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A brand new car stopped in front of the bakeshop. Then, a handsome boy wearing a sunglasses get out and come to look for something in our display. "Good morning sir." I greeted him.
He look at me and stared on my face for a while. I blink my eyes in shame and look at the other side. "What do you want to buy, sir?" I asked without looking back at him.
"Are you new here?" he asked.
I look at him. "Yeah, hehe." I replied with a fake smile.
"Please give me 10 cookies, 1 box of cupcakes and 1 box of donuts." He ordered. "Wait, please remember that because that's what I always bought here. Thank you." He smiled. Gosh, he is so cute when he smiled. He have two deep dimples in his cheeks.
"Are you not yet finish staring on my face?" he asked.
"Oh, I'm sorry." I immediately said. Gosh I'm so shameful. "I'll take your order now sir," I said. Immediately get his orders.
I took a receipt from Mrs. Lenny and give it to the boy. "Here's the receipt, sir." I said while handing the receipt to him.
He took the receipt from me and give me the exact amount of payment. "Thank you so much, sir." I said while getting the money.
"By the way, don't call me sir. I am Jackson, what's your name?" He looks so serious while asking.
"E, eh, Elaine." I am sputtering, maybe because he is my first customer.
"By the way, I am a habitue in this bakeshop. I'm happy to know that Aunt Lenny already have an assistant here. Nice meeting you," he said. I just smiled to him. Wow! I didn't expect that he is so friendly and he knows my boss.
"Nice meeting you too, sir. Comeback again," I replied.
Then, I heard some footsteps from my back. I look back and found that it is Mrs. Travis. "Jackson!" she exclaimed. "You never come here in the past few weeks. How are you?" she happily asked the customer.
"I'm sorry Aunt Lenny, I'm just busy in Vida Elegante Akademya in the past few weeks," Jackson said. "I'm very fine and happy to know that you already have a helper here. How are you?" He put his hands on the crystal that we are using for the displayed breads.
"I'm doing well. Yeah, yeah, I really need a helper now because you know, I'm already getting old. Hahahaha!" She laughed and looked at me. "Elaine, this is Jackson. He is the most frequent buyer here in my bakeshop. You should be kind and attentive to him, okay?" Mrs. Lenny told me.
"Yes ma'am," I immediately replied.
"Aunt Lenny, you are so lucky that you have a pretty helper here. A lot of customers will surely comeback here again and again," Jackson seriously said.
"Hahahaha, silly boy," Mrs. Lenny replied.
"Excuse me." I said and left them. I look for something to work and arrange. They talked for a little while until a new customers came and Jackson left.
The long day passed and we are closing the bakeshop now. "Ma'am Lenny, is Jackson one of your relatives?" I curiously asked while she is locking the door.
"Oh, Jackson? No, he is just a Habitue in my bakeshop since he was just a little boy. He is very kind and friendly," Mrs. Lenny replied.
"I see, you are right. He is very friendly and I feel it when he talked to me," I said and smiled.
"Young girls!" she exclaimed. She looked at me, "It's alright if you admire him but you are too young to fall in love. You have to be careful in choosing someone to love or else, you will be hurt," Mrs. Lenny said.
I laughed at her, "Hahahaha, you misunderstood it. I just like a friendly people, no more and no less." I took my phone from my bag.
"Pretending!" she exclaimed and smiled. "Go home now, your Mom maybe waiting for you. Don't be late tomorrow. Bye," Mrs. Lenny said. Then, she make her way toward her car.
"Bye ma'am," I shouted and walk toward my bike. Luckily, Mrs. Lenny was very kind and understanding. She even accepted me to work her even I'm just 15 years old. Yes, I'm underage and she might get in prison if others know this. Well, she's confident with me because I already look like a lady and not a child anymore.
One week had passed.
Jackson is going to the bakeshop almost everyday to buy some breads. One day, he asked for my phone number. I happily gave it to him because I want to have a new friends.
We became friends and he told me that he is just a child of a family driver and a maid. His parents were staying in their Master's mansion for a long time and he was born there. He grew up like a child of a rich family, but the truth is, he is just a son of a servants.
Sometimes we go out to stroll after my work.
We are now sitting in the bench at the City's plaza. "Really? You will be studying in Vida Elegante Akademya too?" Jackson asked me.
"Yeah, I already enrolled there and passed the scholarship exam. I'm a third year student too," I happily replied.
"That's cool!" He exclaimed and his eyes were full of happiness and excitement. "How I wish that we will have the same section and become classmates. You know, I don't have much friends there because all the students there came from rich families," he said.
"Don't worry, it's very possible because we are both scholars. That would be very fun." I replied but his face suddenly looks sad.
"I don't think that it would be fun. The students there are very ill-mannered. Most of them likes to bully ugly students and poor people like us," he sadly said.
"Is that so?" I curiously asked. Well, I'm not scared and became even more excited to study there. It's gonna be an adventurous experience if ever someone will bully me, haha. Call me crazy but I'm excited to get bullied haha, I never experience it.
"Why are you smiling?" he asked.
"Hehe! Nothing," I replied.
"Don't worry, I will protect you to whomever will dare to bully and hurt you inside the campus," he confidently said.
"Really? You will protect me?" I gave him questioning glance.
"You are my friend. Of course, I will help and protect you in whatever ways. Look!" He show me his little arm muscles and I can't help but laugh, haha. "They must be scared of this when they tried to bully you," he boastfully said and even give me a scary but funny face.
"Hahahahaha Hahahaha!" I laughed at him. "Jackson, uhhm! We better go home now. It's getting late at night," I said right after we end up laughing.
"You're right, let's go now." He stood up and give me a hand. I took his hand and stood up too. We went to his car and he sent me home.
A few moments later.
"Bye!" Jackson waved his hands and closed the window of his car.
"Bye!" I waved back. Then, he already started to drive his car. I opened the gate and get inside my apartment. Inside, I feel something wrong, something like scary things. I directly went to my room and....
"Aaaaaaaah!" I shouted and trembled in fear when I saw a ghost inside my room. My heart beats very fast, my eyes widened and my mouth was widely opened.

Komentar Buku (120)

  • avatar

    I like this book 💕


  • avatar

    A good read. Nakaka-hook ang ganda ng istorya. Can't help but start reading. 😍😍😍


  • avatar

    Highly recommend this story. 😍


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