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Bab 2 False Accusation

The bell rang loudly, indicating the end of the class. As soon as the bell rang, the class was on their feet and out of the door. I adjusted my uniform, then swept the backpack up and trotted to the locker room. Another door led me to a locker room with mirrors along two walls.
Exhausted, Mishelley enters the room after me. "Hey, madam president, I've been calling you a few times," she said as she crossed her arms.
"Sorry for not hearing you."
"Have you been thinking about your papa?"
"Yeah, "I replied, slouching against my locker. "I'm wondering what will happen to papa, to us. Now everybody was accusing him of something he didn't even do."
She let out a sigh. "I'm sorry, Gemma, that I can't even help you." Mishelley leaned against my shoulder.
I patted her on the forehead. "Bonkers! Cheering me on was more than enough, even if your jokes are sometimes lame." I chuckled. "But, Mishelley, thank you so much for continuing to believe Papa's innocence and for not chasing me away."
"No way! I'd never do that to you, especially now when your family is facing a big issue. Just please do not forget to get my favorite dumpling for me." She withdrew her head and grinned as she shook her head like an insane person.
Mishelley Alvez, I have known her since my first year of high school. We weren't close; we were in a different group of friends. In the second year, in our class, she and I were the only former classmates. We don't know anyone but each other; that's how our friendship began. It's like fate that every year we are in the same class. Also, she's the reason why I was nominated as Amarillo's School President. Since grade school, it has been my ambition to be part of the school board but not presiding over it. I don't dare nominate myself because I'm not so bold when it comes to such a thing. I have only spoken to anybody if they are my friend, but I can endure reporting around others. My embarrassment progressively went from when I met Mishe until I became the president of Amarillo's school.
"How come you always ask me to continue ordering those dumplings? Your mom is one of the talented chefs, so I'm certain she can cook tastier dumplings.”
"Nah, I told her once to cook it for me, but she said she doesn't know how. I don't know whether she truly doesn't know." She halted. "All right, let's go, or our discussion will get dramatic."
We messed up each other's hair, things we used to do before we parted up and got into the car. "See ya, Barney!" She waved her hand in the air.
"Bonkers!" I smirked before I got into the car.
I took my phone in the bag to check my social media account on the way back home, but I recalled deactivating my account temporarily. I am obviously doing it because of the big issue with my father; there have been many negative comments about him, and some have even threatened us. I was terrified, not for myself, but for Allerick and Blythe, who were too young for this nightmare. If only he were here, if he hadn't abandoned us, I wouldn't be so anxious.
"Gemma?" I've come to my senses when Mr. Aron calls me by my name. "You look like you are out of your mind and floating away," he said, teasingly grinning.
I chuckled silently. "Mr. Aron, can I ask you something? Why are you still working with us despite all the issues about Papa? Yaya Elisa, ate Olivia, and Kuya Toper; they all left when they heard about Papa."
"Unlike them, I was with your father for a long period. Your dad provided me with a better life and the things which he possesses." He took a pause. "If people... only saw in your father the sin he didn't do, I've seen how kind he is to you, to others he doesn't know well, even hold himself responsible for others. He made mistakes, but he accepted responsibility and took corrective action. Edward worked extremely hard to establish the firm and give you everything that you have now. He devoted his blood, sweat, and tears to get everything, not because he was a fraudster."
Mr. Aron's words affected me; it seems like the vitality that has been lost in my body is returning to me. Not everyone, like Mr. Aron, believes in the false allegation. "You are the best, Mr. Aron." I cracked a grin.
We hadn't even arrived home when I felt something weird like something was awry. Mr. Aron and I noticed the reporters stepping off the vehicles as we got closer to the gate. The crowd swelled. I stepped out of the car because I had a strange feeling about what was going on.
"Gemma, don't..."
"It's okay, Mr. Aron; I just need to know something," I replied as I went into the crowd. I also gathered with the crowd to get through the gate. Mr. Dan, the town's security guy, was there. I approached him so that I can enter. "Kuya Dan!"
"Gemma!" Kuya Dan unlocks the gate. "Finally, you've arrived. These people came out of nowhere,” he said, unsure of what to do.
"How did they get in here?" I queried, becoming anxious.
"Um... c-cause Gemma, the cops are here to arrest your father," he stuttered.
"What do you mean? W-why would they arrest Papa?"
Edward Mendoza was charged with stealing over a billion in total from hundreds of employees. The connection between Edward Mendoza and his stockholders is being investigated.
I took off as fast as I could. Nothing else is on my mind but stopping the cops from taking him and finding a way to prove his innocence. I kept running till I arrived. The two cops gripped papa's shoulder as they pushed him into the police vehicle. "No!" I screamed, gasping for air.
They all halted. All of the cops' attention was focused on me.
"Don't take Papa, please..." A tear was forming, but I wouldn't let it fall. I wanted to prove to everyone that I was strong, but I could no longer keep the tears from pouring, so I pressed my fingers and palms together to beg. "Please, please, please don't take my father away from us."
"Stone." I ran up to him and threw my arms around him. "Hey, don't cry. Everything is fine; this will soon be over. But now, while I'm gone, I'd like you to look after your mother, Allerick and Blythe. Can you do that?"
I shook my head. "I can’t…"
"I'm sorry, Stone, please keep an eye on them," Papa murmured, running his finger over my hair.
"No, no, papa, don't go!" I burst out crying. "NO, DON'T GO, I DON'T WANT YOU TO GO!"
Papa gently let go of me before finally getting inside the car, kissing me on the forehead with his tears... I could feel it pouring on my brow. "I love you, Stone. Papa will always love you," he murmured.
"Papa, papa, PAPA!" I called out over and over as my tears continued to pour. All I did was stare at the police car as it moves away. "He is not a thief, and he did nothing wrong."
Mama approached me and clasped me in her arms. Mama's sorrow was palpable as she clutched me, just like Papa's. Mama wanted to be strong, so she wouldn't let us see her weeping. "Don't fret. Mama will figure out some way to get your papa out of jail.
When Mama and I turned back, Allerick was standing at the door. "Hey." Mama had Allerick in her arms. "Why aren't you asleep yet?"
Allerick shook his head. "I went down when I started hearing sounds outside, and then I saw Gemma weeping, and then you held her. Is something going on? And where is Papa?" he asked, looking around. "Why isn't he here? Papa was just in the room earlier saying his sorry. "
I pressed my hands to his chubby cheeks. He had a bunch of questions for a boy his age. "Powerful, Allerick, king of all," I said as if I were in a play.
Whenever I poked him in the underarm, he burst out laughing and giggled even more. Allerick's eyes grow as he laughs, and it almost hurts my stomach.
"S-stop, please... d-don't tease me," Allerick burst out laughing so hard that his stomach almost hurt.
"All right, that's enough. It's time to go to bed again. What is it that Mama keeps saying? Children should go to bed on time to grow up..."
"Quickly," Allerick added.
When he's acting just like that, I can't help but pinch his cheeks. Before Mama carry him into his room, he kissed both of my eyes. I know, it's strange. Allerick is used to kissing me in the eye. He didn't want to kiss me on the lips or even on the cheek.
"Night, big eyes," I murmured.
The following day, loud noise coming from downstairs awakened me. I didn't bother washing my face or using mouthwash. As I walked down, I noticed men collecting our stuff. "What's happening?" I said, unsure of what was going on.
"We need to get out of here, Gemma. The firm... owes a huge amount of money to the bank, and your father mentioned nothing about it. I thought there would be something left for us, but there wasn't. There isn't a single thing in this house. The bank seized everything." Mama said as she placed our photo frames in the box. "Instead of just standing there, why don't you help me pack all of this?"
We were in so much agony due to their false accusations against my father that even my mother and siblings were suffering. I want to end all of this. However, I'm still not sure how because I need to prove that Papa isn't engaged in taking the company's money first. To do so, I'll need a piece of solid evidence that proves his innocence or a more vital partner. But it is impossible because all of Papa's friends, investors, and stockholders abandoned him, resulting in Papa's imprisonment.

Komentar Buku (42)

  • avatar
    Jaimie Kim Cortez

    nice story,kelan po next chapter??


  • avatar

    Nice story


  • avatar
    Dens Salcedo

    nice 👍


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