to whomever dares to bully you in this school. Even they are the son of the school owner, son or daughter of the president of this country and even if they are monsters, I will protect you from them," Jackson confidently said.
"Woaah!" I exclaimed. "That's so touching." I smiled. "I'm very happy to have a friend like you," I said.
"Friend only? Why not more than friends?" I was stuck on looking at his face when he said this. "Haha, I mean, best friends. You know, I never had a best friend since my childhood," Jackson said.
"Hehe!" I gave him a fake smile. "Sure! from now on, you are already my best friend," I said.
"Hehe, you don't know how happy I am now," he said while smiling.
"Oh, we're getting late. Let's go now," I said and I immediately walk. I can manage to walk straight but my left leg's ankle really hurts a little.
"Hey, that's not the way. You are going back to the covered court." Jackson laughed at me, "Hahahaha!"
"Oooops, lead the way," I said and we walk together going to our classroom.
A few moments later.
"We are here," Jackson said and we entered the first room in the right side of the 3rd year students building. There are two columns of chairs inside the classroom, 5 rows and there are 3 chairs each row. There's a total of 30 chairs inside this room. There's a white board and a teacher's seat and table in the front.
Everyone have their own way to make themselves comfortable. Some are talking with their friends, looking at the mirror and putting some make ups, listening to their headphones while some are reading books.
I found Kyle and his friends inside the classroom room too. Kyle was listening to music in his headphone, his eyes was closed while Marco and Terence are playing on their cellphones. They are sitting in the chairs at the last row of the left column. "Why didn't you told me that they are our classmates?" I asked Jackson.
"Well, well, well! Look who's there," Marco said and Terence looked on us. The two smirked and I knew they are planning something bad right now.
"Don't mind them. I'm sorry, I didn't noticed their names in the bulletin board lately. Besides, they are only in the section 1 last school year." Jackson sat in the chair at the first row of the right column. Only this row was left empty and now, only the last chair beside me was unoccupied.
"Isn't this the section 1?" I asked and sat in the chair beside him.
"Star Section is different from Section 1. The Star Section is for the fast learner students which have line of 9 grades in all of their subjects in the past school year. Only top 30 students of the batch can join the Star Section," Jackson explained. "Well, even if you have line 9 grades in all of your subjects, you still cannot enter if you are under the top 30. You will be one of the section 1 and proceeding sections. If there were only 25 students who reached line of 9 in all their subjects from the previous school year, only 25 will be in the Star Section," Jackson said.
A lady came and walked inside the room. Everyone became quiet. "Good morning class," she said. Some students greeted her back, "Good morning Miss," but some just looked at her.
"Alright, I guess some of you already knew me but some surely didn't specially our transferee," the lady said. "I am Miss Stacy Pascual and I'm your class adviser. You're subject on me is English," she introduced herself.
"Good morning! Sorry, I'm late." Lesley hastily went inside the classroom and occupied the chair beside me.
Miss Stacy looked at Lesley, "Next time, late will not be allowed to enter my classroom. You guys can freely go anywhere you want if you're late but not in my room. I hate someone who interferes my class discussion," she said.
"I'm sorry. I'm not familiar with this very large school and I got lost," Lesley said.
"It's alright," Miss Stacy replied. "I guess most of you already knew each other because I'm sure that you are classmates too in your past years here in Vida Elegante Akademya. I don't want to waste our time in introducing yourselves anymore. But, we have two transferee here. Please stood up and introduce yourselves," Miss Stacy said.
Lesley immediately stood up and face our classmates. "I'm Lesley Dwayne, 16 years old and I came from states. Hopefully, y'all will become my friends," she said and sat down again.
I stood up and introduced myself, "I'm Elaine May Velordi." I sat down again.
"Hahahaha, is that all? Don't you want to tell us your dummy old school or which Ghetto you're family was living in?" Terence asked.
"Hahahaha!" My classmates laughed. "Look at her T-shirt, jeans and shoes." Some murmured and laughed at me.
Miss Stacy shouted, "Enough!" And everyone fall into silence.
"This school doesn't tolerate bullying and discrimination. Be careful of that because when someone reported you guys with proofs, you'll surely be punished. Specially you Bully Boys, you already have a lot of records in the guidance office," Miss Stacy said. Then, she walk toward Kyle and take off his headphones. "This is confiscated, get if from the guidance office tomorrow," she said. Kyle opened his eyes and looked at the teacher angrily.
Miss Stacy walked back to her table and put the headphone of Kyle on her table. "Today, we will hire the classroom officers and whomever will be hired will be our English subject officers too," she said.
A few moments later. Kyle was voted by everyone as the Escort and it's time for the last position which is Muse.
Terence stood up and smirked while looking on me. "I nominate Elaine May Velordi to the position of Muse," he said and everyone laughed.
My eyes widened and my mouth opened voluntarily in shocked of what he said. Seriously? Does he want to make fun of me through this? Gosh this Bully Boys were really bad. It's a big mismatched for me and Kyle. I'm sure that no one will vote me. They will only show me that I'm very ugly, loser and just a laughing stuff.

Komentar Buku (120)

  • avatar

    I like this book 💕


  • avatar

    A good read. Nakaka-hook ang ganda ng istorya. Can't help but start reading. 😍😍😍


  • avatar

    Highly recommend this story. 😍


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