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In a state of astonishment, I did nothing except take a step back. "Ah-- um--"
"I ask you who are you? Don't you know you can't come in here?" The man scowled at me. "Thief!" he yells, his hand now grabbing my arm. "Are you attempting to take that badge?"
"No, I was just curious-- so I took it out of the box," I said, defending myself to his accusation.
"See? You took it, which means you want to steal it." The man's face contorted into a sneer.
"I did take it, but it doesn't mean I intend to steal the badge. So, could you please let go of my hand?" I asked, and he did so.
"You don't look like a servant here, and your face is strange," he carefully examines my face. "You might be a royal family visitor or a criminal, or both... a criminal that pretending to be a guest."
Really? The contour of this guy's tongue! He is the one I don't recognize; there is no such face in the royal family-- but if you look closely, he resembles a royal family member and appears to be my age.
He was notable for his sharp facial features, long-pointed nose, and curiously piercing eyes. 6 feet tall; I don't know; it's hard to guess; he has tan skin, and his hair is darker than mine. I think he's half, but he's more of a Filipino. However, his eyes are strange; it's green, which looks like a hazel color at first glance. This guy, for sure, is drop-dead gorgeous-- Wait, what? W-what are these compliments coming out of my mouth? Gemma, what are you saying? But maybe he is, but he is not familiar. I knew every member of the royal family. I memorized their names, so I was sure he was not part of the royal family.
"Get off me.," I yanked his hand off my arm. "I am King Lucien's visitor. His Majesty let me walk around the palace--"
"Did he also grant you permission to steal?" he added.
"Yes-- no!" I scratched my head. "I'm not a thief, and I've never stolen anything." When I glanced at him, I assumed he was the robber. "Wait! Perhaps you are the thief. You were terrified when you saw me, so you're trying to flee. Sometimes the person who appears to be the least dangerous is the scariest."
"So, I assume you don't know who I am because if you do, you'll be sorry you uttered those things to me." He gripped my arm once more, and this time it was much tighter as if I couldn't breathe.
I groaned. "You're hurting me." 
"Don't annoy me, thief!" He shoved me into the old vase. I knew I was going to hit the vase, but I attempted to avoid it and not break it.
I kept my distance from the vase; it was safe, but I crashed hard on the floor. "Ow!" I groaned in pain.
He walked away without giving me a hand, leaving me alone on the floor. My body felt a little sore, but I didn't get any severe injuries. I sat up carefully, ignoring the ache.
King Lucien immediately called me as I returned downstairs.
The King told his two royal guards, "You can go now." They exited with their heads lowered. "Gemma, have a seat."
I'm having trouble paying attention to what King Lucien is saying. I could feel pain in every part of my body.
"Are you all right, Gemma?"
"Huh?" I came to my senses. "Y- yes, Your Majesty."
"Is there something bothering you?" he queried. "Don't worry, if it's all about Edward, I'll take care of it."
"So, I assume you don't know who I am because if you do, you'll be sorry you uttered those things to me." He gripped my arm once more, and this time it was much tighter as if I couldn't breathe. 
"You're hurting me."
"Don't annoy me, thief!" He shoved me into the old vase. I knew I was going to hit the vase, but I attempted to avoid it and not damage it.
"Gemma, I spotted two students chasing you earlier as you were sprinting down the street." I had nearly forgotten about it, but His Majesty brought it up, and now I'm worried again.
"Oh, because-- King Lucien--"
"Take your hands off of me!" I didn't finish what I was about to say because four royal guards walked in with the man who had shoved me earlier, and they were holding him in his hand. What is he up to...? So maybe my assumption is correct; he's the thief and accuses me so that he wouldn't get caught, but he's unfortunate because he did get caught.
I giggled secretly. Good for you, thief! I thought to myself
"Let me guess," As he reclines in his chair, His Majesty folds his arms across his chest. "Are you trying to sneak out again?" The four bodyguards did nothing except nod. "Increase the security level to ensure he cannot escape the palace."
"That's pointless because no matter how many times you attempt to increase the security, I'll still be able to get out of here." The guy smirked as though he didn't mind chatting to the king.
"I know you're clever, but you're my son. I taught you all you know, " His Majesty smirked up at him.
Son? Wait a second. D-Do I hear correctly? Tell me it's not real, tell me it's not true ... if he's a member of the royal family, what have I done? You fool, you don't think. You insulted the prince, Gemma; he was a prince, and I even labeled him a crook. It's a total mess.
Out of embarrassment, I glanced down.
"Let him go," His Majesty says.
"Hey! Thief!" he pointed his finger at me "So, I assume you already know who I am. You try calling your prince a robber. Do you realize I have the authority to imprison you as a consequence of what you said?"
"I-I-I--" I got out of my seat. In an effort to atone for my words, I bowed repeatedly. "Please forgive me, Your Royal Highness Prince. I realize it is wrong to label you a thief. However, it is also wrong to accuse someone without evidence."
We both came to a halt as we heard His Majesty chuckle loudly. "I'm glad I brought Gemma here with me," The king arose from his chair. "Gemma meets my younger son, Prince Augustus Cynfael Clemente, and Augustus meets Gemma; she will be your personal maid."
"What?" We were both taken aback by what His Majesty stated.
Prince Augustus gasped in surprise. "Are you kidding me? Personal maid?"
"Do you want to go out and return to Borstal International School? I'll let you. However, only if Gemma is around you, she'll tell me everything you do, who's with you, and why you constantly run away."
I'm not sure what the king is saying. I don't recall saying anything about being the prince's maid.
"This is fucking messed up. You want that girl to snoop on me, that dumb bitch!" Prince Augustus yells pointing straight at me.
"Watch your mouth, young man," His Majesty warned but still looks calm. "You decide whether you want to return to Borstal."
"You're making me hate you even more!" His Highness Prince Augustus said as he slammed the door shut.
Seriously, I don't know there is such a prince. I mean, the prince should not be arrogant. He should be respectful, mainly because he's talking to the king.

Komentar Buku (42)

  • avatar
    Jaimie Kim Cortez

    nice story,kelan po next chapter??


  • avatar

    Nice story


  • avatar
    Dens Salcedo

    nice 👍


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