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Chapter Five - Babysitting From Hell

Chapter Five - Babysitting from Hell
"You know, my parents are wasting their money," Lance pipes up, his attention still glued onto his forty-inch television with Attack on Titan playing in the screen.
   If there's one thing I could say to describe him, I'd say he's some anime addicted freak. There's never a day where you won't see him engrossed on his animes. It's like some unhealthy obsesssion, but whatever.
I raised a brow, giving him a look as I wait for him to elaborate his words. He notices my gaze and mutters in a bland tone. "Why should she be paying you to babysit me? I mean, I might as well even babysit you, Avery."
   "You're a wreck everywhere," he adds, as if I didn't hear it.
I huff, crossing my arms as I rolled my eyes. "Very funny, kid. Can you just shut that tiny mouth of yours so you can at least be bearable?"
He smirked, which in turns makes me more infuriated with his presence. "Nice comeback, hot stuff."
I really want to throttle this little kid. He's so annoying and rude that I want to give him a taste of his medicine. If I was a boy too, then I might've tied him on the pole with his wedgie shown in public view. That would be enough to put him to silence.
    Then again, I don't want to be charged in prison or ruin my clean record just because some smart aleck kid thinned my patience.
  Instead of replying--which would lead to more outbursts, I calmed down and grabbed my phone, focusing my attention on my screen.
    My phone is quite outdated and way slower in comparison to the latest models nowadays. It's been four years since I've had this and if it still does its job, then what's the purpose of buying a new one anyway-- or maybe when the time comes where my patience runs off and I chuck this on the wall.
I was currently asked by Lance's mother to babysit him. I mean by any means, I shouldn't even have to babysit him; he's so annoying and way clever for his age that he'll manage himself, probably for the betterment of my mental state.
But I earn money just by enduring this brat and doing whatever I like while he does his own thing.
   I should be quite grateful actually that he wasn't those kids who would throw a tantrum and I'd have to chase around the house to put him to bed.  If only I was as smart as him when I was younger, then I probably would've been on top of the chain like a leader with its servants.
When I was at his age, all I knew was getting wounds from playing around and had a bubble gum stuck on my hair which made me cut my hair onto a bob and kids bullied me for looking like a guy.
"How's school?" he asked, after a long silence between us--which is quite odd and strange considering that it was so spontaneous of him.
I stole a glance at him, then sneered as I divert my attention back to my phone, pressing random buttons as if it would entertain me. Then I almost had a mini heart attack when I almost pressed the uninstall button to my favorite game.
I grumble, finally gaining my composure. "I'm fine, mom. I really get along with those people and I have a great time with them."
    "Sheesh Avery," he rolls his eyes. "--I'm trying to talk to you like a normal person and here you are, being snarky as usual."
He nudges me by the shoulder, a sour look plastered on his face. "I'm asking you here because I'm worried for you as a.....friend."
   Then he clears his throat quite hastily. "--I mean I'm worried about Tom. You guys are on the same class, right?"
    I shot up a brow, eyeing him with scrutiny. "Oh really? Gee, I really appreciate the concern."
   "Unfortunately," I grumble under my breath, feeling dread wash over me. "--he's literally everywhere and I might have nightmares because of him."
   "He's not a bad guy, you know?" Lance replied, lowering the volume of the television to hear me audibly.  "---it won't be bad to mingle with him, Avery. He's quite bubbly and I'm pretty sure you'd get influenced by him."
"Bubbly?" I say in a condescending tone. "--more like annoying. He's always sticking by my side like a lost dog. I can't stand him!"
"I gotta praise him," Lance says in awe. "--I wonder how he managed to endure someone as unbearable as you. If I were him, I'd totally leave you alone."
   "I might give him some award for being the martyr of the year," he jokes.
I sourly laughed, narrowing my eyes at him. "That's the problem; he doesn't."
  "You know," he gives me a look and I know that look very well. It pisses me off since he's going to give me some advice like he's outlived me. "---you need to at least be kind to him--just slightly. He's very understanding of your situation and you're just ouright being mean for no reason."
"If he doesn't like me, then he's free to leave," I glare at Lance. "--why should I adjust for him? I didn't beg him to be friends with me, so why is it my fault when I've clearly stated my intentions?"
"This is reality," I stare at Lance, a frown etched on his lips. "--you don't understand how I feel since you have friends and isn't alienated like me."
"You don't know what it means to be alone."
"You're not even trying," he remarks. "--you've given up about clearing your name or at least try in making friends. Not everyone would understand you unless you let them understand."
  "And that's your flaw," he jabs a finger at me. "--you're letting yourself turn into what people think you are."
I sigh, giving up as I didn't want to argue with Lance  anymore. He's just too much for me right now.
   I don't want to get scolded by someone who's younger than me. I mean, the first few months I did try clearing my name, but no one would listen.
Why should I try when no one would understand me? It's like trying to climb a mountain where you know you'll never reach the top. You'll be stuck at the middle until you let go and give up.
I flinch in my seat when I feel my phone vibrate from my hands. I unlock my phone and see the caller id; an unknown number.
I contemplate whether to pick it up, either expecting a prank, a con-artist that will trick me into buying stupid stuff or a weird creep that would watch me from the windows.
Lance points at my ringing phone with a scowl. "Just answer the phone. I can't hear what Levi is saying."
I glare at him. "Even if you can't hear what he's saying, you won't understand anyway. There's a subtitle. You use your eyes, not your ears."
"I know that, smarty pants," he glared black at me.
I groan and picked up the call, pressing my phone to my ears as I wait for the caller to speak. At first I hear a shuffling of things, then I hear a faint voice from the background, a woman's voice who seems to be speaking to the caller.
I respond from the other line. "Who is this?"
"It's me, Tom!" he says too giddy, like a dog who met its owner.
I motion my fingers to end the call when I hear him blurt swiftly. "Don't end the call!"
I raised a brow suspiciously, my eyes roaming to the windows to see if he's there standing. But he wasn't, which was quite creepy to  be honest. "How do you know that and how did you get my number?"
"Your mother gave it to me," he responded, then I could just about imagine that stupid smile reaching up to his lips.
I scowl, wanting to have a talk with my mother for giving out my number without permission.  "I swear that woman---so, what do you want?"
"Nothing. I just wanted to talk to you."
"You're truly weird," I glare at my phone, hoping my glare reaches him. "--we see each other basically everyday. Isn't that enough for you?"
"Is it bad to talk to you?"
"Yes," I repeat. "---very. Also, I'm quite busy."
  "HA! You mean to say that you're busy slouching around like a slug!" Lance intejects, placing his mouth onto my phone's mic.
  "Is that Lance? Hi Lance!" Beckett beams on the other end.
   "Shut up!" I glare at Lance, pushing his face with my free hand. "--I'll skin you to death if you disturb me."
  "Whatever, Beckett. So what now?"
"Aww and I thought you were going to be happy when I surprised called you."
"I hate surprises, Beckett," I comment. "--just so you  know."
  When he doesn't say anything for the next ten seconds-which I didn't count, just estimated, I mumble.
"Is that all you're gonna say?" I glanced at Lance who was staring back at me. "--if that's it, then I'm ending the call."
"You're no fun, Avery," Beckett murmurs. "--well, see you at school!"
"Of course I'm not," I hiss and press the end button even when I hear him trying to say something.
"You're hopeless," Lance  speaks, then went back to watching his anime.
"I don't need you to spell that out for me," I crossed my arms.

Komentar Buku (324)

  • avatar

    buku ni best sangat sumpah korang kena bace


  • avatar

    Lmao not the type to read romance but when I read this is actually interesting and funny


  • avatar

    an amazing story! congratulations, I rewarded you, I'm new here. but congratulations!


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